Was it incest?

Was it incest?

It's not incest if they're both dead. Then it's just necrophilia.

Can't it be both?

What shitty flick is this?

They weren't biologically related

It's not wrong if they're pretty

It's the twins(?) from L O S T

nu-Sup Forums everyone

it should have been

They should have kept Shanon around longer desu. Her legs were great to see

and her sexy bikini belly!
there needs to be more bikinis and panties in network television.

She was too hot, I was fapping too much at the time and she distracted me from the meme mysteries.

Kill yourself


>meme mysteries.
You need to go back

Wasn't it confirmed in their flashback episode?

What are you on about, there were clearly not any mysterious in the show. They were a complete joke.

I mean, it was all but directly stated that they banged, but they're only step siblings, so not full on incest. The sexual tension between them in the first season was solid

Oh, for some reason I thought they were half siblings. I guess that would be too much for network tv.

For what it's worth, they did grow up together as brother and sister

