Tonight on a VERY special episode of Kitchen Nightmares

>tonight on a VERY special episode of Kitchen Nightmares...

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That go za looks fucking supreme

The ooey gooey cheesy goodness
Those boulders of real hearty italian sausages
A thick soft crust, comparable only to a freshly baked loaf of artisan bread
And a reasonable amount of grease to enhance all those flavors



>If you can't cook a fucking mussel -
>If yooou -
> YEA? OUIH... EH?
>Go on.


What are some essential Kitchen Nightmares?


Thats a good looking pizza. Why did he complain? It's fat but it's good.

>Literally pools of grease

Damn that looks delicious

why is american cuisine so superior compared to the others?


I mean.. Yeah?

I just can't. The thought of it makes me gag.


Why does he eat it like an asshole? I'd feel rude if I picked up my meal and just let all of the ingredients slide out one by one

That dough also doesn't look raw. It's a personal preference thing

a qt


For what purpose?

Cheese Whiz is the key

The only cooking webms worth posting are

The pizza looks like fucking shit. The crust is not only undercooked, it's fat as shit, the sausage looks awful and has no consistency or presentation as to where its added, just clinging on to that bed of congealed cheese, there's pools of grease all over the thing, the cheese looks too thick without the sauce ratio to back it up, and the sauce itself looks dried. It's the worst pizza I've ever seen. I'd rather eat a pizza out of my microwave than that mess.

Goddman amerifats

they literally brought him there to shit on him cause the dude is fucking insane and thinks that undercooked pizza is the best pizza in denver because some newspaper clipping from the early 90's said so

>personal preference thing
yeh some people have taste and some people are like you.

Usually those that are two parts long. The first part is just constant drama without the part where everything starts going right.

I don't like crunchy crust

i mean, they; as in, his friends and family and coworkers
its actually british

So much grease it bleeds onto the cheese from where is was divided by the pizza cutter.
The "thin" crust has so much dough it's fuckin RAW.
That said, recent Yelp's actually like the place. either he changed up his recipe or Denver has shit taste in pizza.
I think the latter because I've been to Denver and tried a local busy pizza place and it was ass, beer was good though.


lmao how long did it took to type that with your fat fingers?

Damn that looks delicious

lol retard

My personal delicious pizza abortion is the Pastrami pizza. Pastrami, Pickles, and mustard on a pepperoni pizza. It's mana from heaven.


Unconventional, but I'd try it.

Jesus Christ she is adorable
A cute

Do you have the spaghetti one?

She looks like Freeza

I want to protect that smile so badly

This show gets old after 5 episodes, I also noticed Gordon had his way of forcing emotional response out of people sometimes maybe he wanted to make it more interesting for the audience. It feels trashy watching reality program where people are manipulated for dramatic effect.

piccolo teatro

I'm watching the episode now and aaaaaaaaaaaa she is so adorable

The world needs more people like you. To make posters like
to feel shitty. Thank you.

Amy's Baking Company.
Can't go wrong with Amy's.

Celestina Crespin

you can also just check out the kitchen nightmares jewtube channel, I usually can't stand a full episode of complete retardation and just watch some short clips

Claiming my Kitchen Nightmarefu

post >yfw with CRISPR and 3D Printing and AI you can have your own Nightmarefu

I'm going to make shitty posts now hoping you do mine.

Burger Kitchen is probably my favorite. You also need La Galleria, ABC and Ninos

>hold a slice literally vertical
>toppings keep falling off
>waaah why is it dripping
it's called gravity


>it's called gravity
It's called "not cooked right". Idiots actually defending the absolute STATE of that pizza. I wouldn't feed it to wild animals.

Sebastian's because the guy is such a goddamn wreck. He was a slob who had a sugar mamma that kept him afloat.

>durr why isn't the bread holding in the cheese and grease when i turn it upside down

Why are all the waitresses literal waifu material?

Because qt pis can get tips so waitress positions are naturally held by qt pis

a lot of the are sloots too.

>That girl who looks like Carmela from the Sopranos

>Is it frozen? Yes.

>That was brutal

>3 cooks who do literally NOTHING all day long besides microwaving shit


What was the episode with that black lady in Bongland. Her restaurant was some soul food name and they called her Mama. It was a pretty comfy episode.

Crying greek waifu claimed

There's an episode with two autostoc fat numale twins who look legitimately like cartoon characters that bought a pizza place because they liked how pizza tasted and thought they might get to eat as much free pizza as they want

Is Hotel Hell worth watching? I need a Gordon fix but I've seen every episode of KN, both US and UK.

>he smells really good

What does Gordon smell like, Sup Forums?

This one guy's dad takes $250,000 to open a shit burger joint kid cries loads, dad is in crazy denial and the head chef is insane in a hilarious way

plus kid is a fedora wearing /ourguy/

The Americuck episodes are so low tier compared to the earlier Brit ones. The drama is just max fucking cringe and irritation.

>literally everyone i know who has been to the us talk about how repulsive the food is
Are you guys taking the piss or serious when you defend this shit?


weird how the kid is balding but his dad has full head

Wasn't there something about there being nudes of her somewhere?

Why? We get our genes from both parents.

To be fair that's kind of the only reason to watch it.

For the silly drama. Like after the owner starts yelling and is trying to improve you might as well just stop watching.

>that one faggot that would literally cry every other minute

Fucking disgusting

>tfw no qt waitresses will ever say you smell nice

What does Gordon smell like?

>"My son has a great deal of resentment against me and I don't know why"

Uh maybe because you stole fucking twohundredfiftythousand US dollars from him? HOLY SHIT what kind of shitty parents are this?


A shitload of money

I also want a job where i can piss and whine about things i dont like and get paid for it.

The Black Pearl

kek his voice.

How can one be so delusional about the quality of their own work.

I'll take the chef from the Hot Potato episode

Someone please gif or webm the little jump she does on 34:09


Yeah but there is a difference between not too crunchy and raw.

Ramsay did say in an ama that his favorite fastfood was in-n-out

>the head chef gets fired for being on drugs

>What was the episode with that black lady in Bongland. Her restaurant was some soul food name and they called her Mama. It was a pretty comfy episode.

Momma Cherrie's in Brighton, England

Ramsays Kitchen Nightmares - Gordon LIKES the food!

Ramsays Kitchen Nightmares Season 2 Episode 3 Momma Cherri's Soul Food Shack

Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares S03E10 Momma Cherri's Soul food Shack Revisted


have 6 of those delivered to my trailer

>go to europe
>can't find tourist destination
>"well then I guess the Colosseum is bad"

It's a big country. I doesn't mean anything if some dumb tourist can't find a decent place to eat.

Dont tip that fedora too hard good sir

does she do anal

Then maybe you should reach the absolute pinnacle of your craft while earning hundreds of millions and you might have that luxury.

Instead you're just an obese shitposter on Sup Forums lel.