If you're excited for the Justice League movie, you're literally a lizard-brained chink with zero taste in movies

>If you're excited for the Justice League movie, you're literally a lizard-brained chink with zero taste in movies

Is it time for Mike to kill himself yet?

Other urls found in this thread:



Judging by all that TFA merch, yes.


I'm so glad they removed the rain and lightning, really brightened up the tone of the DCEU


kill yourself

This is what your average marvelcuck looks like.

DCbros are alphas.

if you're excited for ANYTHING just fucking die you piece of shit

you are the problem

Bunch of hypocrite.
Remember they unironically did a The Force Awakens predictions video. Also, Mike's opinion of TFA: "I loved it, it was everything i hoped it would be"

nobody that cares about capeshit is alpha

its either arthouse patrician kino or beta cuck mass consumer capeshit

>Get famous for making a 70 minute video about Star Wars prequels 10 years after they were released and popular consensus had already agreed they were bad

As of now unsubbed. Really let me down with this one. Snyderkino comes first.

He actually wanted a romance between Finn and Rey thou.

>they're hypocrites because they liked a movie that I didn't!
Yeah pretty sure you're a fucking idiot, kid.

Stop being so bitter and grow a sense of awareness.

All three of them think comic adaptions should be fairly light and schlocky and dislike Snyder's dark and gritty style.

It's just their opinions, just like they think geek culture journalists are hyperbolic braindead manbabies in it for money, that sony is pure cinematic cancer, and that the marvel films are at a serious risk of making themselves irrelevant by just being repetitive formulaic CGI filled quipfests.

>m-mommy where are the colors?!
go play on your phone, color cuck

You realize how pathetic it is to try to make a comic book for children with the depth of a paper towl artistic/"philosophical"

Just keep dumb shit simple and carefree. If you try to go further it becomes ultra emberassing

I didn't say I agreed with them you ignoramus.

They like it when it's actually done well like TDK

Tell that to their fans that take everything they say as gospel and repeat their stuff all the time.

Like all the redditors now loving Temple of Doom the most because it's Mike's favorite Indiana Jones

What? This have nothing to do with that. You're the fucking idiot. I liked TFA
My point was they're making of fun of nerd shows getting all excited for capeshit and star war movies and at some point RLM was that.

I thought it was funny that they adjusted the levels of the justice league trailer to make it even darker

>le comics are for children despite that not having been the case in decades

I guess anime is for kids too since it's basically cartoons.

Yeah, RLM's fanbase outside of Sup Forums is totally autistic right? But not Sup Forums! Nope, the RLM fans here are completely normal and not obsessive or retarded at all.

Also, RLM has no control over who their fans are.

am i the only one just have RLM videos playing on a playlist constantly so you don't feel alone?

Fanboys are retarded, no exceptions.

>at some point RLM was that
No it wasn't. Mike and Jay enjoy movies, but they don't get hyped up and act like shills for every brand. They enjoyed TFA but they didn't lose their minds over it. If you don't understand the difference between a Collider video and an RLM video, you may be too stupid to live.

So what? They can't mock the more embarrassing fans because of that? They can't change their minds? Fuck off, you brain dead moron

Reductio ad adsurdum based jokes are their favourite, I'm pretty sure.

In this case it was a really nice touch.

I rewatch a a half dozen or so BotW episodes every week.

I like to relax and unwind with one of those on one monitor while I do some nonograms or play shit flash games.

Sorry i insulted your friends mr.autist.

>They can't mock the more embarrassing fans because of that?
They can and they do. Constantly.

>try to make a point that is wrong and stupid
>get called out for making an incorrect statement
>"y-you're autistic!"

I find livestreamers are better for that since they have much more content

the boosted bass on the microphones is amazing too, the "those are really good questions" part was kino

Why would i bother? I was just stating my opinion that they are hypocrites, i'm not gonna start a fucking debate. If you think your friends are not hypocrites, then fine.

I think it's a mixture of them seeing style over substance, and superman being thematically interpreted badly, in these films

Dark and gritty works for batman, traditionally and in modern times. And while Nolan's films all had flaws the style and substance went hand in hand and was accompanied by a bunch of other aspects that worked in its favour.

Superman is an nigh invincible captain perfect that is powered by the sun and wears his underpants on the outside. Snyder's interpretation is just too removed from the zeitgeist. It becomes even more of a sticking point when thematically the marvel films look more suitable for the character than the DC films.

>the boosted bass on the microphones is amazing too
They didn't do anything to the microphones except talk closer into them.

Meant for

how much makeup does that fat turd need jesus christ looks like a paint by numbers

Ending was a disappointment, I don't think they can ever surpass pic related

These guys need to work on their subtlety and their material a little bit. Yes it's obvious that you don't enjoy the climate of current commercialism-driven nostalgia manipulation, cool. Say something about it other than hyperbolic ironic compliments that mean da opposittttt

That and the hotdogs makes probably the best RLM thing i've ever seen.

That's their schtick though. Going to hyperbolic extremes and playing it straight.

So how did they get all that faggy merchandise, bros?

they aren't trying to be subtle at all....

Patreon Money.

Well, 1 time, ok, but 3videos?

At least we got the kino loot crate unboxing from all that.


Are there exceptions? Sure. Serial Experiments Lain, Sandman, Watchmen, Angel's Egg, etc, are all comics/anime that are clearly more for adults.

But both comics and anime do the most business with children and adults who haven't learned to grow up. The most popular anime genre is shounen, which literally means "for boys/young men", and comics also market to a puerile, manbaby type culture, or those who are underage.

Do I need to start quoting Miyazaki, Anno, and Moore to prove my point? All of them have said that they are ashamed and disgusted by what has happened to each of their respective artforms, and that they are now dominated by adults who don't know how to grow up and literal children who don't want anything more than the most basic of storylines.

So yeah. Comics and anime are for kids and losers stuck in perpetual adolescence. That's objective fact.

Yeah but it's just the exact same joke for 3 episodes now. This series is going to die in 2 more eps max if they don't get a little more creative than the same rehashed cliche's about what's wrong with contemporary pop-culture reporting

>Zack Snyder and his holocaust aesthetics

>Person identifies as a geek or a nerd


Rich evans snapped a few times in this video which was different

It works for getting retards thinking you are in their loser club and women do it more often these days.

That's not just their schtick for this series though, it's how they almost always handle the plots for HitB as well, and other things they have worked on (the grabowskis). It's their thing.

Yeah, that I get and somewhat agree. The issue is that there is next to no content in the actual videos. The majority of it is verbal commentary on the film and review industries, and that's about it. At the end of the day there is only so much you can say about it that everyone hasn't already said or thought themselves. I think this format would work better when they can put in parody reviews of films instead of just trailers. I'm glad they packaged in a Rich Evans trailer reaction video though. They could do the same with some other content, top ten lists, reading jokes, scientist man, etc etc.

The show has promise, but yes, it can't survive with predominantly just the ironic industry commentary.

they try to fit in

i don't think any star trek watching , dnd playing ,neckbeard having fatso actually identifies as a nerd tho

They always joke about Rich having diabetes, but I mean, he probably really does have it..

Why are RLM fans so defensive and insecure

Why do these guys love the mcu so much? i thought you guys said they had good taste

so... they're making fun of internet commentators. i guess that's cute.

>Why do these guys love the mcu so much?
They don't. They really like some of the movies, and think others are merely okay. If you think they have any sort of loyalty to Marvel, you must not be very familiar with them. They just judge movies individually.

I garuntee you they know it is a pile of shit but just pretend to like it for easy viewers.

this is from the same guy that acted as if he invented people making videos to review stuff and sperged about it in his last plinkett video

now wait for people accusing me of missing the point and how it was "ironic" and wasn't really saying anything of the sort

The closest to 'liking the MCU' they come is to liking the tone and style, and approving of it for comicbook adaptions. They clearly don't give a shit about the universe itself.

So he's a Disney mouthpiece, right?

Dammit. I can't post properly today.

Meant for as well.

>its a DCuck can't make a case for his shitty movie without mentioning how a Marvel movie equivalent is worse episode

im 99% sure they're being paid off.

any critic worth their salt knows that Snyder has produced some of the best capeshit of all time.

Nerd Crew Episode 2 > Nerd Crew Episode 1 > Nerd Crew Episode 3


>MoS and BvS already have clumsy, cliche-ridden scripts full of nonsensical characters and situations
>Now imagine those movies translated into Chinese
>Imagine how dumb you'd need to be to enjoy them
That quote is pretty spot on OP; shame he didn't say it.

>Batman v Superman might not have made any sense, but Marvel movies have quips! Disney paid off critics to give the movie a bad review! The "Martha" line made sense in context, I swear!

Remember at the end they cheekly implied that Disney paid them for that review?

They did. You know how influential they are? You think if they simply made a joke about Disney paying them for that review didn't make it happen?

really made me think

Snydercucks blown the fuck out

Sorry but anyone who loves TFA and the MCU but hates DC objectively has bad taste.

You voted for Trump, didn't you?

>tfw I wish Mike and Jay were my friends

>Done well
>Done well
You fucking tourists

can we all agree that 2000AD comics > Marvel/DC?

their material is just like having friends

MST3k is exactly the same way

If I could hunt down and kill the RLM shills plaguing this board, would be a great joy.

Judge Dreddit sucks

Mike is an idiot. The review that reviewed his Plinkett prequel reviews thoroughly debunked his shit opinions. Fuck him. Literally "I want to turn off my brain" manchild.

Him consistently shitting on the DCEU and shitting on rogue one when it was better than tfa is why I don't watch them anymore

>The review that reviewed his Plinkett prequel reviews
you don't mean that colo claw fish autist do you?

I know this is actually a common pepe but how long would it take to make another image like this? Is there a program that does it?

They hate films that step out of their safe space criterias. Giant fucking manchildren. Typical American "nerds".

Rogue one intro is still the GOAT

no its not, it looks good, they story makes no fucking sense,
>take our child and run
>leave child in field
>run back like a retard
>abandon only child
i'm surprised Mads wasn't screaming about his stupid bitch of a wife

...I was talking about the HitB intro to their Rogue One intro.


What is that download button from?

RLM is better than any other film reviewing youtubers so what's your deal? are you a stuckmann fangirl?

How can anyone not love rich

I don't care what anyone says. I like the nerd crew videos.

I don't give a shit about any of those youtube film reviewers. But it's RLM being shoved down my throat browsing Sup Forums. Stop that you shill cocksucker.

Rich's laugh is the last thing I hear when I go to sleep and the first thing I hear when I wake up in the morning

and DCucks are black

>is to liking the tone and style, and approving of it for comicbook adaptions.

So they're plebs.

>The "Martha" line made sense in context, I swear!

It did.

I think some of their new satire falls flat because they seem to think that current nerd culture drones like Snyder and dark stuff.