"does anyone have any orange slices?"

>"does anyone have any orange slices?"

I never understood this line from Marvel's Captain America: Civil War. Why did he need orange slices?

and why did my whole theater laugh when he said he needed orange slices?

He was told to improv some shit and they kept the worst one.


orange slices are what runners eat when they are exhausted, something about them is good for recovery

so the joke has no context or purpose? Weird that my whole theater found it hysterical

Orange slices are put in Granny's peach tea to hide the fact it smells like piss




stop this

that's it? some running reference?

what's the punchline here

>Weird that an audience who'll clap when Stan Lee makes a surprise 37th cameo would laugh at a shit joke

You never played soccer as a kid?

One of the parents would always have a couple big tupperwares full of orange slices that the kids would eat during halftime.

Why didn't he say does anyone have any bandaids?

Test audiences didn't understand Paul's initial improv of "could I get a printout of oyster smiling"

Haha, its like what I used to get at half time during my popular weekend sports match as a kid.

I can relate to the character because we would be tired and banged up and orange slices were supposed to help.

Thank you hollywood for making me feel a little bit like a superhero! Ill be sure to pay and watch future installments for similar relatable quips

The "spaghetti with Rudd sauce" felt a bit too masturbatory.

>Never played sports as a kid

>tfw im 23 years old and my mother still gets me orange silces after a wrestling match or football game
feels comfy man

Are you autistic? He's tired from fighting, tired people have orange slices, that's all there is to it.

sorry op that was a white american joke for white americans.

I didnt get it either because although I have majority European DNA I was social labeled as black and thus did not experience white americana circa 1980-2000



>"does anyone have any orange slices?"

I guess to bit down as a distraction from pain

fuck off João

Oh, I get it! This thread was made to mock a Marvel movie.
DCcucks will argue they are not sad small people after this.

No we didnt bring our mommies when we played """""soccer"""""like a bunch of ameribabies

It's a reference to the Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman murders.
Orange = OJ
Slice = how OJ sliced them with a knife

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What does the 'orange slices' joke from Civil War mean?

Antman asks after the airport fight, "Does anyone have any orange slices?". This joke makes no sense to me lmao
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After soccer games for little kids, the parents will give their child snacks and one of the most popular choices were orange slices. Scott was really exhausted and was probably hungry.


This isn't speculation, too, since localized versions change it to some other kind of energy-giving food.

Scott's joke is "I'm exhausted like a little kid (who has been playing with the big kids)".


Like how Cap's notebook changes.


Some parents bring/pack orange slices for the kids to snack on after playing sports, it's very refreshing
Captain America (Ultron)


When doing stressful exercises, it drains the body, sucking on orange slices replenishes it. He's referring to the fact that going giant drained him and needed a pick me up.
The Wasp


I don't think its a joke per se more because him turning that size does alot to his body so idk it made him hungry lol


I think this joke was terrible most of the humour in cacw was good but this was terribly placed


Agreed, but it kind of does go with his character since he has a young kid that probably plays soccer and shit.
Loki (Avengers)


This line was too America centric? I mean yes the movie's Name is Captain America but still :p


I thought it was because he had a funny taste in his mouth and that would remove it or something idk

when did "tired people need orange slices" become a thing? Don't tired people drink coffee?

>And what falls...is fallen.
Now this really fired my neurons.

>small people

I'm a big guy tho

>Jonah I realize you're a bag of orange slices, but can I spend some time with your friends Clementine and Minneola?


He needs vitamin c to power his pym particles

Holy shit, that would actually have been a good line.
One word was all they had to change lol

"Orange Slices" is a racist term for Asian people. It's a reference to the first two letters to mean "Oriental Shits". It's like how cheese pizza is a codeword for child porn among pedo scum

Paul Rudd is racist and nobody noticed

This was depressing.

Fuck capeshit, man.

imo it would be more ironic if you compared that line to when Vision was talking about their causality of extraordinary incidents

>"does anyone have any tangerine slices?"

The "Marvel One-Shot" from the Ant-Man bluray set up his obsession with orange slices after Pym gave his daughter one

>the big fight in civil bore has the same amount of tension as a 8 yr old's soccer game

When will Zack return to place marvlel back in the trashcan it belongs?

Would you risk hepatitis for a taste of Pam's blood orange?

When I used to play sports at school we would get orange slices at break time

>But the deluxe DVD and BluRay Box Set to understand our shitty jokes!

>Its a Jordans mother brings the orange slices episode

celery man>>>>>>>>>ant man

She's cured now actually, So I'll just rawdog her.

Orange represents his inner struggle of having abandoned his past rogue identity to fight alongside major superheroes in an apocalyptic conflict

Slices represents his desire to return to his normal, uneventful existence

My mum used to bring cheese and smoked ham sandwiches cut into triangles with the crusts cut off.

She's better than Jordans mother.

it's not on the dvd just the 3d bluray, pleb

I hate the mcu and I love ant man.

Fuck you

Yes it did get a dvd release. Same as BvS (only theatrical cut).

According to wiki and googling, there is no antman oneshot.

So prove it exists faggot.

I hope you are still in touch with that angel of a woman user.

Orange slices are commonly handed out during marathons because they are a cheap snack that won't interfere with your run. Also they are't dry and extra sugar is nice.

ORAnge Slices

Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

it's a Pokemon reference

Everyone in my theatre fucking went apeshit like a bunch of trained seals at that line.


ofc where else would i get my cummies

How dumb are you OP? If you leave food on the ground in the summer, it will become covered with ants in no time. Especially food that's sticky and sweet. i.e., ORANGE SLICES

I never understood what kind of hat that is supposed to be

>Don't tired people drink coffee?

What kind of moron gets a cup of coffee after doing vigorous exercise? Stop posting when it's obvious you've never done a single workout in your entire life.

why didn't he just ask for an orange? Why did it have to be slices?

so only /fit/ boyz will understand marvel quips?

>I thought it was because he had a funny taste in his mouth and that would remove it or something idk


The Orange represents Ant-Man: The Movie

The Slices represents the editorial dispute with Edgar Wright.

why would a thief ask for orange slices? why didn't he just steal it? He's at an airport, they have fruit stands typically

Orange refers to Drumpf
Slice refers to how liberals want to cut him up

It's a joke that anyone who was ever put into sports as a kid gets, because after a good hustle or practice they always give you lots of orange slices

Orange represents the Orange Free State, an independent nation of Boers in modern South Africa

Slices represent the British aggression on their lands and the subsequent Boer Wars.

Paul Rudd is advocating for Boer independence

it was always halftime at football for me

we would always get ice cream after peewee football

traditionally thieves use the orange slices to melt through locks and safes THEY ARE ACIDIC and then they eat the evidence so they can say IT WAS ALREADY OPEN if they are caught in ant mans back story he has an orange addiction

deepest lore. DC can't even compete

>expecting fatfucks on Sup Forums to get this

Marvel is alienating its audience by referencing such obscure sporting rituals as major plotpoints

>white people things

what do you think this was dubbed as in the localization for countries where oranges aren't very common? Like Finland?

15 years ago when kids in america still moved soccer teams would have orange slices for kids at halftime

euro here in the EU dub it's changed to "korans to pray towards mecca with"

I'd actually forgotten about this practice. I always refused to eat them because I knew someone else must have touched the orange slices while they were being peeled.

so does this demonstrate ant-man is working on a time machine? is he from the future?

in the uk it was a quran to pray towards mecca or something

>does anyone have any GREAT FLAAAAAMING EYEBALLS

Doz any other git gots some fried squig?

go back to your Sup Forumsntainment board

Damn right.

does anyone have any Kulak wreckers?

It's a extremely shitty joke that most people simply won't understand.
Why they laughed is rather simple, that's what they are supposed to do and that's it.

Now that joke would make more sense if a character that runs fast (Flash, quicksilver, whatever) made because it's a reference to the fact that people that do marathons and other cardio-heavy sports commonly use orange slices mid-running by putting them in their mouths and drying the juice (Similar to what Locke did in the beginning of Lost) but even then the joke would be still obscure seeing as how nowadays most people just chug sport drinks or simply use glucose pills.

So, yeah, a shitty joke that pretty much no one understood but everyone laughed at because they knew it was supposed to be a joke and that was their cue to throw a laugh.

>after battle you get a nice black/white dramatic monologue
>you're not just left in the direct aftermath of what happened and regroup and others write the story for you to make it palpable

I saw you have a gold account and sent you a pm.

does anyone have any EXODIAAAAA

>eating orange slices after sport

Do Americans really do this?


Some jokes don't translate well.

Was a shitty movie anyway

Yeah, they drink cold energy drinks and oranges at halftime instead of piping hot cups of tea and digestives or a penguin.

Only kids do.

It's kind a tradition in recreational league sports that children from about 5 to 14 participate in, for a parent to bring orange slices or some other snack for the kids to eat during halftime or after the game.

It's a comfy tradition TBQH familia

>it's a 10/10 Sup Forums thread

but it got a 95% on Rotten Tomatoes

>B E E F J E R K E Y