You need to lose 150 pounds by next week or you're going to die

You need to lose 150 pounds by next week or you're going to die.

Are you threatening me?

i will not sign your death certificate


...Master Doctor?

No problem, I've been sticking to the diet.

*orders a pizza*

>150 pounds
Best I can do is 80



episode where they get scott steiner to yell at fatties all day when?

Reminder that fat dude with the swollen legs who pulled his hair out browses Sup Forums and uses memes like "praise kek" on youtube

as if that surprises anyone, he pretty much is symbolic of Sup Forums or Sup Forums

You mean /r9k/

>"praise kek" on youtube
Post the video

Im going to need you to lose 50 pound to stay on my aircraft

he had 2 channels one of them is deleted

>Tfw 6'0 and only 148 pounds


Daily reminder that Steven is Sup Forums and Justin is reddit.

Nigger you're fat as fuck. 6' 120lbs here.

>Childhood is idolizing Justin
>Adulthood is realizing that Steven make more sense


It's weird seeing commercials for that.

I thought Steiner was in jail for killing Ms.Liz by giving her drugs that were way out of her tolerance levels.

If I lost 150 pounds I would be a skeleton with a few organs, how the fuck do you weigh so much that 150 pounds is a reasonable amount to lose?

I believe that was Lex Luger

>mfw I only weigh 130 lbs and I'm 6 foot 3

6' 99lbs here you fatsos.

>Being heavier than air
Hydrogen dope or die landwhales

But Doc, I got this 150 word essay due by next month.

That's still dangerously fat, lose 25lbs by Tuesday 7pm (pst) or you might die.

>TFW 6' and 180lbs down from 340lbs

Stop being fat

Dude, eat a sandwich. Eat like 12 of them.

I could try
I don't eat enough I'll admit

But it's because I don't have enough money and or time to eat more then I do

>Reminder that fat dude with the swollen legs who pulled his hair out browses Sup Forums

This isn't suprising at all desu


>tfw you have to sign their death certificate

>"I need you to lose 60 lbs by your next visit"
>gains 80 lbs

Does anyone else start keking at the first sight of these threads in the catalog?

hes basically the tendies meme IRL so no that doesnt surprise me

Who skinnyfat plateau here?

Can we start discussiong episodes other than Steven and James K?

I'm watching Brandi and Kandi. Twins who weigh 600 lbs each. They eat so much fast food.

But I'm only 160 pounds.

How do you resist the urge to just put that blob out of its misery

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what show is this?
