Let's get this shit started you fucking faggots
Let's get this shit started you fucking faggots
Other urls found in this thread:
>Hillary Clinton on criminal issues
>not having at least 90% for dynamo don
Yeah I somehow doubt that, considering that I think she belongs in prison
we disagree when it comes to surveillance
I think the NSA should be abolished and the Patriot Act was a mistake, apparently Trump disagrees
I always supported him, but I never really realised Trump was this based.
>Hilary & Bernie
>no major issues
Feels good.
Didn't bother taking the test but Ben Carson was the best one. Too bad he was born with wrong skin colour in white man's world.
#BernVictim here.
is this good?
>51% for Burnout
Ugh. It's my Jew blood, isn't it?
>it's my jew blood
boys, preheat the oven
i highly doubt you answered honestly
I figured I'd be down the middle ground in the Libertarian camp but I genuinely believe Bernie is full of shit if the other day didn't prove that. Here's hoping you guys get based Trump anyway.
Really makes me think...
Just got this reply, kek
1% difference doesn't mean shit, still voting Trump nigger.
Also idk how the fuck i have so much in common with Bernie and Hillary while getting as high as i did with Trump
Feels good man
not bad
>68% in common with a fucking commie
explain yourself
Cant wait to move to the US :DDD
I'm with her.
Make Australia Great Again
>Should all welfare recipients be tested for drugs?
Holy fuck, are they not?
Are you a homo gay cuddly panda husbando by any chance :o ?
>Not being at least 90% Trump
Get out of here normie's
dude, they don't even need photo ID to vote in america and it's considered politically incorrect to even suggest that illegal immigrants shouldn't receive government benefits, it's fucking strange
Hitler never committed genocide against anyone, so I don't know why you used a picture of him.
Donald and Gary at 73%.
Most people in the military are. Politicians aren't however.
Looking good lads
I can update now
How'd you know? I am a cuddly gay guy.
Cuz i am too :D
Hillary supporters are the cutest husbandos :3
>Being more then 90% Trump
70-80% Trump is true enlightenment, you shouldn't even be allowed to post if your IQ is less then 110
I used to be a Trump supporter but now I'm a #GarySubsidiary
Hmm maybe Hilary is not too bad
Trumps IQ is 156. Get on our level.
which is why he doesn't reveal his power level.
Just did this by coincidence.
May the fabulous Clinton god smile upon you homo user.
Just get rid of it, will solve that problem.
Fucking Statists
Anyone 80%+ with Sanders needs an Economics lesson.
Start here:
>So many high percentage Gary Johnson supporters
>yet he's not even in the debates
He's an open borders cuckold.
>I side with Hillary Clinton on criminal issues
mmmmmm you got me there, he's a bit of a pansy in that department.
Immigration is a big one.
Plus he has fucked up on a lot of Libertarian Issues. Despite that I wish him all the best in this election and hope the Libertarian party gains media attention.
Of course most of you side with Trump, this board is full of shit-tier retards.
Let's be real tho, John McAfee is the real Googly-Moogly-Golden-Presidential
You all are low energy
>Let's split the vote so that hillary is guaranteed the win.
Your sheckles are in the mail.
> tfw Strasserite National Socialist
These political tests give awful results.
No, it's too late now.
At this time do anything to avoid Hillary, it's just a shame it's too late.
>Sup Forums Sup Forums candidate.
well okay...?
As if I didn't already know.
>Since 2011, twelve states have passed laws that require a photo identification to vote. Supporters argue that ID’s are needed to increase confidence in elections and prevent voter fraud. Critics argue that voter fraud rarely exists and that ID requirements are intended to suppress turnout by economically disadvantaged voters.
>Critics argue that voter fraud rarely exists and that ID requirements are intended to suppress turnout by economically disadvantaged voters.
what is this all about
They want to keep shilling the elections it looks like to me.
A felon nigger and a fucking
Mexican which is from fucking Mexico shouldn't be able to vote anyway.
Dems argue niggers are too poor and stupid to get an ID somewhere between now and November.
You heard right, they genuinely think their voters are too retarded to get an ID somewhere within the next 4 months.
In the US, leftists engage in rampant voter fraud.
Hot off the press.
Why is berntard even part of this. He's not a fucking candidate anymore.
Did I do alright?
where do i get my green card?
He obviously wanted to bake a cake to celebrate user's jewish heritage.
Holy shit, you should add autistic to your little collage as well.
>tfw national socialism
>People so fixated in wanting to build a wall that they vote away American values that they think they can protect with a wall
bit wierd to answer from a outside perspective