Is he our guy?

Is he our guy?

Other urls found in this thread:

He's my self insert

>when he laughs when Dr. Now says his brother is abusing hospital staff

>Sup Forums users are fat virgin neckbeards xD

I'm so sick of this meme. Most of us are well adjusted, productive (maybe even successful) members of society. I highly doubt anyone that posts here even comes close to being clinically obese, or has a hard time socializing with others. This meme is used to discredit individuals who have legit criticisms of contemporary media entertainment, and it needs to stop.

TL:DR - This meme is unfunny and way past it's prime. Stop using it.


I have difficulty relating to him.
This makes me proud.

>tfw I'm clinicly obese
Fuck me

bask upon my visage, and despair



>that hat
what are hideous people trying to accomplish with these hats?

I thought that was JonTron from the thumbnail.

I wear those hats

I am a tall bd black dude tho

I just got to the part where Stephen goes missing and was getting more painkillers and now he is acting methed up and shit. He is seriously creeping me out right now.

nah he's /r9k/ steven is /ourguy/

I need to find an obese qt and force her to lose weight

Actually I'm currently 433lbs last I weighed and 5'6". I've never had a girlfriend and I rarely shower. My facial hair is actally longer but even more sparse than the man pictured in OP. I live on welfare in government housing. I have no intention of ever getting a job. In my apartment is my bed and my laptop and then just a minifridge and stove. I eat copious amounts of junkfood daily without remorse, I like eating and I like being fat and shitposting all day. I masturbate several times daily and use no lube, only the accumulated cheese un the fold around my below average dick. Nothing you say to me can hurt me because here we are equal, the real world and my body are irrelevant, they only keep my brain alie to interact with the internet. Fuck off normie. Kill yourself or go back to IRL where you belong. This is my world.

>Most of us are well adjusted, productive (maybe even successful) members of society.

It's all a facade. It's hiding the fact that I'm a maladjusted degenerate, with Nazi sympathies that can only get off to anime porn.

No, Steven is truly /our guy/

and fuck her loose skin flaps on the honeymoon


Yeah jon tron is redpilled like us

I thought this was a third reiECH thread.

You're right. I'm a SCRAWNY, THIN autist with no social skills, thank you very much.

>I understand your brother is here too?
>Yeah he's the other big guy
What did he mean by this?

nigga looks like Rocco Botte


t. Fat virgin neckbeard.

I'll be honest dude you look fine

>Projecting this hard

Not everyone is a slob desu

you look like you're in the top elite of neckbeard society

I'm 5'9 and 236 lbs

If you're gonna post an average baneposter, at least spoiler that shit OP

You got a Hagrid vibe and thats a good thing.

I'm a bit chubby, just a bit, AMA.