Why is there never any focus on ex-Muslims that actively denounce Islam? There are scores of them. In fact there are far more converts from Islam in the West than there are to it.
Why is there never any focus on ex-Muslims that actively denounce Islam? There are scores of them...
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Never change britcuck, btw don forget to douche out your wife's puss for ahmed
>Why is there never any focus on ex-Muslims that actively denounce Islam?
They don't exist
>that flag
Fuch off Mohammed
Are you misunderstanding me? I'm quite clearly not defending Muslims in any way shape or form. In fact that is effectively the opposite of what I am doing.
That would make people more Islamaphobic. No cbance the media will let them speak
You know, that apostatsy in Islam, is punishable by death? You know that realistically apostates are rejected by every Muslim they've known after they convert? They are not only rejected- they are threatened, beat, ostracized...and killed.
That was the case 10 yars ago when internet atheism was popular.
Now the new atheists went from denouncing islam as uniquely evil to saying it's actually more peaceful than christianity etc. etc.
>ID: cuk
Perhaps they don't draw attention to themselves? Considering the number of muslims who think leaving islam and denouncing it is murder time, it's not too suprising.
>They don't exist
Typical burger education right here.
Waleed Al-husseini, Djemila Benhabib, Rachid Fodil, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Ibn Warraq, Amin Maalouf, just to name a few who are voicing their disgust of islam.
Okay you got me there.
Well played mighty Kek.
Fuck off with your anecdotal nonsense. You might know four or five Muslims that HATE islamic extremism in your life personally but the fact is that the majority of Muslims aprove of jihadism. Congrats on being a special snowflake though, I'm sure all your jewish friends hate money and Satan as well
Good for them, but a lifetime, no generations of indocrination won't just wanish.
Arabs can't look at women and see people.
There are. But when they talk about things, Muslims say they have "wrong image of Islam" or even that they never were real Muslims. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is one example, people keep saying she has biased views because of her bad personal experiences in Somalia.
Just look at the comments in this video
Actually I don't know any. However I know there are many ex-Muslims as, in spite of the narrative being spun, many of these people fleeing the Middle East are doing so to get away from Islam, not just to get away from violence.
I'm not advocating for the left in any way, shape or form. I'm just saying, clearly the people fleeing the Middle East that have negative shit to say about Islam shouldn't just be swept under the rug by leftists.
Go donate
Ayaan Hirsi Ali comes to mind. She denounced Islam and got death threats for it. Last I heard she moved to the US, where she is barred from speaking at universities because she 'incites hatred'.
It's like 'uncle Toms' snitching in the ghetto, a coon is a coon whether urban or dune
Islam is a protected victim class in western civilization and for good reason. If the Muslim (third world shitskins) population is even half as profitable as blacks have been for major corporations then they will only want to seem as friendly as possible towards these people. Of course average Joe like you and me might be killed by a sand nigger attempting to fuck a bunch of 12 year olds in the after life but that's the price you pay for a cheap labor force, and an endless supply of mindless consumers.
Why even reply to the Yank? They have cops being killed by niggers now and yet they still focus on us.
Get fucked redcoat.
>implying cops aren't killing unarmed whites at twice the rate they're killing unarmed blacks
Ahmed likes tea and crumpets after he's left his cream pie in your wife, right?
As if your culture is so much better, LMAO
>see man driving a German whip
>look like a baller ps and sat
Chav scum the lot of you brits
I exist. I'm part of a support group in North America.
Congrats on escaping the death cult friend, no go back to your country
See, told you. They CANNOT focus on their own issues. It's like a mental illness.
Because we are just self-loathing Western-wannabes etc. etc.
>implying Turkistan is part of the west
Because as soon as you interview an ex Muslim he get killed after an minutes
I didn't imply that all though.
Hello satan
I saw this too wtf
shoo shoo Turkroach
>came here to do this
goes against the RACIST ISLAMOPHOBE narrative when you remind people that it is 100% optional to be a muslim
Daily reminder there is no word for people who hate/fear christians
This. I remember years ago reading an interview with a woman whose own dad called put a hit on her for just not behaving Islamic enough lol
They aren't vocal enough.
Doesn't fit the media/sjw narrative.
Not trustworthy.
There are two kinds of people who converted from Islam
The kind that wants to deceive you and work as a double agent for Islam
The kind that left for real and really doesn't want to bring any attention to themselves because they and their entire family will die if kebabs find out where they live