What does Sup Forums think of Christianity?

What does Sup Forums think of Christianity?

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I really hate the point of view and the cockyness of American protestant christcucks

im a trad catholic and i honestly prefer atheists to protestants

Its a degenerate religion that inhibits the well beingnof the people and progress.

The ultimate jewish trick to enslave the white race. Now that atheism is becoming strong they've invented SJWism to replace it.

Bunch of historical oppressors, robbers, warmongerers, brainwashers etc..

spain confirmed honorary white


It's good, like the other major religions. They all build communities and help build society. Meanwhile, atheists are scum and have contributed nothing to society

Hell Oden


It's shit.

Sorry to say but as somebody who hates intellectual dishonesty I cannot stand Christianity.

There isn't a single motherfucker in that religion who is Christian first.

All of them have their own political ideology and agenda and then they form their own sect of Christianity around those beliefs.

So really, they aren't Christians. They just call themselves that.

This is true for all kinds of people. There are fascists and communists who call themselves Christians. And all kinds of degenerates as all.

i agree with you but i replace word christian with protestant

Tell me how Bible worshipers are doing in the south?

If you removed that nonsense and replaced it with a positive faith then that would be good, worshiping Israel is not positive.

desert nigger religion forced onto europeans

If God exists then he surely hates me.


The traditional old world kind is nice largely regardless of what branch. New world Evangelical shit is obnoxious.

christianity here means "priests taking money from everyone" so no
that's probably true for most countries but i don't care that much to research

Way better than china, a communist country with very little religion.
How does the BTFOing feel?

that narrative is overblown and you know it

Anti christianity does not mean anti religion or pro marxism, my faith is in the positive, I believe that is is good is true and have faith in its value to the divine.

This, its a degenerate Jewish self interest scam.

baptized orthodox and still practice it to this date

English can't be your first language lad. Wtf are you saying?


only half russian



Bring the inquisition back, please.


nearly that desu