Doctor Who General - /who/

Female Doctor Edition

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I started with Revelations. But I'm an odd duck.

I might do a Part 2 one day.

I struggled to read it and didnt end up ever finishing it. /who/'s book club was reading illegal alein at the time I think and I ended up abandoning Genesis for that. Book club was fun. I miss the doughboy and coke mama meme.
3rd for Foon!

fw deleted again

Whoever posted this the other day, can I just say thank you. Funniest post in years

I admire your persistence for Foon.

I've been wondering about writing my own short story anthology about all the female Doctors that exist in various fanfilms. There are like, 4 or 5.


>Coral Bliss (from Persephone Complex)

>Joanna Lumley

>Lilly Nelson (from Ginger Chronicles)

And there are the ones from porn films, played by April O Neil and Skin Diamond. Might not include those.

Bunk Ben, would you be open to a Shit Trips Part 2 one of these days?

>/who/ is literally 3 people

post book covers

>Not including my Jenna Doctor from Shit Trips

I would probably yeah


Hey guys get is getting closer
get those smiths ready

smiths or hartnells?

free for all

Let's post some fucking matts




Just a slow night.

Kek. I probably should include that character. Your story was nice.

For Shit Trips 2, I would have already been accepting admissions, but I didn't want to to interfere with the hype for Series 10. People might be annoyed by talk of Shit Trips 2 during actual episode discussion.


my mfw face when i don't have any matts on this computer

nice matt


mfw my matt folder is my biggest doctor folder

where are your matts, everybody







Favorite Matt ep, and why?



is this show made for children and mentally impaired adults?

you just post photos and reek of heavy autism, very akin to the k-pop threads on Sup Forums, are you all broken?

shut up and post matts holy shit



I have 3 matt

man fuck this im leaving who forever wow

>I was one off

Nah, stay. Talk about Who.

let's see who robbed us

Damn it. Missed out on prime Matt posting


I'm pondering whether to start the Fourth Doctor Adventures from Big Finish or listen to more Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo podcasts right now

get is almost here guys
Get those twelveys ready

I will be Redeemed (altho technically my post was three 11's, the extra 1 wouldn't've made another 11)

She is a literal 10

No, that was Tennant

Listen to Trouble With Drax. It's standalone Four, and good stuff.

You mean a literal 13.

>tfw /who/ will never EVER get the GET

Have hope, user.

We came really close, even though it was basically just one person posting matts. We'd have a good shot if /who/ was prepared for it.

We gotta start saving 8's in preparation for . I have barely any.


Hope is a terrible thing on the scaffold.


Why does 4 even have a separate BF range?

I started with Exodus, but it wasn't any kind of plan, I just bought all the ones that I found in any of the three bookstores near me.

matt's no stranger to repeating digits

>all these images and hardly any hayley atwell

It's shit apparently.

I just don't really get why he couldn't have been part of the main range

If they put him in the monthlies, that wouldn't increase the total number of audios they put out per year, or the total number that the dedicated fanatics buy per year.

Plus, there are probably a few people who only follow one Doctor, and reducing 5/6/7 by one audio/year apiece to make room for 4 would mean those people buy one less (and they might even bitch about it online).

Meanwhile, there are probably people who only care about 4 and haven't bought an audio since Pescatons, and they were hoping a few of those would try out a 4DA subscription.

And of course they want everyone to notice, because it's a big deal that they finally got Tom Baker.

I have barely any photos of her.

Yep, but Trouble With Drax is good.

How many have you read?

Also the general move away from the main range, separating it into trilogies and offering categories to follow for each doctor

This. Disappointed desu. Was really hoping this was a thinly veiled Atwell thread.

There was the Ace get our first year...

>How many have you read?
I did a readthrough of all of them (plus I think 3 MAs and 1 PDA, in order, with So Vile a Sin in its proper place) a few years ago.

But back in the 90s, something like 40 NAs and 10 random MAs, and at least 10 of them were backfills that I got months out of sequence. (By the time I read Love and War, Ace was already back.)

Be the change you want to see.

By the way, I'm surprised that nobody ever says "Why didn't you just ask one of the bookstores to special order them?"

Someone online did finally suggest that to me, after which I never missed another book, but that was more than halfway through the EDAs, after a decade of talking about how hard it was to find the books in the US…

I don't get it. I don't understand women sometimes.
Why do they not wear anything underneath their dresses and tops? They're fully aware their nipples are so obviously showing through them.

Comfort, probably.

Where have you been living? English women love Irish accents and men.

Well, it's not like it's stupid for a woman in a job like modeling or pop singing or acting to sexualise herself.

But even women who don't want that may just not care if people see their nipples. Obviously they know our culture sexualises female nipples, but they can choose to ignore that, or even deliberately defy it. And why not?

Series 10 confirmed shite.

If dubs female Doctor announced today.


American women love Irish men even more. Even if some of them can't tell the difference between Irish and English, they still love it.

If dubs Kris Marshall is indeed the Doctor.

I'm Irish, I like banging English chicks because it's like payback for le 800 years.....

fuck off, naniwa

Is there meant to be a GET soon?

Come see us on /hr/ user. You'll find what you are looking for. Just be respectful.

A NEGRO will be the next Doctor.

Phoebe will be the next Doctor.

It's funny seeing the MCU threads spread from /hr/ to other places.

Oh shit!



The trips speak truth.


when will we get a cranky old geezer doctor


If the Doctor is so anti-violence, anti-tyranny and anti racist, etc,why does he constantly hang out in Great Britain? the biggest racists and mass murderers and tyrants in world history?

What did he mean by this?

Probably after we get a working-class Northern Doctor, a handsome faux-nerdy Doctor, and a wacky young Doctor.

Screencap this.

Don't be such a fag

stop lusting after hayley atwell, it's disrespectful and creepy as fuck

Sure, the chick who plays Phoebe would be a terrible Doctor, but the chick who plays Ursula would be perfect.

Eh, hasn't gotten bad yet. She would make a good Doctor.


so did someone report the faction mega or did the uploader just take it down?

What would happen if you were fucking a female Time Lord and she regenerated into a man while you were inside her?

>your penis would burn off

>if it didn't, your penis would be right next to his

>why is your lover dying during sex?