So this is... The most beautiful girl in the world (According to Science)

So this is... The most beautiful girl in the world (According to Science).

Why isn't she aryan, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


I find your girls in Espana incredibly gorgeous

Lemme guess they added all the parts that people like

Why are scientists so fucking dumb this is what happened in Frankenstein

No, this is the most perfect girl.

>face shape: Rihanna

>comparing facial features to dried out celebs
fucking dropped

because the 'study' was funded by you know who.

>According to science.
I think fat guys are attractive.

Looks like shit.

A mongrel.

She looks like a fucking Downs.


Why do people bump threads like this? All you retarded morons need to be gassed. Die in a fucking fire.

>had to toss blacks a bone

looks like michael jackson

>the world

I have a hard time believing that people in Poland or Finland or Japan are attracted to fat sheboons like amber heard or rihanna or kim kardashian

>implying just mashing pepoples' faces together will make an attractive person
Wew. Pic related is perfection doe, although I preferred her before the surgeries and with little to no makeup

She looks like an expressionless inflatable sex doll.

She looks like she has a couple extra chromosomes.

Looks like an ayy lmao τbh

Taylor swift is flat as fuck.

Beauty is subjective though, it's entirely based on personal taste.

She looks hideous.


More like a Fivehead

her skin color comes from no one so why is she brown?

>kim gigaassgurl
fuck off faggot with your forum slide thread

she's pretty ugly

Fuck off nigger, no one cares about
>muh ass
What's next? You're going to rant in ebonics about
>muh dick
>dindu nuffin
>das rite
>we wuz kangz
And my favorite
>we cantz be racists cuz we black

>slide thread
>check OP's ID
>only 1 post
I guess you Hung-Aryans are right as always.

Hell, I've seen black women I've found attractive, but I don't see why people like Rihanna so much. She has a weird shaped head and a flat nose, I've had white girls tell me they wish they looked more like her. I can't tell if they actually believe it or the media told them to

there's some agenda at work

The "hottest woman alive" is always somebody utterly unattractive like Halle Berry or Beyonce here.

Great now how about a pic with all the make up and shit off her face?

she is pretty unattractive desu fa m.

Maybe she is attractive to the majority of the human race but as a snownigger she looks uninteresting.

>Fucked up nose
>Fucked up mouth
>Fucked up eyes

and personally: Too fucking brown.

>pic related a 10x as attractive female

2nd post by ID incoming just for (you)

That body shape will age badly.
Screencap this post

>Only murican traits

A murifat burkike did this, cannot be trusted.

no it isn't you BITCH. Beauty exists objectively like any other value.

((((((((((((((((S C I E N C E)))))))))))))))))))

confirmation that 99% of science is retarded or biased bullshit

She's fucking gross.
Atleast pick a white girl whose not anorexic
.She's actually gross.

Then science fucked up.


that explains why she look so fucking awful, what's even going on with this cheek bulge thing?

>According to women, not men

The result would be so different if a men got to vote

Too brown so he isn't perfext at all

looks like karl from workaholics

>her skin color comes from no one so why is she brown?
Doesn't mention hair either. Someone should shoop it blonde and white and see what we got then.

what? that thing looks like a monster

Modern science doesn't provide actual knowledge.

this. i'm not a nigger, but at some point the flatness doesn't do anything for me.

i'd still fuck her (obvs), but if she wasn't anorexic i'd fuck her 100+ times


This man knows

She looks like an AyyLmao

>Liking a female shape is considered niggardly

Taylor literally has a boy body, it's gross. Plus you can see her spine through her skin (ew)

everybody in the world is american

it would be 16 year old birdy

>according to science
Boy I sure do like it when people who don't know shit about science try to act like they know shit about science.

Tell me this isn't perfect /po/

this is some real uncanny valley shit

id be fucking terrified if i saw that IRL

>Using science to determine something subjective

>Face shape - Rihanna

is that before or after Chris Brown remodeled it?

>fap to katrina
fake boobs

It's not Anzu so

anzu is 12,you pedos

What the fuck is happening with that hairline

Thank you

But really, she is the saviour of the White race



Fugly bitch. Not my taste.

>"Night elf" dance

science disproved
checkmate athiests

She looks like a fucking monster.

thank god only a theory

Just posting perfect Finnish QT here

Is she slav or french?

Haha do you have any pics of her feet, just for laughs.

guess i have to up the game

That's a 6/10 at best.

I have no idea but she looks slavic to me

I dated a polack and she had eyes just like that

>faggot stormfag detected

So bascially this looks like Michael Jacksons Unknown cousin?


Yee boi

Science has failed, she looks like an ayy lmao

there's some delusions at work here

that fat nerd sam hyde fucked this troubled teenager from Sup Forums

This is retarded, by the same logic i could mix chocolate, pizza, goulash, ice cream and vegetable salad together and call it the best food on the planet because everyone likes the condiments. Also this


Well this kinda is right because all races will find her attractive since she looks black/asian and caucasian.

This is a Frankenstein-tier abomination
The perfect face already exists

Lol beyonce is trying so hard to look white. She probably wears those huge hats that cower your face in the summer to avoid getting tanned

lol Romanians confirmed for eating shit food.

>face shape: rihanna

Who's this? I wanna make her my wife

Rihanna is a qt though.

Out of my way plebs.

looks like nick cage

Yeah she's hot but her acting skills are quite lacking. She was shite in GBH and the lovely bones.

Yes, keep eating your (((healthy))) Monsanto vegetables, we Romanians will just stick to our lowly shitty food :^)

are they even trying?

No, it's that those films were shite. It wasn't her fault.

Saoirse is very pretty, but she's not sexy. You need to get the balance right.

You clearly have no idea about film.

I suggest you go where you belong.