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>49 fresh
>49 rotten



It's still at 50%


I think this is the movie that genuinely deserves a 50%

>Photoshopping all the numbers
>Ignoring the actual meter
>Ignoring the consensus
Try again. The meter still shows 50% and the consensus says it's lackluster.

>semi-positive consensus
>rotten score

Fuck RT certified reviewers.

Not photoshop you spastics.
>what is editing html and screenshotting it

>Get Out
>it's a race baiting movie that's not even well done

Really makes you think about racist movie critics

so they're like some sort of hacker?

Especially the ending, fucking narration. It was almost as bad as that horrible movie where johanson becomes god because stem cell baby juice made her brain go into god mode because "humans don't use 100% of the brain".
She can't act much, she can just do a serious face and have a nice ass. You could see her trying to move stiffly as a gimmick for the character.

>ScarJo's performance is """Kubrickian"""

Fuck critics.

If he's just editing html, it just makes it sloppier.
At least Photoshop takes some iota of know-how. My friends and I were editing html back in middleschool.


Official USGits Theme

The girl from Legion is super qt...too bad her character is shit, just like the shit-tier blond Rogue clone.

As in dead for a couple of decades?

How is it sloppier? It's easier. Photoshop is unnecessary in this case.


Sloppier in the sense that the giveaways that it's fake are easier to change. It's easier to forgive someone using Photoshop because in html it would literally take two clicks to change a paragraph


>it's a rotten tomatoes writes the critics consensus before all the negative reviews are in episode

I'm u now

Now it's at 49%.

what's up with you guys stop posting photoshops

More like scarlet jofatson

It's almost like Hollywood cashins on famous source material are fated to end up unwieldy and mediocre.

You browse here too? Cool. I thought you normally stuck to /d/.

alright I'm just curious
Anyone else who saw it

Before the film started there were two fullscreen credits for Chinese companies, which I thought were the production companies, but I literally can't find any information about them.

Anyone remember the names?

Ghost in the Shell soundtrack
Official music video "JUST":

this has to stop

as in staring at a wall




>66% liked it
This is pretty much the score.

It's a good movie, not GREAT but good. Doesn't deserve a 40% though because the director with this one actually TRIED to make a good movie.

>it doesn't deserve negative criticism because the director tried
Sorry but that isn't how art works

Ghost in the Shell is a million times better than shitty BvS though


Wew. I was worried for a minute there.

Almost thought we were going to have a Keit-Ai movie down the line or something.


I'd say Sup Forums is my main board.

except it isn't. The movie wants to be judged as a different spin-off like all the other GiTS movies but wants to use the same shots as in the 95 anime. I'm sorry sweetie, it is shit.

I'm actually glad that SJW are tanking this movie over the Asian casting controversy because this movie does deserve to fail for butchering the philosophical aspects of the original in favour of a cookie-cutter hollywood revenge story. Ironically if they did cast an Asian for the role of Motoko the critics would have happily glossed over the fact this movie is just a lazy and lacklustre exploration of the theme of existentialism found in the 1995 movie and probably praised it highly for its casting and special effects

>compelling performance from Scarlet Johansson

Why do critics always do this?

She finally got a role that befits her wooden acting talents. And yet she still fucked it up. How does ScarJo do it?

she looks fat in that poster.