How safe is your country from mudslime terrorists?
How safe is your country from mudslime terrorists?
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If they started blowing up favelas our murder rate would probably drop.
Hopefully safe.
I forget that your police are called kek.
never safer
What country are those cops from who have kek on their uniforms my starving friend?
Also not very safe desu, we stopped illegal refugees at least, but Trump would save the entire Western world.
Living in NYC. I'm probably the safest, but I'm also a top 5 target in the world along with Paris and London. In pretty sure NYC gas the largest counter terrorism unit in the world. But like I said, its because its the biggest target.
Very safe.
>police kek
100% safe.
Pretty safe. They know that if they blow anything up we'll take away their chicken tendies.
very safe, remember that ISIS has nothing to do with Islam and they are not true muslims
can confirm.
its not at all
Of course it's safe! It's very safe!
100% safe
Nobody even knows where or what a 'Slovenia' is
not safe at all, but if an attack does happen it becomes the least safe place for muslims in the world
Extremely safe, only christians allowed here
ours, but it's TEK shopped
mate, do you even Hungarian cuisine?
literally fucked.
Very safe. Irrelevance has its blessings.
rate me Sup Forums
England calls for aid
Very safe.
I think NZ would lose its mind and go full RaHoWa if we had 80+ people killed by a terrorist. Almost everyone would know someone who died.
feels good living in central Europe
Shitskins have it tough in here
someone needs to shop Assad's face onto that man
Westernfags will never know those central European feels
Very safe.
We're so literally irrelevant that even muslims ignore us.
But we have some precautions just in case because if something were to happen and the police did nothing, they would get into trouble.
We have good security services due to having to deal with angry Paddys over the years, but we are awash with 3 million muslims who protect and conceal another 2000 returned jihadis which our Home Secretary (now PM) has allowed back into the country.
In short sooner or later hundreds more of us will die.
Thanks politicians.
I do.Be prepared.Insha'Allah
Really made me thunk huh ...
When I was young I envied other European nations
But today, I think we small nothingburger EU couintries are the luckiest one
We have the benefits of being in the EU, relatively good standard of living, and no problem with immigration or terrorism because we're not popular
I hope it stay like this!
It's 0.8% in the US and we still get hit you fucking retard
not very I think
it's tek, this is a photoshop
Pretty safe. Though if they do terrorize us it would probably be in the cities and no Irish man cares for cityfolk.
you do realize there is a *slight* difference between 0,8% of a 300+ million country and 0,8% of a 9 million country, right?
Pretty safe, tbqh.
The Mudslimes in our country our nationalists first and Mudslimes second, so if anything happens here it'll probably be to advance the cause of "Greater Albania" than anything having to do with their religion.
Same. I always wanted to see a cartel/ISIS war. It could be really funny .
Tolerance is keeping us safe. kek
Our small countries are irrelevant. Why would ISIS target Croatia for example? What did we ever do besides send a couple of hundred soldiers to Afghanistan?
Lived in China and there were none since they were all in the far West getting shot dead the second they didn't assimilate
Live in USA now and they're on every block along with a halal food truck and a deli
In small towns maybe.
But Spots like Berlin, munich, Hamburg and so on are in danger.
Mark my words: Germany will be Hit within this year my the muzzies.
Which Land is the safest, and why is it new zealand and australia, Sup Forums?
probably if a terrorist attack hits Rome only mafia or gypsies would be able to counter them, because italian security sucks
They'll wait till right before the election.
Tyrone get out of that white mans home right now
anyway vote right parties to avoid kebab from killing you
Blowing up train stations and subways would enrich our country by getting rid of the gypsies and beggars dwelling there.
Unfortunately we're pretty darn safe
What if we make the gypsies and the muslism fight each other?
Our muslims though, aren't the terrorist kind. They have been living in northern Greece ever since we took those parts back from the Ottomans. They have never been a problem. They are the Pomaks and they are Slavs who converted to Islam during the Ottoman era, and they're generally peaceful.
Turks are using them to exert some influence in Greece and dream of territorial claims, but the Pomaks themselves so far have never caused us any grief.
Now muslim Albans, especially the Chams, who migrate from Albania and other muslim immigrants from Islamic countries, such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh etc. etc., are troublemakers and lawbreakers indeed, but they are NOT our people and shouldn't be considered part of us. They don't belong here, not like the Pomaks do.
The sooner we kick them out, the better.
So glad I moved here.
Pls germanbros, even if you hate the AfD... They are the only Party which will stop immigration
Not very.
If 15 policemen can't even deal with a crazy guy throwing stones at them then what hope do they have if a real terrorist attack happens?
based nips have no love for shitskins
I-i know that feel
They get beaten for being shitskins before they can even plan any attack so pretty safe.
npd will stop immigration aswell. but we all know that they are retards.
On a scale of 1-10, i'd say 6. We are too insignificant for muzzies to really do something. They wanna hit the bigger european countries. However the threat is still real, and we did take in quite a number of """"""""""refugees""""""""" over the last year.
AfD is nothing like the NPD.
They even kicked some out who were too right wing-ish.
Grüne: Import muzzies, fuck them and love nigger cock, destroy germany
Linke: get out of Nato, no wars, love nigger cock
SPD: "i'm gonna fuck you over with Ttip and sheeiit"
CDU: come in muzzies, we have space. Here is your 1000€ welcome check"
It is Your choice
pretty safe, they use us as their safe haven desu
They know we're one explosive kebab from going full REMOVE and the cuck west is an easier target so we're perfectly safe.
NPD is my favorite, followed up by AfD.
Also fuck the Grüne and Linke, SPD, CDU.
We have simular cucks here and for all i know they can move to fucking Somalia if they like it so much.
We terrorize muslims here lol
everyone lowkey hates them and talking about islam is a taboo here
Who would win?
now: thank fuck i live in a very safe part of the country
when president trump takes over: extreme safety for everyone
in an alternate universe where that evil ghoul hillary is president: lol here i come switzerland/japan
>Who would win
its pretty safe imho
bretty safe, haven't had any muslim terrorist attacks in our history.
>How safe is your country from mudslime terrorists?
very safe according to the media and politics muslim are not to fear and very peaceful , we have a problem with pack of lone wolves and non religious religious extremist.
SIS/GCSB monitors all muslims in NZ. Not even making this up.
We have a nigger infestation, and a kebab problem. Nothing will stop spur of the moment attacks, don't forget, this violence is this way when we have the bread and circuses, if the infrastructure collapses, the money goes, we are fucked.
very safe from all crisis. i'm from a well off family so i don't have to worry about anything, i don't have to fight in a war because my dad must have arranged a rescue helicopter for us. i'm just gonna watch you all, and when the war ends, i'm gonna side with whoever wins.
Country will be as safe, how well it can frighten the terrorists, while not being itself terroristic ...
they'll freeze your assets. no one in your hellhole of a country is safe
no one on earth would let america do that. like why would you even attack the innocents ? you're getting more and more like your enemy.
>no one on earth would allow an asset freeze
you don't seem very familiar with history friend. it's a yearly occurance
My country as a whole is one giant bullseye.
My state (Oklahoma) is probably rather far from ISIS targets, we just gotta worry about our own.
Is that anthony cumia??
No one is safe from islam since islam paid politicians to flood our nations with the adversary. Now they strike and the same politicians tell us to turn a blind eye to it until you become a personal victim to islam. Once you and your family become a victim your now the racist enemy who is the bane of everyones apparent existence.
Theres no winning without true effort to stand against islam and expose it for what it truly is.
Until then we wait to die in absolute misery.
You deserve death if you praise kek.
there would be a beheading fest
> Is that anthony cumia??
On this picture - yes...
It's a fresh meme...
But the idea was used by british occupation forces a century ago in Arabia and it worked...
My vote goes for Iceland as safest (as far as Western countries).
Australia is safe as fuck you mong
pretty shit tbqhwyfam
they would steal the bombs
Perfectly safe, they wouldn't waste the gas money to fill up the truck
What about that Lindt cafe attack?
> tfw no one cares about us
> tfw we're so insignificant in europe "religion of peace" boys forget about us
We're too poor to be attacked
I'd say at least 90% safe. Nobody gives a shit about my country.
no one gives a shit about your country.
pretty safe
low numbers of mudskins
low population density
police trained well and experienced with armed threats
relatively large army for a nation this size with strike forces etc. training in collaboration with the police
but our absolute #1 safety tool:
nobody cares about binland
UAE is pretty safe. We had 100K+ Refugees since 2011 and we allow them to roam freely in ghost towns by oman and saudi. So far no attacks yet, and pretty low crime rate.