Why the fuck did they make him hit his head? Is it supposed to be funny?

Why the fuck did they make him hit his head? Is it supposed to be funny?

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The one that isn't pretentious.

So both?


If it feeds off fear then why did so many people end up disappearing? Wouldn't it just fuck with people without killing them?

It's a metaphor, Georgie "knocks" on the door of evil, and IT answers.

It doesn't feed on fear, it eats children and prefers them when they're scared since they taste better that way.

Oh, good clarification.

What's with the poor man's Bates house in 2017?

hahaha loook at the top of his head



I just saw the 2017 trailer.

Obviously, looks way more polished considering they're working with a real studio budget and not constrained by writing it for TV. But... it looks like they really missed the point of what makes IT scary. The clown is supposed to be be both strangely alluring and frightening at the same time, not aggressively scary.

>Derry's not like any town I've been in before... people disappear at 6 times the national average
Fuck you Warner Bros.

2017 is trying to hard with the sfx. i found the trailer to remake more funny than terrorizing. immediately after watching the trailer i youtube'd random scenes from the original movie and the terror from my childhood came flooding back. the direction (camera work, pacing, delivery) is so spot on that it is the very essence of simple unadulterated terror

>But... it looks like they really missed the point of what makes IT scary. The clown is supposed to be be both strangely alluring and frightening at the same time, not aggressively scary.

Elaborate yourself, you cowardly pig-dog.

It's for the 3D theaters.

Best; youtube.com/watch?v=wdf2tqSy2zc

I think the new one looks a lot better. The old one, despite Tim Currys' performance, was drawn out, not gory enough and pretty fucking cheesy.

>Saw this scene as a kid
>Couldn't shower for a week unless all the drains in the bathroom were plugged first

The 1990 one is way better.

I don't understand why so many people are complaining about Pennywise "always" being scary when all we've got is a couple pictures and a 70 second teaser. I'm sure he's not gonna be monster clown the whole movie.

Why fuck you about the missing persons? That's a pretty core element of Derry

mfw an user who hasn't read the book plebsplains