Truly depolarizes your axons.
Truly depolarizes your axons
Other urls found in this thread:
One was intentional, the other one wasn't.
One was the result of parents who wilfully gave up their life in a country in which they were not being persecuted to put their children in harms way on a illegal dinghy travelling across the Aegean sea. In most western countries this would probably have been considered to be manslaughter or at least negligence on the part of the parents.
The other was murder.
>unless you celebrate whatever team wins, then you are doing something wrong
Fuck off faggot.
The two kids died due to irresponsible migration policies. If the Eurocucks weren't so permissive there wouldn't be so many Syrians in Turkey trying to cross over.
QED faggot
>if you react differently to two completely different events you should die
interesting hypothesis, traylisha
I should feel the same about my crops getting eaten by locust as to some asshole coming over and lighting them on fire.
Nice logic you fuck.
make a more normie friendly bottom text without nigger in it
picture is golden
would be meme of the week
Well, both are children murdered by muslims.
one was a human being with feelings like you and I, the other was a muslim
They both died of religion faggs. says enough for me. They are both murderd by religion and hate. religion and hate are the same words.
I see Canadians shit posting non stop about how great immigration and muslims are. I assume you are a shit skin living in Canada.
I have always said muslims are bad news and now the normies are coming around to my way of thinking. You are not welcome here or anywhere.
both are fake as shit
sadly white canadians are worse than shitskins, and ukrainian diaspora are the fucking worst of all
I bet its chinks that think they are ushering in their world dominance. The more they undermine the west the better for them.
This isn't about immigration. It's about hypocrisy.
Yea lol Buddhism is all about hate!!!! Le tips fedore xd
Kill yourself seriously
this. this is just like the guy trying to 'subtly' redpill his family on BLM.
if you want to convert lefties and SJWs you're going to have to stop going about it in such an autistic fashion
Hmm? Speak english, Feng Wangchung.
That's funny, asian immigrants are usually the biggest shitlib faggots, unless it's detrimental to their ethnic group.
Next time you hear some Kim Hwong moan bout affirmative action hurting azns on Sup Forums, /r9k/, Sup Forums, etc., just remind him his tribe largely supported it until it went after them.
Pick on left - innocent child
Pic on right - innocent child of family of invaders
Its not hypocrisy. I dont give a fuck about people throwing themselves into the ocean and drowning. That is their problem. We are not going to ship them all here no matter what so they will keep drowning themselves.
I don't care that french people died either. They are basically doing the exact same thing with their immigration policies. They are killing themselves.
What I do care about is that Germany and France are going to try and force this on the rest of us so their native citizens have no where to flee too now that their countries are starting to burn.
Muslim invaders killed both of them.
This is where the stormfagging comes from. Autists who were never part of a team growing up, had a close group of friends to identify with, never got the qt they had their eye on
Are now bitter adults with nothing left but their skin colour to identify with. Everyone else grew up, married their qt, and has well rounded friends of all types
While these losers hope for a race war because it'll give them some semblance of companionship and belonging
>Not going to read any of the angry, emotionally unhinged replies
I have all the success I can want and I have zero sympathy for Muslims drowning themselves. I dont want muslims coming here and shitting the place up.
What's hard to say? European babies are more important to me, than sandniggers poops
>Its not hypocrisy. I dont give a fuck about people throwing themselves into the ocean and drowning.
>I don't care that french people died either.
Good, so you're not a hypocrite. That's what the thread was about. Not mass immigration, the Chinese undermining the West, or the other things you were talking about.
In case you're not familiar with these images, there was widespread coverage of the dead Syrian child in the right pic, an outpouring of sympathy, literally plastering him on front pages everywhere. The pic on the left will likely be forgotten in a few days.
>We are not going to ship them all here no matter what so they will keep drowning themselves.
Actually they only keep drowning themselves because they know if they make the trip we'll let them in. If they knew they wouldn't be allowed in, they wouldn't bother making the trip.
>i'v never been in a tilly to have a horde of Forest Niggers jump out and stab someone who wasn't even in the fight
there is a reason we are hateful to certain races, I happen to hate Natives with a passion because of the experiences i'v had through my life. You are just like a baby, who never felt the roughness of gravel on your elbows after falling off a bike going a proper tick. Racism is grown out of natural reasons, it's not autistic, it's survivalist. It's smart.
I laughed at both of them
yeah, fuck the hypocrites
I completely agree with you. Merkel telling them to come means every death is on her.
Thats the MSM for you. Mass immigration makes the rich richer and guess who owns the media.
one of them left his country because of cumskin wars
the other is collateral damage
you can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs
Anyone else notice how liberals love to use false equivalencies all the fucking time?
Boat Babby died so his dad could get better teeth, a shitty accident while the others got killed by an islamic nut
>You're virgin!
>Another argument won
Nationalism is on the rise. Your time is up, TRAITOR.
What are you talking about? The picture is pointing out that liberals have shown both events are not equivalent at all.
It's showing liberal hypocrisy.
I cant remember Ireland invading the middle east yet here you people are.
Also France specifically resisted the Iraq war. Lol
>Frogistan literally went against the Americans and told them not to invade Iraq
>b-b-but muh westerners!!11!1!
Kill yourself.
Both of these event's prove Muslims are shit tier
Just wait. The libs are already damage controlling the shit out of this, like every other attack.
>kid drowned because his muslim parents are greedy shits who took him in an unecessary dangerous journey instead of enjoying the safety of Turkey
>kid killed because a muslim chimped out in a street
First post best post
If you react differently to two completely different situations with the same result you are a dumb nigger lol
Man, it's interesting how in the way i grew up, since i remember all the time everybody taught me racism was bad, books, TV commercials it's scary how they try to indoctrinate people, humans are not equal and never will be,.
So he was moved from photo 1 and positioned for photo 2?
>this. this is just like the guy trying to 'subtly' redpill his family on BLM.
what did he do?
Is it bad that I'm laughed at both?
i don't like this meme but it's the only reply you deserve
not being persecuted? the problem is they refuse to stay in 'safe' countriess
That applies to both /pol and normies, doesn't it?
Most of us cheered the death of that little roach, yet we're all more or less shocked by what happened to the French girl.
Its awesome the governments pay news outlets to shovel bullshit into peoples faces.
Yes, your hypocrisy.
CNN wont show the left
that pic of the kid in france is fake, muslims dont kill kids hence why none is shown.
Putin was right again.
You're against Russia - you're against the mankind.
Meanwhile US citizens want to glass Russia.
don't have the pic but during the cop shootings in dallas a guy said he would use this to 'subtly redpill' his family, and posted a screencap of himself ranting to his sister about niggers etc
Both killed by muslims. I am secure in being consistent.
what did they mean by this?
you must only be exposed to Toronto cucks, as most of Canada is rural and is culturally more akin to the mid-west/south US than our metro-areas. Linguistically, we sound like you paddy fucks.
anyone have this pic?
One was used as propaganda to cause the other
Not so fast, my axons are still in their refractory period
both were caused by muslims
>2 post by this id
>that flag
your analogy was fucking awful.
>1 was a family trying to come into a country illegally
>the other was a group celebrating and then ran over by a tanned truck driving ice cream delivery frog
The only similar thing is a dead child who would still be alive if they were not doing something illegal