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eka .d.dD:d.:D

kolmas postimyynti tyty ydelle

*oispattelee voimakkaasti*


how do I get a finnish gf?

tuli tampere mieleen kuvasta

Tuli tosta edellisen langan paskanjauhamisesta mieleen että David Foster Wallacella on ihan päteviä mielipiteitä viihteeseen ja ihmisten kanssa kanssakäymiseen liittyen.

Ei se niillä mielipiteillään hengissä pysynyt

have you been in Russia?

Vittu mä haluun kolaa kossua pilluu ja singon.


Moi, äänitä kun pidät tämän puheen ja postaa tänne.

en tietenkään, mitä mää siellä tekisin
suomessa on ihan tarpeeksi ryssiä

Kehari kirjoita sanat ylös niin joku saattaisi tehdä sen

Oispa purjevene, ja farkkvolvo, ja omakotitalo

Eli oisinpa stereotyyppinen hurri ilman sitä vitun ruotsin rallattelua


Wolfenstein 2, Ritva Tuomivaara

>Ei vittu. Captain, I need some help.
>Captain, have you got the time to help out? Perkele saatana.
>But all the vittun entrances are blocked by debris, can't even get in there!

ei vittu myötähäpeää

ei, sen pitää tulla sydämmestä


Sounds almost like kiska

Jooh, aika harva meistä elää ikuisesti

it means the same

Uus tuntematon oli 10/10 kino leffa.

what do you mean

kiissa means kiska in fennish language

That poster looks like one those cheap War movies that are sold direct to video at a redbox.

Tuntematon oli kyllä kirjana sen verran tylsä ettei siitä saa leffaversiona kovinkaan mielenkiintoista vaikka mitä tekisi.
Mieluummin katsoisin jonkun suomalaistetun versioinnin Catch-22:sta.

where can I watch it free?

Ei ollu toi uus leffa kyllä hetkeäkään tylsä.

Me ei eletä neukkulassa vitun ryssä. Asiat eivät ole ilmaisia.

When it comes to bd you can torrent it. Doubt that there are camrips

The original is pretty nice

so why did they up the stereotypical war grime and dark lighting shit for it? It makes it look incredibly cheap knockoff.

why you don't love Russia?

Because you occupy our rightful clay.

In all seriousness, I don't have ill will towards you Russians. The coming collapse of western civilization needs us to re-evaluate past relations and find new allies in the never ending struggle for the survival of both of our peoples.

Tulin saunasta

Onko tyty (poju) joka tykkää tytöistä (tytyistä)?

Russia also gave your country independance, remember?

>incredibly cheap knockoff.
The film ''industry'' of this cunt in a nutshell. Even less original and uninspiring than hollywood nowadays

it is weird, I have been trying to look for recent, good european films since im getting bored of the stuff made here but the majority are innate boring shit or copy/paste of what we make here.

Because lenin believed that we would voluntarily join back to USSR after a commie revolution. We BTFOed commie scum in our civil war so that didn't obviously happen, and few years later you tried to took us by force

henkilöt jotka kritisoi leffoja/kirjoja tylsiksi on 90% todennäköisyydellä normo aivokaisia

mees lukemaan routalemmen kolmesataasivunen eepos siitä kuinka ruoho kasvaa

There're few gems, but it's mostly shit. I think this appies to euro film industry as well

>There're few gems
any recommendations, at least recent films?

Tekosyynne olla hakematta puutteessa olevaa japsitytyä kalpealla ihollanne ja suomalaisella eksoottisuudellanne?

Only to attack us few years later.

Though, to be fair, during the era of our autonomy, you were not as dickish masters as the fucking Swedes were (well, as we had fucking autonomy so that's a given). But even with that, the war in which you took us over, you committed horrendous brutalities upon my people. One in every 10 people was taken as slaves by you from where I am from.
So it is safe to say, that there is loads of bad blood between our peoples, and genuine hatred of you Russians is still very common in some parts of Finland, because the traumas of the past have stuck with our people. We however, do not have the same sort of culture of grievances as some other europeans do, where they remember shit from over 800 years ago and still whine about it.

Like I said, I got no ill will towards you Russians personally. My perspective is one of what I deem to be the best interests of my people, and if allying with you russians ever becomes a better option than sticking with the decaying west, I'll be up for that in a heartbeat. Nothing besides ensuring the continued existence of my people and that there remains a future for Finnish children, matters to me.
If our leaders had any sense, they would be building up our armed forces and preparing for the struggles that are bound to be ahead, but seeing how they are allowing shitskins to infest our nation, it is safe to say that most of our leadership is made out of nothing but traitors and morons.

Try a french ones
Haven't seen bad french movie at all

oispa varaa hakea japsityty

I've heard Samurai Rauni Reposaarelainen is at least okay. From other cunts Jagten, Oslo, 31. august, Don't let me in and Toni Erdmann are all good

cause you gotta look for the small budget indie film type of stuff, not the (relatively) big budget mass marketed shite. Aki Kaurismäki is an internationally well known auteur

Some kaurismäki movies maybe. The man without past is probably most known internationally too

isoisäni on rasisti ryssiä kohtaan ja kasvatti isäni samanlaiseksi. isäni kasvatti minut saman lailla ja niin aion minäkin kasvattaa lapseni ryssänvihaajaksi.

Elämä on niin turhaa....
Me vaan tehää töitä ja käydää kouluu mitä järkee
Mitään kivaa ei tapahdu.
Toivottavasti sit ku kuolee pystyy tehä ihan mitä vaa
Saa luoda oman maailmansa

jaahas siellä on jonnen ensimmäiset pajautukset menossa?

heh autism


here's a move Quentin Tarantino ripped off a couple years back

Thanks for the info/rec but now the biggest problem is finding one with english subs, specially the finnish ones but at least it is a start.

Oispa tyty-yde.

There's tons of sites for downloading subtitles, Podnapisi and Opensubtitles for example


the Mack last I liked

On tää hirveetä kävellä kaupungilla kun menkat on tulossa. Tuntuu että haluaa nussia jokaiselta vastaantulijalta aivot pellolle

Minne meen jos haluan vittu tappaa itteni?

ah nice, now to torrent shit. Sucks for the filmaker but with a film that has only been watch by 4000 or less people, one more guy isn't going to help.

Vihaan kun käy noin

he looks like that finnish or swedish comedy film that gets posted here about a cop doing outlandish shit. Don't have the .webm but i will def check it out, thanks.

its going to help more when it has been seen by 4 millions people?

its always just one extra ticket, its never going to matter anything


put finn in a bin xD

explain your reasoning for that action

yea and im not traveling to finland to watch a film. I've barely thought about spending 2k to go traveling but sadly finland isn't in my priorities.

tein kuumia koiria uunissa kun muistin että mulla ei ole sinappia

Tuntemattoman klassikkoasema kirjana pohjautuu pitkälti siihen, että se rikkoi sen runebergiläisen ihanteen sodankuvauksen konvention. Mutta jos miettii sitä sotakirjana yleensä, niin ei se ole oikein kummoinen. Kerronta hajaantuu niin monen hahmon kesken, ettei kehenkään hirveästi saada syvyyttä. Yleinen asetelma sodasta turhana ja verisenä tapahtumana rasittavien auktoriteettien alla oli poikkeava Suomessa silloin kun kirja julkaistiin, mutta jos sitä nyt vertaa kaikkeen mitä ulkomaillakin on julkaistu niin ei se ole erityisen kummoinen.

>finland isn't in my priorities.
You should seriously reconsider that. We've things like a sauna and angry birds activity park

He actually is. Apparently he didn't learn to talk until age 5 or something.

Yea but considering the possibilities out there, it is difficult to see going to finland. Specially when I don't know the language at all and you can hardly talk to people over there since you guys are very private. The most I would get out of it is just seeing a couple of sights.

everyone understands english
the worlds most promiscious women

There really isn't any reason to see sights here. If I was going on a holiday here I'd spend 1 day in Helsinki at max and then rent a cottage somewhere farther away. There's a reason only chinese and japanese bother coming here.

>then rent a cottage somewhere farther away
I could that here then.

Koska oon ruma ja karvainen mörökölli.

>everyone understands english
yea but you guys are still fairly cold by own standards of course (and from what i have gather from finnish posters), so it would be awkward even then.
>the worlds most promiscious women
Very dodgy when it comes to fucking women in a foreign country imo.

Vittu tää nofap on paskaa. Kasseihin sattuu.

our alcohol culture is the answer mate, its like day and night with us finns depending if there is booze or not

Ajoin perskarvat ensimmäistä kertaa elämässäni.
Ilmoittelen viikon päästä auttoiko operaatio perseen hikoiluun

Yeah, that's why it's not really worth coming here. There are things like proper wooden saunas that you can't get elsewhere though.

>yea but you guys are still fairly cold
That's just a meme finns like to shout to sound special. If you ask for directions you will get them without any trouble.

it's funny because it rhymes up :)


oispa robo tyty yde

Onko tolla pinppi?


juu sillä on pinppeli kun kato saudit ei saa päästää naisia ulos ihmisten ilmoille

>There are things like proper wooden saunas that you can't get elsewhere though.
Not worth 2k and my vacation time, there really isn't anything interested in finland at all, at least compared to the rest of europe?

Sanoit kotimaaksesi Russia
Mut et kertonut haluatko nussia

juom olutta

I can't think of anything like that. If you aren't especially interested in Finnish culture, then nature and saunas is all we have.

Ajattelen häntä...
Elämä on niin paskaa just nyt
Hän oli se, hän sanoi että haluu olla mun vieressä aina
Minustakin tuntui niin


tämä oli 5/5 lapsena

Literally the only "special" thing to do is to go hiking in the wilderness, which you could very well do in america

It's time to be completely honest here, and I would like you to not kid around as I ask this....

Why, WHY don't you have any of these? Is it because you did not invent the cheese slicer?


Oispa vanha ystävä jonka kanssa viettää aikaa joskus...
Kuva liittyy, tää oispattaa

Norway is awesome beautiful