No, this is not a Sup Forums meme, this is an actual headline from Haaretz:
Ignore the Hysteria: Europe Can Live With Terror
Other urls found in this thread:
>Ignore the Hysteria: Europe can live with the Third Reich. Hitler will stop at Poland.
>but it is not nearly serious enough to push the economy over the edge
Leave it to a Jew to think only of the shekels. What about the dozens of people who keep dying?
The economy is the only thing that matters. Didnt you know? If we destroy society that is fine as long as the rich get richer.
Praise be to the almighty economy.
Archive the article, I can't read it.
Are they even trying at this point?
Haaretz is far-left post-zionist, so they are used to making this sort of article. They don't know how to blame Muslims.
I really want to ask people like that how many dead people is too much, how many kids need to be killed before they admit they have fucked up.
I have no idea how people like that can look themselves in the mirror .
They have not fucked up, it was their plan all along.
>David Rosenberg
What did he mean by this?
Personally, I would accept up to 10,000 dead kids, over a ten-year period, so long as ISIS was allowed free entry to my country so hat we can learn from their culture..
This isn't real. I refuse to believe it. You are a liar. You better be a fucking liar.
This is when you reply to my post and say:
>Haha, yes! You were right, user. I was just jesting! Watch as this link just takes you to a Gawker article about the gays. Such a funny guy I am.
>Every Fucking Time
Congrats idiots for stating the obvious. Haaretz is an Israeli newspaper.
> Europe can live with terror
obviously ~80people can't
>Islamic State is so weak!
>They're successfully accomplishing so many more terror attacks because they're weak!
Fuck off Obama
You are in for a world of disappointment, my friend.
This article is from March though, back when the Brussels bombings took place. So much for that being the peak of terrorism.
Ignore the Hysteria: Judendom Can Live With Ovens
Jews are burning, but it is not nearly serious enough to push the economy over the edge. Jews should sit tight: the Final Solution is past its peak.
>(((David Rosenberg)))
I guess Nature really is just racist?
Go back to sleep goy, nothing to see here. Western civilization falling apart, do nothing to stop it. Terror attacks are the new normal, you shouldn't be alarmed. Fucking HELL
Fucking jews, Hitler was right about them.
>past its peak
Does he mean corona?
>the left: just take it, capitalist white man.
A new level cuckolding
lads what that camo pattern called? its sexy as fuk
When Israel will start taking Syrian refugees? They can live with it.
They can't, Dmitri, because they are the chosen people. You can't mix the chosen ones with goyim. Right?
Simple coincidence.
These kikes are simply unable to empathize with the dead or their families. Fucking psychopaths
heh tiny boy peepee
Every fucking time
>isis will be the end of islamic terror
fuck off, terrorism isnt isis's creation, rather its an idea prevalent amongst young muslims, it will outlast isis
also we're the ones who armed isis but i dont see anyone reporting on that lel
wew, thank god the jew says our economy is safe
this paper is despised in Israel save for the few leftcuck ashkenazi libs living in Tel Aviv
That's their problem. Thousands of people die in Europe every day from all sorts of things.
If "safety" means foregoing liberty, then get fucked. I'll take my chances with liberty.
They are sjw-tier, literately take BBC and arab cocks up their asses
#NotAllJude then? way...NO FUCKING WAY, they aren't even hiding it anymore!
this was pretty good tho