What did Clint Eastwood mean by this?

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Anyone else watch this? It was mediocre but I liked the production values. Jolie was shit and Malkovich literally disappears two-thirds of the way through.

But user, that was true then and is still true now.

I'm almost certain eastwood is the last person to put any leftist agenda in his movies.

Worse. He loves putting white savior cliches into every one.

what about J,. Muchael Stracynski, who wrote the movie?

Oh right you don't know what you're talking about.

It's based on real life events, fucktard.

I'm referring to a scene after Christina Collins is institutionalized and she meets Amy Smart the prostitute who tells her about the Code 12 patients. She lists literally every single one as being falsely institutionalized and goes on this diatribe about how "Oh women must be hysterical if they speak out against the police!"

>Amy Smart
I mean Amy Ryan

So you're saying this didn't happen or you don't believe but instead of trying to see if the movie is factual, you'd rather push your opinion instead and try to make it credible by trying to associate the movie with SJWs?

I'm saying the scene was unnecessary and forced.


Because the entire movie would have been unchanged if Amy Ryan's filler character wasn't included. In fact it would have been a much leaner, more focused movie about this woman's struggle for justice instead of the tacked on social commentary angle.

>tacked on
How is it tacked on when it's reinforcing that what happened to Angelina Jolie's character is what happened to many other women during that time?


>What did Clint Eastwood mean by this?- 14 posts and 1 image reply shown.
"They"'ve gotten to him.


She didn't say every women in the asylum. She said women brought in by Code 12. The police abused it to silence any criticisms brought against them by women.

>She said women brought in by Code 12.
Every woman brought in by Code 12? EVERY SINGLE WOMAN?!

why do so many males like to deny the treatment of women was awful for thousands of years

they only seem to care about the treatment of women when its muslamics doing it rly makes u think

Well, yes, you fucking cretin

>every woman
I don't know man, the film was about only one woman.

>saging with every post
Why are you so fucking upset? Are you a woman? Are you mentally ill?

What did user mean by this? Every woman in the world is affected by the patriarchy, that's the whole point about the patriachy. You phrased your shitpost really weird

>I'm for liberty and freedom
>except if wymyn get abused by crooked cops, then it's fine

She didn't say EVERY single women. She's emphasizing that the LAPD is abusing Code 12 against MANY women.

>The deterioration of the family unit destroyed America.
>Spousal abuse happened but it was shameful and the wife beaters were ostracized if it came out.
>Not denying cops abused their power but this was overblown by leftist soapboxing demagogues such as John Malkovich's's character

Get fucked faggot, you moved goalposts so far they're in another hemisphere.

That hanging scene was disturbing.


You keep saying this. Have you found anything to suggest Changeling was exaggerating or inaccurate?

You still lost.

Him singing with that fucking hood on made me hyperventilate, holy shit, that stuff was horrible to watch.

I lost what you utter retard?

I'm not gonna prove a negative. Do me a favor and point me to evidence that every single woman the LAPD locked up under Code 12 was done so under false pretenses.

Don't bother giving him more (you)s user. The only thing that can ever cure him is some bitch finally fucking him

I've had sex with 8 different women in the last year.

>Straczynski says he spent about a year investigating the case. He dug through records all over L.A. — at the county courthouse, at the library, in the archives of the Los Angeles Times, the city morgue.

The movie was made because they wanted to show a not well known tale of police abuse. It's based on true events.

Did the blowup doll company give you a Christmas card for your fidelity?


Did you end up getting that projectionist job at the movie theater?

I guess hating police became fashionable again when Barack Obama was running for president.

>n-not me y-you


>if you condemn police abuse you're a left wing nigger commie faggot sjw tranny

Alright, your bait is too obvious now.

It's so much fun to hate cops until you actually need them ;^)

Shut up, loser.

Hate to burst your bubble, but on the off chance you're just a retard, cops are people, people are corruptible, and police brutality, abuse of power and disregard of the law in the early 20th century is well documented fact about the LAPD.


Clint Eastwood is a far right reactionary. I highly doubt that this is the message he was trying to send.

Clint is an economic conservative and a social libertarian. He has just the right amount of disdain for the state abusing its power as a man of his stature should have.


>old baby boomer

Yes, he is oh so oppressed by the state. Woe is him.

Nobody is "oppressed" by the state in America. Move to Turkey or Pakistan or Somalia if you want to see real oppression.

But muh war on Christmas.

Oh and not to mention that the big bad evil state helps subsidize his stupid movies

>hurr durr the state is bad
>please give me exorbitant tax write offs (i.e. welfare) so I can make a piece of shit movie that glorifies said state's military and a dumb redneck that I think is a hero even though he committed war crimes

>Nobody is "oppressed" by the state in America
>One quarter of the entire world's prison population is in America

Lol ok.

>One quarter of the entire world's prison population is in America
People who commit crimes belong in jail.

65 percent of the US prison population meet the criteria of substance abuse addiction before they enter prison. Only 11 percent receive medical help for said addiction.

People who are led to lives of crime due to verifiable medical issues in the richest nation in the history of the world belong in rehabilitation.


wew lad, calm down

>addiction is a disease!
Then maybe being off the street will stop them from infecting others.

sure is reddit in this thread

this guy is right

the person who wrote the script is a SJW on steroids

this story had nothing to do with womanhood or misogyny, and everything to do with the abuse of power

Abuse of power, fueled by misogyny.
>This bitch is trouble, better throw her ass in the nuthouse to shut her up by saying she's mentally unstable and hysterical all the time.

yes sure, because no man was ever committed to a mental asylum for daring to speak against the police

no man was ever wronged by the police! it's a woman-exclusive thing!

women and blacks have the same kind of victim complex. every time some kind of injustice happens to them on an individual basis they automatically assume it's because of them being female/black, and blindly believe this is a unique, exclusive experience that could only happen to them

Literally no one but yourself is arguing that. How does it feel to look like an idiot in your own thread?

the movie is implying it. you are implying it.

dont act dumb.

>the movie is implying it.

>you are implying it.
I actively avoided your shit thread until I saw your particularly dumb post. Then I just had to let you know you're being dumb.

>dont act dumb.
I don't wanna steal your thunder.

>this thread
>this post
This some kind of Tumblr simulator or have you cunts successfully colonized Sup Forums?

>I actively avoided your shit thread until I saw your particularly dumb post

dont pretend like i didn't notice the post number was 16 and changed to 17 when i entered the thread, but remained unchanged after you posted

Got him

Oh, by all means, point out my secret post.

you've been posting in the thread from the start

No it fucking isn't. It's saying this sort of shit happened, as it's based on real events, and expands it enough in one scene to show to you that it wasn't just an isolated incident that just happened to Angelina Jolie, other women were also treated in the same exact fashion.

>thinking that just because whiny SJWs bitch over the most minor nonsense today, shitty things done to women and minorities didn't actually occur in the past

so, just like men..?

instead the movie tries to make it out like it was a woman-exclusive experience

the level of smugness in this post is off the charts

let me guess, you're a tranny

>so, just like men..?

No, not like men. Women were thought the weaker sex who were prone to hysterics and other mental dysfunctions and thus were far more eagerly thrown into mental institutions.

She was going: "This isn't my fucking child!" and the response was
>Bitch be crazy, better lock her up
And people just figured "fucking women, eh"

If a man was in a similar situation, he would have had far better chance of fighting the ordeal the protagonist goes through in Changeling.

>And people just figured "fucking women, eh"
except the Priest with his legion of followers, the doctor who knew the kid's teeth were different from her actual son's, and the teacher.

yes, yes like men. deeming people who dare to stand up to governmental abuse of power insane isn't a gender-exclusive thing.

and women ARE more prone to hysterics.

>If a man was in a similar situation, he would have had far better chance of fighting the ordeal the protagonist goes through in Changeling.

you're a mentally ill tranny

>babby's first troll

they dont matter though