Would you watch a movie dealing with 9/11?

would you watch a movie dealing with 9/11?

What if it turns out jet fuel can melt steel beams?

if the mudslimes made a movie like Pearl Harbor, but about 9/11, i would probably watch it, even though i hate islam

>two buildings collapsing
Sounds boring senpai

>when you're watching a 6/10 flick and it suddenly is a 9/11


I already have, twice.

That ending just makes most people laugh.

Islam had nothing to do with 9/11


Fringe did it best

they never seem to cover the termite bombs, these idiots think it was just the plane that brought them down lmao

I finished reading bleeding edge. And pynchon is a hack. I can't figure out if all his characters die midway through or he is just writing girly daydreams.

A well done 9/11 novel or movie would be nice.

>The day after 9/11
>A beam of light explodes from the rubble
>A omnipresent voice booms out: "Time to terrorize the terrorists"
>See this
>Man flies to Middle East and becomes a human nuke
>Destroys that black box mudslimes circle around
>Bush gets third term

Isn't there unironically a recent movie that randomly ended in 9/11 happening? It wasn't one of those circlejerk reenactments like Flight 93 either, it was seriously like a drama or something and randomly the main characters got 9/11ed and the credits started rolling

The aftermath would more interesting. 9/11 changed western society.

Why didn't they just climb/scale down the columns of the building?

No, just like how I'll never watch a movie dealing with slavery or the holocaust, it's instantly a dishonest film.


The """official""" story, the 'govt let it happen' conspiracy, or the 'govt plotted every detail out' conspiracy?

*record scratch*

so yall probably wondering how did I end up here...

all 3

According to pynchon every dot com buster knew it was a fraud the day after.

I actualluy called into question why pensylvania was spread out when we had seen so many crashes before and was called a traitor.

There really isn't a narrative out there from the skeptic point of view.

Best trilogy ever. Frame it like princess bride with a grandpa telling each tale to his grandson.

Rather watch a movie about the patriot act and about how we got sold again this year by intrusive big gov

nigger, what?

>According to pynchon every dot com buster knew it was a fraud the day after.

Lived/worked in Manhattan at the time. Not true.

Why are you quoting me? What are you talking about?

No shit dumbo. Thats what I'm saying. Probably the best retelling of the happening is pynchons novel. And it is fake as fuck.

After this bullshit, NO.

Question for you then user--it seems like a lot of NYCers are very hesitant to grab onto the theories that, at the very least, the govt knew it was going to happen and let it happen. Is this your experience? If so, is it because everyone is too close to the incident to think straight?

nyc goy here, the ''''planes''''' were holograms

NICE FOOTAGE OF PENTA G0N ''''''''''''''''''''PLANE''''''''''''''''''''''''' CRASH''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Then, no. It was a different time. There was more faith in the media etc. People got patriotic. Blacks and whites started working together for awhile. No joke.

I still live in NYC. Now I would guess, at minimum, most intelligent/worldly people certainly question the official story.

If i actually cared i would look up the quotes to when maxine questions ari about the frequency.

Nigga u massod.

Ah that's right, thanks

I knew something was up by the pennsylvania footage. But you new yorkers are smarter.