Why does everyone think the truck attack in France was 'nice'

I have been seeing that fucking hashtag everywhere and I'm disgusted that all the important smart people like Jessica Alba are posting this Sup Forums tier degeneracy and sinking to your pathetic level.

I hope you all die.

Other urls found in this thread:


Visiting kiwiland from Straya are ya?

It was a pretty nice attack, you gotta admit


|#NICECOMBO ||l “”|””\__,_


>Truck's my name, speed's my game.

|religion of peace ||l “”|””\_

this whole world is parody

enjoy the freak show


Cool bait bro.

>Jessica Alba
Is she a frog?
What does she care?





that is quite good

the audacity of these fucking shitskins

Probably he gives her a shitton of million petrodollars every month to suck his cock.

i dont want to laugh at this shit

I just realized, isn't this like the 3rd time this has happened? It was sad at first but now it seems like a fucking lame sheep trend that's annoying.

>Tfw not even in a video game you can achieve the killstreak the actual guy did.

It's called Nizza in German.

>Germany using its proper Italian name
Das it mane.



I'm afraid the repeated occurrence of these attacks is habituating the European People to this sort of lifestyle; that is, they'll become used to it. It will be the new normal.

The reaction to these events will become less and less pronounced. I suspect, contrary to the opinion of "this will finally be the event that wakes them", it is numbing the populace to violence.

69 people killed





i hate to break character but when i played driver ii as a kid, i was really confused why they named the first level "nice" and then every other one was an actual irl city
