Why is Hollywood so transphobic?

Why is Hollywood so transphobic?

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Is rhat bella

better looking than bella




Wheres the benis

Much better looking

There's no penis anymore

>no dick

What's the point then?

bella looks like a bad tranny compared to a real tranny

Did he cut off his dick? What a shame.

Tranny is a very rude word

I know this

its like saying nigger

why are you so deep in the closet you cant admit that you're just a faggot that likes dicks?

Everybody is. Learn this: the mentally I'll will never be accepted, or respected. Our biology doesn't allow it, as much as liberals try to push it.

I'll be tolerant of it, but that's as far as it'll ever go.

>it's okay to attack mentally ill that have no control over their mind

>we are the side that works with jesus kekekeke

is that shit on the floor?

I'm a passing tranny. Jamie Clayton is one of the only non-nigger tranny who gets decent roles

guys im a mess, I just woke up coughing hard at 7 am, I didn't know what day, time or week it was, my life has turned into an extremely constantly speed accelerating carousel of a deja vu exhaustion and misery

i didn't ask to get on this ride in the first place

show me your boi pucci before i kill myself

not tonight user I'm going to sleep soon

ur a qt 10/10 would cum inside ur ass

thank you fag, but only after you buy me tickets to the latest kino

How about we just cuddle up on the couch and watch kinos since I'm a poor fuck.

eh not bad, would like to see you dolled up


>There's no penis anymore


Whats the point then$

I'm rich in personality :^)

Shit tier tranny

You do not pass


qt. need to succ that feminine penis.

get real bro, bad angle, no make-up, no feminine clothes

and still "passes" apart from kind of the shoulders, but to say you haven't seen manlier women is a lie

I recognize those moles anywhere - its super model andreja pejic!


I've literally never been called a man irl, so you're just being epic

feelsbadman :(

lemme snuggle you pls
I'm poorish but I'm a business finance student so I'll be making gains soon

Are you a goddamn moron? Hollywood is THE ONE pushing for all this trans agenda bullshit.

He's wearing make up retard. The angle is an angle that doesn't show the rest of his fucked up face and the chest and shoulders are manly as fuck. If it was a full body image with no face obstructions you could easily tell it was a tranny

Maybe if we cross each other in another thread, user. I'll be around

what make up do you see mr. expert, other than possibly (but probably not) mascara

you rim jockey

Because people don't want to be rude. People see you and are disgusted so they try to comfort you. It's the same with fat, short, and ugly people

t. De eternal virgin

I'm a virgin but at least I didn't fuck up my body and forever taint everybodys glancing perception of me

Well most people perceive me just fine, fag

yeah ok fag

dun dun DUN DA DA DUN dun dun

>calling me the fag
Oh the ironing

>fucking men while pretending to be a girl is gay
lmao if you literally think this

I'm short and ugly and I don't know what world you are living in, people aren't afraid to look at me with disgust and my friends don't hesitate to remind me

literally though OPs pic was bella

It's an unconscious thing people do. They act different around people that are different.


drop by and look for Seth Rogen sometime :^)

you dont recognise bella thorne?

Bost benis :DD

you deserve to be gassed you fucking degenerated mentally ill faggot

looks like fucking idubbz



wow such a qt patootie!! whats your kik ill cum in your pussy butthole 10/0 m8 you defo pass heehe

trannies are the new normal

id much rather fuck caroline's hentai

>Why is Hollywood so transphobic?

It isn't.

>Danish movie

Because people don't want to see trans people in movies. Same reason bald guys or fat women rarely get leading roles.

>ywn be a pretty girl

99% of the trannies on tinder (I saw one good looking asian)

>bald guys

Like Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, Vin "big guy" Diesel, The Rock?

>The Rock's films made over 2 billion in 2016, more than any other actor
baka this board

>le bald roidmonster meme

U look great hon!!!

reminder that Keanu banged her


Ew. Literally almost makes me gag. You can see that's a guy.

This is why, OP: Because the whole world does. It's not specific to Hollywood.

>thinking you pass

>be tolerant

You're a cunt

Where's the Sup Forumsacks?

are they sleeping or what?

Oh, you're all degenerates.

how tight do you think his ass pussy is though


>The Rock is a meme

you seem too young to know this but The Rock has been in the limelight for literally decades now, far far from a meme kid.

He is a national treasure, the toughest actor in hollywood and if you're mom wasnt a hog he would have his way with her then never call her again.

go to sleep carlton

>le overreaction to bad reading comprehension meme.

as of fantastic beasts his transition is complete


you go back to r3ddit is what you do.