Can we start a Seth Macfarlane/Family guy hate thread

Can we start a Seth Macfarlane/Family guy hate thread.

This thread reminds me of that time I saw otters smoking at a bar while watching Game of Thrones
>CUT TO: Otters smoking at a bar while watching Game of Thrones

Doesn't he have the most punchable face?

What's the joke.
(I actually know what you mean, just playing along)

I don't speak english, can you explain why that phrase doesn't end with a question mark?

I know, i swear it would be impossible to not kill him while he talks about his liberal anti-religious opinions and states them as facts.

American Dad > Family Trash > The Trash show > Bob's Trash
King of the Hill = American Dad

The Cleveland show is really fucking bad, don't know how that show stayed on the air for 4 years.


Bobs Burgers is kino. You take that back, user.

The Simpsons S1-9> King of the Hill>American Dad S1-11>Bob's Burger>Family Guy S1-4

All else is trash TO BE QUITE HONEST

heres a you kiddo

bobs burgers is a great show, everyone knows this.

there you got some attention now

He made his money, quality doesn't matter as long as networks gets advertiser money.
If you didn't stop watching family guy around age 18-22 you're a manchild. Same with all this animated crap and capeshit.

If he was on that plane, it wouldn’t have went down like it did.

Was he not anti-PC at the start of Family Guy? What happened?

It's like there was something put in the water about 10 years and now everyone is gay

88 fucking episodes.

i'm a tremendous David Lynch fan and it boggles me that he thought to get involved with that by voicing the bartender.

cleveland show is pleb filter some of those eps are fucking gold dont care what people say.

Macfarlane was always a homo

"No straight guy writes that many show tunes"

Bob's Burgers is comfy kino

Are you serious user.

t. antwon fandango

Simpsons was never good. it was always pop culture meme references and guest stars.
BB is so bad, it's irredeemably uninteresting.
it's a down to earth animated sitcom like KotH, but without the wit or charm
just YELLING LITTLE BOY, degenerate little girl, awkward teen girl, slutty dumb wife too hot for her ugly husband, and ugly dumb husband who just gets angry and never does anything else

BB is trash. how it's still on the air boggles my mind

I like him

>like KotH
there you go retard I thought you were a complete pleb but it seems you do have a little going on up there.

bobs burgers is literally oozing with wit and charm

there isnt a character on the show that isnt charming

suck my big white cock

>dumb son
>dumb wife
>dumb niece
>husband who just gets angry and never does anything else
>KoTH is trash. how it's still on the air boggles my mind

>he thinks he doesnt like Bobs Burgers

HAHAHAHAHA oh cringe.

I genuinely feel bad for you.

>tfw they won't stop playing it and other macfarlane trash on adult swim

He's alright. American Dad is great, Johnny Bravo was good too. He just needs to stop smelling his own farts.

Still sick of how they keep playing The Cleveland show, like when will they fucking stop.

>bobs burgers is literally oozing with wit and charm
it's not even as good as frisky dingo or even archer, early archer when it was really bad.
KotH is literally the best animated sitcom.
BB is awful. TCS is better background noise than it.


*drops mike*

but the jewish people pushed Christianity. what happened to the jewish people in that timeline?


I agree with you but.. I like bob's burgers

Wow... another one of these threads, huh pol?

Shit MacFarlane can't even make his propaganda funny

>anyone who insults Family Guy is alt right

the left and right have lots of shills bought to push either side. realize its all about a divide and conquer paradigm being pushed