You see, on this board there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with dubs and those who dig. You dig

You see, on this board there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with dubs and those who dig. You dig.

Other urls found in this thread:

Dubs come back! Dubs! Come back!

Start digging boy

Check these digits

you finally became
the good

You shoot me, you won't see a (you) out of those trips.

Its a good thing I have these dubs then.


Don't wanna dig, amigo.

This kind of thread violates the rules.

two can dig faster than one

Forget dubs, I need a good trip

I really liked the movie but for a 3 hours long movie building up to a duel between the 3 titular characters they could have done a better job fleshing them out.
Blondie and Tuco were well done because the movie is like 90% about those 2 but Angel eyes is barely in the movie. I didn't give a fuck about him by the end

repeating integers

Good movie

I will show you fools digits.

now check these

>mfw the ending

I knew how the movie ends, but dear god, the suspense was insane.

Who's the bad?

Hey now


>knowing how the movie was going to end
damn son I feel bad for you.

This is by far my favorite movie, i domt think i can name a flaw

yeah I got spoiled a million times but fuck, it still got me.

For some reason I was under the impression that the movie ended with the 3 about to shoot then the movie cuts to black and you hear gunfire. Imagine my surprise when the movie actually went on

His character in For a Few Dollars More was based

>mfw when Ecstasy for Gold starts playing