I know it's not likely that many people will pay attention but for the few who do:
I know it's not likely that many people will pay attention but for the few who do:
Post all the graphic images.
Maybe French police instead of doing that should kill illegal mudshits and terrorists in their country?
***because it might shift the tide of public opinion against Islamic terror attacks
Woah look at these cool kids. I bet you mom lets you stay up to 11 o'clock!
Why not both?
It's customary in modern civilization to not shit on the dead. That's why we're better than mudshits.
The French police have become too soft. They should do what Italy did and hire the chinks to police
>Bouhlel mounted the pavement, mowing down groups at 40mph, before reportedly jumping out of the truck and opening fire as he shouted “Allahu Akbar” – God is greatest.
All people who vote these spineless idiots into power like Hollande, Merkel and Obama should look at these pictures and feel part resposible for their deaths.
Of course the French government doesn't want the people to see what it has caused.
What if the driver was just playing Pokemon Go, focusing on catching a Raichu that just so happened to escape into the crowd? Police might've killed an innocent man.
Really makes you think...
shut the fuck up and start killing the fucking sandniggers.
I don't think anyone on this board shits on dead people. Just mocking corrupted society, weak goverment and general decline of western countries.
Maybe if more people would see this this in mass media less of them would support importing foreigners into their country.
go back to redit faggot
Posting the bloodied corpses of the innocent dead to suit your own needs is shitting on them.
It's ludicrously disrespectful and downright edgy as fuck.
I've been here longer than you and I've seen more than you. It's not that I'm being a sensitive flower it's that I'm showing respect for the dead like a human being should.
People must see the consequences of suicidal multiculturalism.
Do you think any multiculti faggots are seeing any other this?
They all retreat to their echo chambers on twitter and tumblr any time something like this happens.
You're not some hero for being a disrespectful shit.
They are already attempting to airbrush the work of muslims from the record.
Do not let them.
Wide shot
The left uses pictures of dead kids and people all the time for their propaganda. This is just fighting fire with fire.
Muzzies laughing
Then we force them to see it. Shove their noses in it.
Figures that Sup Forums gets so angry about this, but has no actual respect for the victims. Stay scummy, Sup Forums
>The left uses pictures of dead kids and people all the time for their propaganda.
I have never seen a better reason NOT to do something.
Are you fucking retarded?
White people BTFO
More of the American kid killed
Holy war when?
Lmao this fucking feel-good bait
Kill yourself
Why the fuck would you not want to burn these images into to their psyches to get them off their arses and in to the streets.
Here I'll make your shitty statement at least honest
>French politicians have put pressure on French police to urge people to refrain from showing the horrific barbarity the savages commit in a thinly veiled attempt to downplay the public outrage
Reality. No safe zone.
Wouldn't seeing the pictures help you want to stop the atrocity? This is society, right? Why are you hiding from it? Those dead people don't give a fuck, they're dead, moved on, gone, they aren't keeping tabs on the videos of themselves. Grow up. If you don't want to see the atrocities, do something to PREVENT them, do not HIDE them.
Just accept that you're a little bitch with a weak stomach. This is propaganda war. You go find yourself a safe space and cry.
Heart wrenching when they start putting out the faces. You couldn't find more innocent looking people. A dad and his son, baseball fans. Damn.
shit, that's fucked up
The victims are already dead. There's nothing we can do about it.
Fuck your "respect". We spend all our days hiding behind blurs and censorship. Almost to the point where large portions of our population are insulated in their own fucking bubble of false-reality.
It is time that they have their noses shoved in shit. They should see this for themselves. Nothing else will convince them outside of it happening to their own loved ones it seems. Might as well try.
But you can take your so-called "respect" and jump off of a cliff.
>feel-good bait
The fuck are you even talking about?
see I'm sure you're totally right, Mr Tinfoil.
It has nothing at all to do with basic respect for the dead.
Seriously, do you people have any fucking morals at all?
Completely irrelevant.
Using the innocent dead as a political prop is the kind of disgusting bullshit the left does. I would like to think Sup Forums is above that but you edgelords are really intent on proving me wrong.
piece of shits deserve every bit of it
in my country, if any muslim dare do anything like that, there wil be mass massacre, just like what we did with those christian
Why aren't there more pictures in this thread?
What happened to pupper?
Silly shill, nothing I said was about muh ebin conspiracy. Try harder
She's not dead. She's just cosplaying as an energy bar.
>Fuck your "respect"
At least you're honest about the fact that you're a subhuman with no place in respectful society.
And you're a south asian gook so your subhuman-ness goes without saying but thanks for the added image as proof.
Dinner was served.
>denies tinfoil
>literally the nest word is "shill"
A what, exactly, am I shilling for Mr Tinfoi if not a vague conspiracy of some sortl?
Where were your morals and decency about picture related? Leftist scum cherry picking this fucking hard
>really intent on proving me wrong
You have yet to prove yourself right, dipshit. Respect for their death would be shown through avenging them, not covering them up. Make it be know that children die, show them the pictures that prove it.
Simple. Reality.
>respect for the victims' families
The only way to demonstrate respect to the victims or to their families is by bloody revenge. For every White man, woman or child killed, we must kill one, ten, and one-hundred of the Saracen devils. But why stop there?
>please don't remind people it's Islam
artist rendition
|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
In the exact same place.
I called them fucking scum too.
There is nothing mutually exclusive about respecting the dead and avenging them.
You can raze muslims from the earth without shitting on your own dead.
People know what happened and who did it without the images of bloodied corpses and morally corrupt liberal tactics.
Fucking this that kid was on all our newspapers front pages here withthe text 'this is the picture that should change europe'.
When the bataclan massacare happened the should have had the same caption with the picture of the theatre, but no muh respect, muh religion of peace. Fuck all these hypocrites and spineless leaders letting this happen.
That list is as good a starting point as any other.
Sure you bud, whatever helps you sleep at night knowing there's an ever increasing amount of blood on your hands
See And quit strawmanning me.
Not everything is as simple as you mind.
Some people hate a behavior rather than people who just wear the other team's colors.
Using the dead as a political prop is a disgusting behavior and I wish a painful death followed by the broadcast of their mutilated corpse to anyone who says otherwise.
I don't know what you think I am but chances are I hate muslims more than you do.
As I just said and you seemingly ignored:
>There is nothing mutually exclusive about respecting the dead and avenging them.
>You can raze muslims from the earth without shitting on your own dead.
Tell me what your problem is with those two statements.
>People know what happened
No, they don't. They won't know unless they are there, or the closest you can get. From where I stand and where others would 100 to 1000 miles away, they are nothing.
Just a number. And with the media, that is all they will be as they are swept under the rug. Your definition of "human" is but another cliche.
"Just be touchy about things and give our enemies time to hid everything."
Then no-one remembers. I would rather that people like you left our society. From where I stand you are less fit than I. They must be reminded. And reminded often. Lest our own homes and families fall before this rotten tide.
You can't solve the problem by killing muslims. You have to kill your leftists first. Journalists, politicians, businessmen, globalists, jews many of them.
It's not about respect, people have to see the victims of islam with their own eyes to realize that something is wrong. They should force everyone who posts on twitter or other social to see some photos of the bodies, otherwise they will just continue their "not all muslims" shit because they won't feel involved and won't care
Why do you find it necessary to shit on your own dead in order to remind yourself of your enemies?
why are they all wrapped in aluminium foil lads
post that one twitter link where it shows a shit ton of dead people.
to preserve body heat for reanimation
Newfag libertarians like you need to lurk more and post less
To keep em warm
I don't think it matters whether we post them on Sup Forums though
It's not shitting on our own dead, people have to know what happened and no they don't know what happened by reading an article. They have to see as many videos as possible and see as many dead people as possible. They should also know what policies caused all this but that's probably too much to ask for so for now it's just enough that they realize what Islam does to people
You're on Sup Forums, newfriend.
ITT: r/ing pics of dead victims
Keep it comin'.
The kraut is right. In the end, if all those who are in control of the "declared narrative" are not removed, then we will be overrun.
In the mean time, the tide must be slowed down.
So simple minded. People must be roused to action. Show them what could happen to one who could've been their own child. You don't do it by giving them statistics and sweeping it under the rug.
You show them reality. Americans are too coddled. I have always thought that we need a war state-side, so that the blood-soaked carnage could seep into the minds of all.
Putting the crimes of your enemies on display is more powerful than listing numbers and condolences.
You are correct. They must be gathered and posted. Given light in other places. So that others may see.
>respect for the victims' families
Yeah, like how the left wing media in Europe respected the family of Aylan by not posting his picture...
No, these pictures should be on all front pages. Just like the pictures of Bataclan and Charlie Hebdo. But they won't be. Only pictures of dead Arab kids are allowed on front pages, because those are the only people we're allowed to feel sympathy for.
Wow it's a good thing you chimed in on the thread for that post.
What would we have done without your insight?
Also, what even made you think I was libertarian? It is because you don't like libertarians so you just made up your mind that I was on the team you don't like?
Honestly, probably not but still I like to think Sup Forums in particular would respect the dead what with the plethora of old world morality we see here.
Ow the edge.
>So simple minded. People must be roused to action.
Yet again........see
and you see You are all just repeating the same shitty arguments now. I'd respect you a lot more if you just admitted you're gore fetishists that don't give a shit about the dead rather than pretending it's for some higher cause that you dance on their still warm graves.
Shut it down!
Yes there is something mutually exclusive. It's getting off your ass and putting karma to good use. You can legitimately do nothing for anyone but yourself hiding behind a computer screen. This automatically discredits you as it shows your willing to do nothing more than stroke your ego. You harbor 0 respect from or for the living or the dead because you have yet to see how these things have nothing to do with your personal feels. Wake up to it.
Shill those twitter accounts.
I'll buy a phone card later since it keeps asking me for it and then I'll help.
Give em memes anons. Give em truckloads of memes noone is gonna arrest you for that.
I don't care about you, your opinion or yours or anyone elses feelings, i want people to face what they helped create with their naïvity.
You strike me as a newfag basic bitch libertarian, you think "oh come on fellas, we can't sink down to their level!"
You're a faggot. You need to lurk more. Seriously, stop embarrassing yourself.
it's a jewish revenge for the ovens and stuff
>Yes there is something mutually exclusive
I sincerely doubt you know what "mutually exclusive" means.
> It's getting off your ass and putting karma to good use.
What about images of the dead enables you to get off your ass that otherwise wouldn't? The original crusaders that some of you idolize so much didn't that luxury. Could it be that knowledge of their barbarism alone is enough to hate them?
And the rest is just the ramblings of s schizophrenic hobo.
They are facing it. It already fucking happened. You shitting on the dead doesn't force them to acknowledge anything it's just you fetishisizing gore.
Wrong on all accounts and the fact that you unironically used "basic bitch" makes me think you're more guilty of all of those things than I am by a long shot.
Its not "out of respect for the victims families," its "to make sure the backlash against Islam is minimal."
>but we urge you to share this photo of a dead Syrian child washed up on a beach