Why didnt they dodge?

why didnt they dodge?

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dodging a 19t truck coming at 90kmph coming from behind on non car area, ok bro

>they didn't serpentine

it was on cooldown

They didn't want to be offensive to Muslims.


if you dodge the truck, the truck wins

i fucking would have. Tons of retarded people who don't know how to run though.

this ain't that kind of movie bruv

If you let your enemies kill you, you win


>I fucking would have


Try dodging it when you are surrounded by people who are getting in your way as you desperately try to escape.


They forgot to press X to not die.

Fucking this, tards.


>in crowd
>suddenly hear screams and loud noises
>can't see anything
>crowd starts running, you start running too but you don't know what you're running from

When you're actually there, it's different. Our bodies have evolved over hundreds of millions of years to release adrenaline as fast as possible. These people could have run through the crowd on a dime. Only the unfit and children died in this event. Fuck 'em.

Presses the wrong button*
()...fuck that was X!!

cause it was a ford

Dear left cunts
Laws of physics make it impossible to hug a truck doing 40mph

I heard it was because the entire crowd was walking in one direction and the truck came up behind them. So nobody was looking behind themselves.


Because its ANOTHER false flag by far right extremist to make Islam look bad

They really should've trained with piccolo

>1 post by this id

>a fucking leaf

whats this 1 post by this id meme?

i dont get it

They watched too many cartoons and ran in the same direction as the truck instead of jumping to one side

Cartoons are just as deadly as assault trucks

Humans are usually very bad at realizing they're in a life-threatening situation. For example, many people rationalize gunshots as just being firecrackers.

It's mentally + physically much less taxing to assume that a dangerous situation is just a misunderstanding, and to act accordingly. This attitude, however, gets people killed.

>"Oh no, somebody lost control of their truck! Well, it's not like he's going to get out and start shooting at people, so I'll just stand here sheepishly."

Pokemon Go

It means it's a shill thread

Lag and shit netcode
Also bad hit detection

maybe it's also because they dont want to look silly

>one post by this ID
You got it user.
A fucking prisoner

>why didnt they dodge?

It was a Ram, not a Charger.

They did. But it was a large crowd.

Also, they were probably confused. Hitting people with a truck not your standard terrorist tactic, so it took them a while to realize.

>why didnt they dodge?
exactly, how can you not notice a fucking huge truck driving right at you

badum tis

Because they were trying to surrender

it was going too fast

Should have learned dodgeball

they were literally asking for it. Poor trucker just wanted to pass

Don't tell trucks to stop
Tell people not to stand in the way

The Frenchmen's National Animal is the Chicken

I thought it was a Mustang?