If the Titanic sunk today, does the women and children rule still apply or do we all start being treated equally?
If the Titanic sunk today, does the women and children rule still apply or do we all start being treated equally?
Modern equality applies only when it favours women.
a lot of the lifeboats weren't even full to capacity, the guy completely misinterpreted what he was told to do and a lot of the guys that died simply didn't need too
so to answer your question it shouldn't have even happened the way it did the first time
Good question. I'd guess a lot of men would voluntary stay behind though, with the women fighting each other to get the most luxurious spots.
Yes, but now you can do this, claim to be female, and grab a spot.
Most places never had "women and children first" and crew members tried to save as many people as possible. Titanic is probably the only famous example of a rare policy.
The "women and children first" philosophy was used as recently as 2011, although there's no maritime law basis for it.
Source: Wikipedia
No now it's minorities, then homosexuals then women, then children.
One of the retarded officers used a "women and children ONLY" policy and so boats were lowered like half empty if only men were around.
Yes, but male children would go after the women.
t. equality pro
People would be too selfish to care and do anything to save their own hide first.
Minorities first, followed by any trans/gay people, then children, then women, then the animals, then the men if there's any time left
Who gives a shit I'd push myself through any females and get on a fucking boat, what are they gonna do, shoot me?
>child minorites
>women minorities (except muslim women, those have to go last carrying their husbands luggage)
>white children
>gay/trans people
>white women
>white men get left behind because they build the ship and the iceberg was white, they are clearly at fault
If you don't agree with this i will report you to my government department for hatespeech
Even with packed as fuck lifeboats a lot of people would've been dead
They only started to put enough lifeboats on ships after this, hence why very few people died in the sinking of the Britannic (literally the same ship as the Titanic, but sunk in like 50 minutes instead of 4 hours)
imagine some feminist bitch trying to take your place in the line for the lifeboat
the only woman i would let go first, is a housewife
It was rich vs poor not men vs women/kids. Almost all the rich passengers survived.
This guy knows what's up
actually yes, that happened
If every lifeboat was packed (60ppl x 16 boats + 45ppl x 4 boats), It still would have not saved everyone
even if they were overloaded to 70 people per boat, it wouldnt have helped much
t. titanic expert
First Post, best Post.
It would be all Niggers and Sandniggers first, you aren't racist are you?
Just take how the Internet has been for the past few years as a template.
People would bark and bark about women being "equal" to men, then everyone would make damn well sure that women get special treatment. That's how it would go - women would get special treatment, and be saved first, even though they are allegedly "equal" to us.
Oh, and if you don't agree with this, or speak out against it, you will labelled as a fedora tipping neckbeard virgin, or other similar buzzwords. Women are good and men are bad. People have made it very clear they think this way. I'm absolutely fucking sick of all this bullshit, but nobody wants to change it.
You guys missed the point I think...
I understood it as not even filling the few lifeboats they had because men weren't aloud.
I also think partially launched lifeboats was from lack of training, which was endemic throughout the maiden cruise. There simply wasn't enough crewmen available to man the labor intensive equipment involved in lowering the boats. Add to the fact that initially passengers refused to get on the boats, thinking they were safer on the ship, and you can see the clusterfuck that swamped the poor dude in charge of lowering the few life boats they had. Eventually, they just "this boat is getting lowered, you'd better get on."
ha. allowed.
lol i would throw both women and children in the sea to save my own ass
fuck drowning
survival of the strongest applies
Shoot them back. If I were to die I'd die fighting and killing some sjws