It's a "turn off your brain" movie

>it's a "turn off your brain" movie
>it's a "dude smoke weed before you watch it" movie

>he sits and watches tv and movies sober






>he thinks drugs will give him a better understanding of the movie
Ewf, good luck explaining your sawdust-tier analysis to anyone who doesn't eat cereal after breakfast.

Weed is great to watch movies with
>mfw smoked 3 bowls and then watched Hacksaw Ridge in VR with turtlebeach headset

>he thinks sawdust should go in cereal

>he thinks his cereal DOESN'T come with sawdust
Heh, take a guess what's at the very bottom of that bag of rice krispies, kid, hope you've got a strong stomach




whats wrong with eating cereal after breakfast asshole?


It might be because I have a serious drinking problem and might need help, but I can't watch a movie with heavily drinking beforehand so I can focus on the movie.
Sober and I get bored and do something else.

Smoking weed makes me pay more attention to the quality of a film, not less. So your premise is stupid.

Cereal scientist here. You are an idiot if you think there is sawdust in your rice crispies.

how do i turn off my brian?

Seth I know its you, gas yourself.

>its an OP has no friends or offline social life episode so he's bitter episode

my favorite.

I usually don't smoke weed the first time i see a film but I will the second time with my friends. It's pretty good to smoke weed I personally go more in depth in thought and how I perceive the film. I don't really mind smoking weed and watching film it's a great experience, it all depends on the person.

Watching movies is hard. It might take me all day, pausing it to check Sup Forums. Getting up to walk around when something uncomfortable is happening. I haven't just sat down and watched a movie in ages

It's such a stupid argument that I honestly cannot sincerely accept that these people have smoked weed and watched a movie.

Your brain is flooded with chemicals, it makes the experience magical. That's literally the point of drugs.

Oh yeah, well then what uni is your masters of cereal science from?

This. If I don't bring booze I spend the whole time thinking about drinking instead.