Do you guys think it would be possible to get the pope to call a crusade?
If so, how?
Do you guys think it would be possible to get the pope to call a crusade?
If so, how?
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When he is a total liberal? No way.
The church is dead, and the Papacy would never call for Christians to defend Christendom.
Society would collapse first
Yes it would be. Not that the current Pope would call one.
Most countries make it illegal to organise without the state's approval to fight another country, though.
Not with the fucking cuck that is Francis. The least Catholic piece of shit imaginable.
The pope is a Muslim lover faggot, the only thing he is going to call for is less Islamophobia.
There has to be a way to appeal to his catholic roots. I bet he lives with a deep feeling of hate for Muslims in his balls.
Well, maybe if we build a Cyborg-Ratzinger with gatling guns and a jetpack...
maybe give him all the nigger feet he can kiss?
What, a crusade against capitalism? That's what he really hates.
Papists are bigger scum than mudshits
Seeing this would make me believe.
t. Protestant cuck
Ah you beat me by a few seconds, I was just about to post this.
Yeah try to get this guy to call for a crusade.
The Church died with the murder of Vatican II.
What you have now are jews and freemasons pulling the strings.
Last good pope was Pope Saint Pius X. He was the last pope that called against Modernism.
That is why those who are still faithful follow the Traditional Latin Mass. The church has to undergo the same thing as Jesus. Right now we are in the agony in the garden stage.
> the liberal cuck pope
> calling a crusade
Negative 0. More chances of him calling in the muslims to kill whites, because they are the reason for oppression and hence terrorism. The church as it is is dead and has been dead for a long time now.
I still don't get how all the muslim areas aren't fire bombed and salted.
Don't mind me, there are plenty of pictures of him kissing feet
You're almost there, user.
The East is waiting for you.
>Do you guys think it would be possible to get the pope to call a crusade?
Yes. Here's how.
>pope is killed in a terrorist attack
>new pope elected in the aftermath of that
Sadly it would take something that extreme.
Reformed master race here
Okay what about like the baptist church or something, they're pretty crazy.
> killing the pope
And they would need somekind of "extreme" new pope that takes the opportunity to enforce a crusade. The problem is, would the church allow it. It feels like the church in general is extremely liberal and only a thin shell of what it used to be.
For some reason, I don't think much would change if the pope was killed from the churches perspective. They would probably call for peace and understanding. NotAllMuslims and so on. The people would be upset, but they wouldn't be allowed to get a figure they could rally behind.
>tfw you live on the total shithole and the nearest Latin Mass is 60 km away
>Do you guys think it would be possible to get the pope to call a crusade?
Teenager detected. And if you're not a teenager, kys for such childish thinking.
If the members of the Catholic church have any sense of honour or pride and any rememberance of history then they'll be ignited by such an outrage.
I fear that you're right and they're too far gone, but when you look at the history of Urban 2 you'll notice that things REALLY went to shit before the church finally stepped up and called for a crusade.
The "Catholic Church" you're talking about is a product of your adolescent imagination.
The real Catholic Church is a gypsy pile of shit and superstitions, old women worshipping statues crying blood. It's shit.
Source: born & raised Catholic, both parents have administrative positions at local Church congretation
Your "DEUS VULT" Church imagination shows that you have no contact with the Catholic Church and that you're an all around ignoramus
The Catholic Church is the embodiment of "cuckholdism" is there ever is one on Earth
It's much different now. Having high faith is considered a mental disease, while liberalism and degeneracy is a norm. Sadly the church is responsible for this, because they don't nurture belief these days. Everyone is too busy kissing the legs of refugees and BLM.
Even if the entire vatican exploded nothing would happen from the CHURCH. You might get a few rogue figures calling for a crusade, but it would never start. A white christian crusade is the death of globalisation and liberalism. A very very painful death.
The church might have had some credit many many many years ago, but now it's generally there for people to be brainwashed and for old ladies to congregate and meet up.
tl;dr deus vult is impossible and will not happen no matter what.
>Do you guys think it would be possible to get the pope to call a crusade?
With this Pope? No. Maybe in few years...
>If so, how?
Something among those lines:
But the real question is - who would anserw? Poland probably will. Maybe Portogal and Eastern Europe. Bunch of Americans. But who else?
crusades never stopped
If whites are being raped and murdered in the streets then people will start to change their tune. There's surely only so much that equalist brainwashing can do.
Pretty much.
In Mexico and South America Catholicism is basically Christianity intertwined with strange local Paganism. Mary is the focal point, they're obsessed with signs, visions, statues crying tears of blood as you mentioned. It is Paganism parading as Christianity.
In the United States Catholicism is softer than baby shit, it has faltered like everything else in the west. One of the only things they remained firm on was gay marriage, and even now that is evaporating.
Catholicism on the global scale isn't remotely similar in any two countries. The church is dead.
If that was true heathen slavshits would be pushed beyond the Urals back where they belong
no, i dont. not this pope.
The church wont change it's tone. Ofcourse we will get some big happening and civil war, but the question is "Will a crusade ever happen?". It's not a crusade if you don't have the full force of the church focusing on a target. You need it to wield the believers as a sword and shield. The church would never allow a crusade as it is now. It's full of cucks and its main focus to attract cucks and to appease to liberals as much as possible.
>pol goes to crusade
>parade of mobility carts
>deus vult
What is the best documentary or books about the crusades?
pleas rspnd
Implying it hasn't
Pope can't do shit. He's too busy sucking the feet of nigger Muslim rapefugees.
What's the best Christian church? Eastern Orthodox reaches out to me the most.