What do you think, where will Saudi Arabia be in 50 years?
The future of Saudi Arabia
Hopefully it will be a large sheet of glass.
In ruins, hopefully.
Europe, probably
One big ass grave yard that Indians can use as a designated shitting field.
This is also acceptable.
Depends on whether they keep buying weapons from BAE
>Oil is no longer used for fuel
>country unable to maintain infrastructure
>gets taken over by an overcroweded India
>shit everywhere
Okay that's it. I keep seeing this and googling it and idk what the slang means and where it comes from. Someone explain please! :^(
It'll be what they were 100 years ago: penniless Bedouin roaming the dunes. They have nothing to offer anyone but oil. I know that they are trying to revamp their economies, and to diversify them to offer services like banking, but they don't have the work ethic to make it a reality. (They were culturally lazy to begin with and three generations of oil-based NEET living has only made it worse). They also don't have the time. They want to be like Singapore or Hong Kong. It won't happen. They'll crash and turn into a failed state.
Out of oil, therefore a sandy dead shithole.
Kek, glorious.
Unfortunately Europe will be third world by then.
New white bastion under the sun, once arabs fuck off to europe in ruins?
Better than all of Europe
When a nuclear bomb explodes in the desert, the heat is so intense that the sand is turned into glass.
It means that it'll be hit with so many nuclear missiles that the entire country - made up of sand - will be melted into one massive sheet of glass.
Glass is made from sand heated to very high temperatures, as in the kind of heat nukes produce.
Gone because the oil will be.
Extinction once it's revealed of Saudi's responsibility of 9/11. They've been saving it for the big things to come.
The world has been sitting, festering and waiting to eliminate islam. And Saudi Arabia is where it all began, and where it will come to an end.
That will be when Europe is nationalist so Europe will be all white then.
Fingers crossed.
Oh that's clever, thanks anons!
Oil has many uses, only one of which is fuel.
A desolate shithole; the oil money goes and so does their wealth.
Several theories
>global warming is true
>Saudis will literally pay water with oil
>globalism and multiculturalism works out
>Saud Arabia will be Washington and Bruessel united
>America and Europe get theirs head out of their ass
>a nice memorial in the sand for how evil and plotting Islamist with money are
I'd be okay with the first.
>You seem thirsty. Now, the question is. HOW badly do you want this glass of cold, delicious glass of spring water? How much would you pay? Mmmm?
If Trump has his ways, hopefully in crumbles.
Fuck Saudi Arabia. The only reason they do so well is because of the West. Then they act all cocky and boast about how 'smart' they are.
They will always be a second rate Dubai- AT BEST
Why is this a drawing? There isn't a photograph?
Of a top secret experiment. That close to the radioactive as fuck ground zero. The film would have developed in the camera just getting close to it. Not to mention radiation sickness.