The Justice League at CinemaCon

The Justice League at CinemaCon

jack those pants up higher, ezra

The only one without a smile is poor Ben :(

borg seems like he would play a good cyborg if he played it like in the cartoon instead of dark grim borg


Those are some big buys.

I don't care how attractive he is, that Aquaman faggot dresses like a complete retard.

Ben is literally living the life of Bruce Wayne

He had a smile later on

>Momoa: Fuck this movie shit is easy bruh.
>Miller: They're all jealous of my cheekbones. I'm obviously the most attractive one here. I think that cameraman wants to fuck me.
>Ben: These lights are too bright. These fags are touching me. I wish I had a drink.
>Literally who: Gosh guys, I'm just go glad to be here! I can't believe I'm a Hollywood star!
>Caville: Whatever. I'm in this movie for like 10 seconds

Where is Gal Gadot? Did she not find room to park her invisible jet?

Hide his lower face so you can only see his eyes
Dead and cold

He is back with his kids and wife so all has worked out for him.

Sadly the same for Brendan Fraser wont happen :(

>That big guy body shape
Is Affleck trying to get himself as big as Dark Knight Returns Batman?

Gadot is birth birth process


Can he get these facial aesthetics back? Is it possible?

>those needlemarks on his hands

Damn I didnt notice. I take it they did that to him in rehab?


Or maybe he was just getting some kind of blood test or something unrelated to the addiction problem

He has obviously gone to conventions before.

Where is Dwayne?

Threesome when?

Ezra's jaw is unreal. I think he might have the most aesthetic face of any man I've seen. What the fuck? Why would you waste that on being a fag?

Wheres the Boss?

Y-you're not part of our crew Joss.

Ezra is cute. CUTE!!!!

My god, look at Henry's ass.

>Cavill's hair

bold manlet technique. Usually they stand on their tiptoes. I've never seen one actually pull himself up using the shoulders of normal sized men.

Ben looks so much better here, holy shit.

Ezra is 6'

Cyborg is 6'4"
Ben is 6'3"
Momoa is 6'4"
Henry is 6'1"

like THIS?

I said manlet, didn't I?


God damn, Momoa is a fucking beast of a man.

he could rock a Danny DeVito and still look better than you
Cavill's bae, you're a permavirgin manlet loser online talking about hair whilst he's drowning in pussy lmao

the only one actually smiling is Cyborg. Christ what does DC do to their actors.

Ezra needs some damn foundation, everyone there is big guys, even his cousin is a big guy


Men don't smile.

I wonder why he hasn't done anything about it. Maybe DC is okay with a balding Superman. Or maybe they'll CGI it over.