
So I was browsing FB comments and came across this one that really made me think

she has a point, Sup Forums. just think of all those times in history where we've overcome a foreign threat with compassion and love, this should be no different.

It doesn't matter how many corpses they left in their wake at 9/11, Brussels, Paris or Orlando.. our spirit remains unbroken and that's what matters.

We just have to be more tolerant.

Far to late for 'love and compassion'.

Haha that never worked and it never will work. Life is not a shitty movie.

>If everyone we know is dead and the terrorists are alive. We win guize.

>if they can't instill fear in us they've lost
they can't be this deranged truly ?

>They lose
>Implying we "win"

Just look at all those winners yesterday.

>they lost on 9/11

Lol. Except according this faggots definition they didn't. We let the hate take over and we completely decimated the Middle East.

Life is not some cartoon where love and friendship overcome all.

These idiots are more dangerous than their beloved terrorists. They must be put in their place.

I'm quite sick at people justifying cowardice under the name of pacifism and """love""".

You have unabashed murderers in your streets who are already planning the next strike. Prune that shit.

Not even saying "nuke them all", but steps need to be taken to prevent this from happening again.

Could we maybe try losing for once?


We've been winning so much that surely we can handle a few losses. Maybe one big loss.

I only read the first three lines but holy macaroni, no wonder it's written by a womanling, the whole text reeks of a brain that stopped developing when its owner was a 12 year old child.

she's right. The bombs my beloved country dropped on Japan was done out of love of you think about it. Think of all the lives that would've been lost on either side if we hadn't set the japs right. You know what they say, pain is love.... Let's put this hash tag on the right path Sup Forums

easy for her to say, her loved one hasnt just been crushed by muslim slime. she wont even look at the pictures or videos and witness the horror that it really was

>Fat girl angle shot
>Hot Ham

Go back to MLP friendship is magic amirite?

Sure, great idea OP. I'm sure it'll go down excellently

seriously this. We really need to fucking do something about these people.

Everytime I read one of those subhumans talk about lobe I remember this:
Behold, I show you the last man.
'What is love? What is creation? What is longing? What is a star?' thus asks the last man, and blinks.
The earth has become small, and on it hops the last man, who makes everything small. His race is as ineradicable as the flea; the last man lives longest.
'We have invented happiness,'say the last men, and they blink. They have left the regions where it was hard to live, for one needs warmth. One still loves one's neighbor and rubs against him, for one needs warmth...
One still works, for work is a form of entertainment. But one is careful lest the entertainment be too harrowing. One no longer becomes poor or rich: both require too much exertion. Who still wants to rule? Who obey? Both require too much exertion.
No shepherd and one herd! Everybody wants the same, everybody is the same: whoever feels different goes voluntarily into a madhouse.
'Formerly, all the world was mad,' say the most refined, and they blink...
One has one's little pleasure for the day and one's little pleasure for the night: but one has a regard for health.
'We have invented happiness,' say the last men, and they blink."

Nietzsche was right.


fml fám

checked the flag, well played you shitposting cunt

>Muh love and compassion

Yeah I'm sure the world will turn into a beautiful paradise if we all just love each other and dance and sing all day till the sun goes down. That's exactly how society has evolved to its current state over the course of thousands of years

Try and show compassion and love when one of your innocent family members is killed by terrorism. These fucking people make me sick to my stomach.

She probably thinks socialism is compassion tho, so it's meaningless.

thats rayciss

What happens to all the victims and the family members of the victims in these attacks?

Like honestly at least SOME must have done complete 180s and probably turn into the most vocal muslim haters, but I've never heard of the media reporting them or giving them air time.

I always wish I was be survivor of an Islamic attack so I could speak out, but I think I'd just be silenced.

While she's technically correct, stomping the threat until it's there no longer would be much faster and safer and result in far fewer casualties.


"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist."

It's hilarious that soft pacifist bourgeois cowards are still calling for "mourning" - nothing more than the way of a dying race.

People are soft little weaklings with no spine.

I mean, I understand her point, and it's a fair point. But love's not gonna help the people killed by those guys, and hugging the terrorists won't make them repent.
I know Jesus said to turn the other cheek, but when the guy is dickslapping you at mach 4 repeatedly, you've got to fucking rip his cock out at some point.

I agree with the roo fucker here.

>Says the people who have never felt love or compassion directed towards them

Sucks to suck

This pacifist bullshit is exactly why there are so many terrorist attacks. Demonstrating weakness is the absolute worst thing you can do in the face of terror.

The right way to fight terrorists is to rain fire down on these assholes. They can't commit these attacks if we wipe them off the face of the Earth first.

>If they kill us, we win

what did they mean by this?

How does love and compassion help you when a there is someone shooting at you huh?

France gets it.

>they lost on 9/11

I beg to differ.

Well the year is current, so we need to adjust our ways to fit to the year's current trend.

>not even saying "nuke them all
>sick at people justifying cowardice

I don't understand this unending raid by leftist morons

Do they think if they post enough stupid shit we will eventually agree with them?

How did they lose on 9/11, Brussels etc. when they keep killing people? Seems like the only people that lost are the victims and families of those who died because leftists like Chriss want to pretend there isn't a problem

You should move to Canada.
> if you put out the fire, it wins.

She's right, you know. If we show love, pride, and compassion for our fatherland and fellow countrymen, we can achieve great things.

Deus vult.

>just think of all those times in history where we've overcome a foreign threat with compassion and love

Mate, what those Emus did to you was not an act of compassion or love.

>They lost on 9/11
Except al-Qaeda has been annihilated with force, although that didn't stop ISIS from happening.

I want to see a dirty bomb go off at one of their faggot gatherings.

>le if you are a cuck, you win memelogic

Erradicate liberals when.

Once you're dead you stupid fucking whore their won't be any love left for you to give will there be?

You people are servants and shills, cowards and pussies, effeminate and lame.

Let them kill us!

That is a great answer!

Al-Qaeda is bigger than it was on 9/11 at the moment