What are the downsides of a one world government?

What are the downsides of a one world government?

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Why would that one world government care about your opinions or your well being?

What are you going to do if they don't? Move to another country? Oh wait....

>No escape
>Consolidation of power
>Ruled over by an Oligarchy that has no regard for the rights of the individual.

If it was the people who wanted to unite, I'd be more inclined to a "One World Government".

But it's not the people. It's a few elitest kikes who think they know best for everyone.

They see us as cattle who need to be driven, and I will resist them with every fiber of my being.

What are the upsides?

Once it inevitably turns into a dictatorship, it's game over once and for all. Because now we have all the technology necessary to make it a reality.


Look at that millennial
He's fucked.
The home prices just keep going up and he's blowing what little cash he has bonging on.
He'll get to 40 and no cunt will give home a 30 year loan because he's fucking useless and the average home costs $15,000,000 and he still works at KFC for $10 an hour.

Anyway, There's already a one world government it's the international banking industry.

You get to be a slave ruled by a very small minority of kikes. What else could you ask for?

sometimes the dissenting opinion is right

one gov means one system one set of ideas no room for dissent

No war
Free trade

The country of origin of the ruller gets all the loot.

Yeah, I think thats the correct term.

The only reason we have a civilization today is because humans across the planet had different survival strategies, allowing only the successful ones to continue.

One world government == global Zimbabwe because the nigger strategy was to simply breed faster than they die. Without borders, they will continue this strategy until we're all gone.

we're living in one now and it's pretty shit

Breaks the NAP

>Why would that one world government care about your opinions or your well being?
Because you're likelier to become a criminal and interfere with the good working of the state and/or its subjects if the state doesn't take good care of you.

the US is a good example, why do you think niggers rob and steal? they don't do that in other countries. American blacks are shit because they have nothing better to do.

>a large government is necessarily run by shitlibs
can all americans be killed soon please


They're a downside to everything.

Ask any corrupt or authoritarian government's refugees.

All governments go bad.

When the one government goes bad what do you do?
Short of space colonisation you're fucked.

Cant wait for LotGH to become reality.

Already possible

civil wars and gorilla terrorism can flourish in this kind of political system.

>It's a few elitest kikes who think they know best for everyone.

I'm certain they actually don't care about us peasants at all, mate. To them, we're just a resource like any other.

>No war
>no war between nations but for sure war between groups
>Free trade
>and something we already have
Made me think...

>the US is a good example, why do you think niggers rob and steal? they don't do that in other countries.
>they don't do that in other countries.


a world government would be done through a lack of freedom, there is no other way this would happen. literally think of a way. hint: you can't. when you realize this, you have to ask yourself if you would rather have a low level of freedom or complete freedom. Then you can ask yourself how much government you want.


Any country that beats the equilibrium will only become poorer. Any government with a seat of power on the opposite side of the planet is unaccountable, the people of the entire world subject to the whims of an unelected inheritor financial class.

Enslavement of the entire human race. Not necessarily a bad thing though. Majority of the population is too dumb to even realize they are being taken advantage of right now.

Remember when they tried the communism experiment multiple times and millions of people died as they tried and failed and killed to build a hopeless utopia? Wanna try again, we'll get it right this time we promise?

If you don't live in a major trade hub or industrial centre you can expect your city to become a scale replica of Detroit

i wish jesus was real and could be our supreme leader.

>can all americans be killed soon please
Idk what you mean by this leaf. I was only asking a question.

But seriously your entire premise is the opposite of what happens in a big government. Read this to understand.

tl;dr previously low level institutions used to be the way we resolved political, ideological disputes. think the church your townhall, city government all that little shit. those institutions no longer work for us thus the only real avenue people have towards politics and resolving disputes is big government state and the only way to even be heard is to cry and exclaim pain and oppression the loudest.

imagine how bad this would get once the nation becomes nothing but a formality and some vague supper state UN type government is the only way people kind feel and see political change.

we aren't advanced enough for that kind of bullshit you stupid fucks.

First post, best post

The furthest you're representative are from you, the less they'll feel accountable for their betrayal (see EU).

Also, rule many different cultures with one legislative systems. Cultures that have different conceptions of what should be allowed and what shouldn't. Different relationships with order, politics etc.

It's bound to either be huge failure or tyranny.

Upside of one-world-government is: None
Downside: Everything

So, will you be outcasting all non LePen voters from your life? Or will you be a good cuck and "accept defeat with grace"?

well you can rise through the ranks become elite and rule, but wait, you cannot, cause you are the cattle, dumb as a brick posting on burnamese penis dildo board

Pretty much everything.

No limits and restrains for big corporations
In order to make it work it would need a bureaucracy of astronomical proportions, in a big and probably totalitarian government in practice.
Wars would be replaced with civil wars, which tend to be more atrocious.
Destruction of cultures, etc.

>why do you think niggers rob and steal? they don't do that in other countries


no more wars

ruling class and non-ruling class eventually get treated like different species altogether


Be more specific pls

I fail to see the connection here

Islam would be the religion. Hence destroy islam before new world order establishes itself.

It'd be cool if like, you blew a cloud and then when the vapor dissipated, you had a hard on.

Okay so let me rephrase the question.

If humanity becomes homogenous enough (culturally, and racially) can a one world government be feasible?

Europe is homogenous and EU is a failure.

Newsflash. Europe has been mixed for centuries before the EU.

The EU is quite young.

Rome wasnt built in a day.

When it turns into a dictatorship, there's nowhere to escape to.


What do you think government is, exactly?

When you work that out, you'll understand why the question is so assinine.

>one world govenrment
>no more countries
>even more shitskins in once nice places
>result: never ending separation wars

relatively homogenous... in comparison with the heterogeinity of the whole world.

Happy now autistic fag?

>The EU is quite young.
And already a failure.

eternal outer party status for white people

much less for Sup Forums to whine about...


Unstability. Unless it is extremely efficient, it's laws and regulations will suit some peope better and some people worse. Just like the EU on a larger scale. There will always be strong separatism everywhere.

West+Russia+China+Japan i'm ok with that

World government with africa, india and middle east, oh hell no!

>Why would that one world government care about your opinions or your well being?
Why would that be any different than what we have now?

The government of any country doesn't give a shit about you. The leaders are all corrupt as fuck and only care about themselves.

>Cant wait for LotGH to become reality.

God bless you indians.
Your space program might lead us to fight alongside Yang Wenli.

Literal slavery for all of Mankind, forever.

4 more years.
We can start selling them bidets after that.

He's literally a cock smoker