What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

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He didn't go to slip and fall school

>I thought I told you to back off of Beansy!

>I did. Then I put it in drive.

absolute fucking kino

insecure manlet

Kill yourself redd it

I also forgot

>Paulie: You're gonna build a ramp for Beansy!

>Richie: I'll build a ramp up to your ass, drive a Lionel up in there
every word out of his mouth was pure gold

I bet you're one of those faggot who think "ITS THE JACKETTTTTT" is such an ebin line. Tell me more about your expertise on reddit though.

He missed out for decades while his little brother Jackie and all his little friends rose in the organization and reaped the benefits, meanwhile Richie was conditioning himself to somehow enjoy fucking hairy cellmate ass. Like one year before he gets out of jail, ready to come home and be greeted like royalty, his brother dies and the Sopranos suddenly take over.

There's a recurring theme of mobsters getting out of jail and expecting the world delivered to them. It plays into the larger concept of changing times and the declining traditionalism in organized crime.

Richie is such a faggot
I'm glad he got shot by Janice like a bitch

>If you're gonna talk like a fuckin' Mulangnah, I'll send ya to slip n' fall school.

dumb, he was in with the bosses sister, he could have rose high like Bobby did if he wasn't so butthurt

Janice would have eventually killed him. There's no way he wasn't going to beat her eventually.

should have just ignored her bitching and had goomahs like the rest of them

>>Manson lamps

>Camel nose! You can't make that up!
>What are you talking about? I just did.

Matthew and Sean deserved to die

Its the jackeeeeeeeeeet

That even older gangster who got out of prison and busted Tony's balls was even more ridiculous.

We wasn't ready for kino justice


He couldn't fucking sell it.

he was just an unlikable deucebag


He really did nothing wrong.

He crippled beansy

Discount Pacino

Pacino is a discount Pacino now.

>mfw message machine broken

He wasn't insecure, most of the time he was very calm he was an ashole tough

Tony had the fucking problem. He was a thug with no respect for their thing.
If you look at the major character conflicts in the sopranos, Tony is almost always in the wrong.



Based Feech LaManna

steals from the joos and he ain't afraid of anything

>quest que ce?

>They say he'll never walk again.
>Never say never.
>No. Say never. He's a shopping cart.
why was richie so based bros

It wasn't just the great lines, it was his delivery and mannerisms. Apparently, the actor for Richie was slatted to be Tony Soprano in the original script.

>The jacket I took off Rocco DiMeo.
>Cocksucker had the toughest reputation in essex county.

I loved how he repeats the same story word for word, as if he practiced it in front a mirror.

T showed him major disrespect

you know Quasimodo predicted all this

is he the biggest cuck faggot in television history?

every mannerism and every word out of his mouth made me want to punch him

>Apparently, the actor for Richie was slatted to be Tony Soprano in the original script.

James also begged Chase not to kill Richie off so soon since he loved working with him.

I felt bad for Charmaine, having to deal with his cuckery everyday.

See, that's my main problem with the Sopranos, they have these great ensemble characters (Richie, Tony B, Feech) and they're gone before you know it.

My main problem is sort of the opposite of that, it irritated me watching it for the first time when they introduce Ralphie and everyone acted like he'd been around this whole time, which supposedly he had, just in Miami. Tony B gets the same treatment, suddenly everyone is talking about him when no one said shit for four seasons leading up to him.

Amateurish writing desu, especially with Tony B.

I think they kept writing in seasonal antagonists because they weren't sure when the show would end. At least that's what I heard with Richie

He should have been around for longer, it was really nice to see Janice suffer.

Oof, Madonn', he looks terrible!

Closeted fag that didn't plan well so when he lost half his life to prison, he resented everyone else.

God he was a piece of shit.

>Fuckin' weeniehead came to see me.

I actually started to like her after that


When she asked what unsubsidized with the body I couldn't handle it. Tony should have slapped her but thatbwoukd draw too much attention so he just made fun of how stupid she was.

>That autocorrect

>what Tony did with the body

That's what I meant to type. Wtf. How does it even solve for that...

nnngh that meadow was so cute

I think it made sense that they never brought Tony B up. It's a common theme in the sopranos that once you go to prison you are basically dead to the world. Over 6 seasons they never once showed any mobsters visiting other mobsters in prison for friendly visits unrelated to business. Paulie went away for only a few months and it seemed like the rest of the world had already forgotten about him. It would also make sense that Tony wouldn't bring up Tony B much because he felt somewhat guilty/responsible for him being in jail while he got to run north jersey. I could be wrong but I don't think Tony B was even made, so it's not like many of the other mobsters would know who he is unless they were friends with him during his youth.

You can't be both calm and an asshole

What are you talking about? He just is

That's bad writing then, because in reality you couldn't be.

Did you forget the dream sequence in "the test dream" where Tony fucks Charmane while Artie cheers him on

Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with this astonishingly overrated tv-show?

cause its fuckin good

>I watched it once and thought it was "slow" and "boring"

To me it made sense because Tony B is Tony's biggest skeleton in the closet. Tony is the man he is today because he never got caugt thanks to his panic attacks which he were in denial over all of his life. My issue is with that informer dude who inherits two million dollars, but they won't let him retire so he commits suicide. I barely remember that dude outside of his episode in S6.

>all those fats and nitrates

Yeah, Tony B was never officially made. Tony S talked about opening the books for him when he gave him the casino job after the Peeps hit, but that went south when Blundetto took revenge on Phil for Angelo.