Can someone explain to me how does Logan has adamantium claws again...

Can someone explain to me how does Logan has adamantium claws again? If I remember correctly at the end of days of future past he had bone claws so what happened between that happy ending to this film? Also I liked this movie very much, what did you think of it?

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Xmen films gave up on continuity after the third one.

Time..time wants to happen

He got pulled out of the river by Stryker immediately at the end of the movie. Then they adimantiumed him, but nobody knows if Logan is even in that timeline.

this wasn't the real wolverine you idiot, it was a clone the whole time (that's why he died, clones age quickly)

He didn't get pulled from the river by Stryker, that was Mystique, you moron.

He was full of Rebar you fuck, Mystique would be fucking dead

Right forgot about that, thanks

Disregard all movies before days of future past. Pretty much Stryker (actually mystique) pulls him out of the Potomac. In-between DoFP and apocalypse, wolverine ends up with real Stryker and gets turned into weapon X with adamantium claws. Alternate timeline happens with maybe close similarities to the first film since they reference the statue of liberty incident and by 2029 we have Logan. Only discontinuity is caliban seeing as was killed in apocalypse which takes place before Logan in this new timeline.

And exactly where in Apocalypse (the movie) do we see Caliban actually die? Nowhere, that's where.

The user meant Mystique was Stryker.

Didn't he get evaporated by apocalypse?

Can't he just use a gun and be more effective

This. Wolverine's power is that he can heal. His claws are a shitty fucking weapon

Why use a gun when you got claws that can cut through ANYTHING

can he die?

who would win in a fight superman or wolverine?

Why would he use a gun when he has claws that can cut through anything

It doesn't fit the timeline. The director just made the film he wanted to make. Stop being autistic.

Because guns have a range above 30cm

>OP asks a simple question
>user is so far gone that he can't communicate without spouting memes
Makes you think who the autistic one is

No, because Apocalypse didn't hurt his own "children" until later on when the X-Men fought him directly. He took Psylocke from Caliban after enhancing her powers but he didn't do anything to Caliban himself.

>ITT: idiots that either didn't watch the movies or don't watch movies with any comprehension at all, you choose

Director said Magneto fixed em.

superman picks up wolverine and throws him into the sun.

Superman could use his heat vision to literally vaporize every living cell of Wolverine leaving only his Adamantium skeleton (assuming that it couldn't get hot enough to evaporate) thereby rendering Wolverine dead if there's nothing left of him to regenerate.

One might argue that since Wolverine's actual bones (and bone marrow) were encased in Adamantium that as long as even one cell of him existed it could regenerate him fully but then one would probably get slammed for such an argument I suppose.

Also, Superman could just fling Wolverine into space or something, even the Sun itself, pretty sure he'd be dead from such exposure.

Well thanks for clearing that up nerd

>Superman could use his heat vision to literally vaporize every living cell of Wolverine leaving only his Adamantium skeleton (assuming that it couldn't get hot enough to evaporate) thereby rendering Wolverine dead if there's nothing left of him to regenerate.

Yeah...about that...

Comics aren't even internally consistent.

Bones are held together by ligaments, these cannot be made from adamantium. That blast should've separated him into a hundred indestructible adamantium pieces but it didn't. The heat would've killed every cell in his body, even the ones encased in adamantium since adamantium can retain heat.

Applying logic to Wolverine (or any comic book character, really) isn't going to serve you well. At the end of the day, the strengths and weaknesses of these characters are entirely defined by what the writer pulls from their arsehole at the time.

This is not even the only time Wolverine has survived being burned down to a skeleton. The most extreme cases have him regenerating from a single cell.

there's your answer. superman would win the fight, wolverine would not die, though.

Days of future past in the past shit was before he was adamantium'd, in the future part of days of future past he had adamantium claws.

Also in wolverines glorious nippon adventure old robo jap cut off his metal claws with his 1000x folded nippon steel 1000 degree knife in order to suck his healing powers because as his daughter put it, "daddy needs his juice".

So maybe right before days of future past since magneto and charles were back to being butt buddies Logan axed magna faggot to go to japan, sniff out his adamantium claws (since he always talked about how that shit smelled to him) and then crunchitize then back to his skellington.

Magneto put the adamantium over his claws after Hiro cut them off (the bad future part of DOFP)

Well, yeah, but superman is superman. Depending on how far you want to go, you can argue that Superman is essentially God:

Superman wins pretty much every X vs X hypothetical.


Can someone explain to me how wolverine makes new blood if his bones and bone marrow are covered in impenetrable metal?

Superman vs Saitama

Why doesn't he just flay his entire body off of the adamantium and then regrow the bones?
Why doesn't his body heal itself away from the adamantium, like it does naturally for foreign objects?

There's some ridiculous justification in the comics that adamantium is semi-organic.

That's pretty retarded.

>croping out his legs

>acting like big fat thighs are desirable
m8 come on

They didn't follow up on that at all, though. In the sequel Mystique was good again and Wolverine was in the custody of Stryker.

Not that it matters because the continuity between these movies is fucked and barely relevant at this point, but you're misremembering OP, he had adamantium claws at the end of DOFP.

Where does Legion fit in to the continuity?


I mean they made a completely non-powered human faster than the fucking Flash at one point, comic writers do whatever the fuck they feel like

If you cut Wolverine perfectly in half (pre-adamantium) would each half regenerate a full version of him, essentially cloning him?


Logan takes place as the sequel to the first 3 xmen movies.

Not as a sequel to the alternate timeline that started with xmen first class.

They've changed their minds back and forth, but the most recent statements from the writer and producer both state that Legion is officially a completely separate timeline where the general public don't know mutants exist

director has gone on record saying Logan follows up the good ending of DOFP

I just saw it and thought it was great
This user pretty much nailed it, the continuity was fucked a long time ago

The X-Men series has fucking time travel, we ain't gotta explain shit.

>Why doesn't his body heal itself away from the adamantium, like it does naturally for foreign objects?

The way I read into it, the same thing that prevented more mutants from being born attacked his powers.

That's my take, anyway.

One punch