What does your cunt think of racemixers?

What does your cunt think of racemixers?

Damn he's fucking both of them?

Exaggerates their true prevalence for political purposes or insecurity

Pic rel

We don't

explain this

Y-y-you won't get me pregnant user?

I'm not into bestiality, so no.

Faggot detected

>t. Racemixed subhuman

Why do you guys think anyone cares about this? I'd absolutely racemix if she's qt and not a brainlet

Fuck off, sane hunam being are not into ape fucking.

By the way race mixers are dispised by my countrymen

Of course you would, you've no heritage and IQ to waste away.

All humans are (greater) apes biologically

Even then, your sperm is incompatible with ZP receptors on ape ova

Muh muh heritage

You are all so insufferable. Le 56% face. So what? You're all simultaneously horrified of multiracial multicultural coexistence but then all of your ""unique"" cultures rally together in the name of some kind of delusional purity.

My friends are not made based of race and neither are my girls although apparently my dick is a jew seeking missile. It isn't so bad you know. Just stop reacting with hate and you will learn we're all just people

>tfw no beautiful mixed bf

>in the name of some kind of delusional purity
Yeah, m8. Totally delusional, and IQ stats along with criminal stats are all fake. Of course mate, I'll racemix the first chance I get.

I tried to fuck a black prostitute once, with a big black booty and all. Wasn't any special, she was just fat and loose.

>A fucking kike
Every time.

Shut the fuck up you literal faggot.


Im gonna racemix with a high social standing ashkenazi woman.

t. black

>being tight and have self-respect to keep her body in shape

pick one

Blacks are a no for both genders
Eastern asians are a yes for both genders

The rest of races are a no for their males and a yes for their females.

If it ain't white, it ain't right

>Eastern asians are a yes for both genders
Japanese man and Iberian women?
Sure about that?

not prettier than blonds

Yes. No one will care.

Kek, butthurt amerimutt. Enjoy your hellfire.

>liking blond hair


>Knowledge about the world outside memes


>Pretty much this.
My cousin was not happy enough having a white little princess she had to break up with her husband and fuck with a nigger.It's so sad to look at the mixed one and see how she doesn't resemble neither her mother nor her sister.

Are you a german Brazilian?

Nope, I'm not certain of my origins but pretty sure it's mediterranian.

It it happened to my sister I'd never talk to her again. Idk how you guys ok with this.

It's just natural.Not only people disconsider the existence of race they have no restraint in mixing.
One of my old is about to do the same thing shes with a nigger now.

Everyone from my generation onward is mixed

Kek, good luck with that.

>t. 1/4 Russian Jew 2/4 morrocan jew 3/4 ephiopian jew 4/4 german

>tfw i look like him

Do you really believe in these autists? It's brown guys larping as cucks because they dream to fuck a white girl

not exactly
tunisian(jew), polish(jew), brazilian(non jew)

People that racemix with wh*Tes are usually quartered, decapitated and burned at the stake

What do you look like?
So mixing with negroes is not common over there?

You're the one larping as a Hans.

This so much.

pic related is a br youtuber that thinks he's white

Can you even read?I never told I'm a pure blonde blue eyed arian "master race".
My skin is pretty much white but as I said I'm of mediterranean descent which are invitably mixed with arabs.
Don't compare me to that nigger.

>What do you look like?
balding manlet with a big hairy ass



Try using and arab next time that will surely piss me off.

He learned from his mistakes.

So you're saying it's not uncommon to see Israelis mixed with non Jew? Are you respected there when people know you have non Jew in you?

Arab jews are mostly 100% ethnically jews, while european and russian jews often barely have any merchant blood in them.
anyone that's mixed(which is most people below 30) probably has some non jewish heritage in them.
And no, nobody cares. Maybe except for ultra orthodox penguins, but everyone but themselves hates them anyway.

She looks nice


>Just stop reacting with hate and you will learn we're all just people
*gets shot*

the only socially acceptable mixed raced coupling i aus is a really old white dude a day a really young flip lady

Her parents

Girls with blond hair are subhumans.Hair color shouldnt be lighter than a light brown.

lol fucking interpals

post pic