Face it Sup Forums

Face it Sup Forums

We wouldn't be where we are today as a species without our eternal canine companions.

One day we will breed them to become sentient and Traven the stars with them and conquer the universe.

Anyone who doesn't like these noble creatures is a fucking idiot. This is perhaps one of the main reasons I fucking hate Muslims.



>4 Cobras

3 snakes and a stick

Whites (Western Caucasians) coevolved with dogs

it's why only we actually like them while everyone else eats/abuses them

>Traven the stars

Pretty much this.

What prevented them from just moving away from the snakes?

Sneaky snakes.

Early man in cold climates learned to hunt along side the wolf, and came to tame them. We've been living side by side for over 100,000 years. The cold shaped us, and we shaped each other.

The notion of dogs being man's best friend is not a recent invention, it is historical account passed down by idiom.

This is my favorite behavioral theory. Our closest evolutionary ancestors are chimpanzees. We, in the west, view chimps as almost a mockery of the worst of humanity. Violent, self-oriented, hypersexual animals. What caused humans to adopt communities and the concept of friendship? Those traits certainly do not exist in chimpanzees, but they do in dogs.

Cobras are in the league of super-pissed off semi-fast animals. I dunno how he wound up with 4 of him, probably poo-in-loo flute snake charmer practice gone wrong. The doby's however are specifically bred to be people protectors with high drive to annihilate threats to their people or territory. Them things will rag out whatever the problem is till it kills them. Good puppers

Dogs are sentient.

nah he was just sucking those snakes like dicks

RIP doggo.


>saving the family
More like the dumb ass owner let it fuck around with the venomous snakes
When I walk my dogs I almost always see snakes before they do, and I take a different route

I love my dog, he keeps all the criminals away.

RIP pupper

Wim Hof is the fucking man

i kind of hate this photo. If i died in defending my family from four intruders, i wouldn't want them to line up the four intruders' bodies next to mine and take a photo

No, No pupper

Yeah, they could at least pose him holding the snakes in his jaws or something. This is not a way to memorize a hero.

A cat would have done it without dying like a bitch


Cat would have run away and found a new owner

It's true. I don't trust anyone who doesn't like dogs. It's telling that muslims and leftists are the biggest dog-haters in the world.

>see four sneks coming towards me
>my doggo tries going after them
>tell him to stay
>grab the boom stick loaded with buckshot
>remove snek
>keep dog alive

Hey Sup Forums, I want to get a dog. I've been thinking on this for a long while and I've finally come down to three breeds.
What do you guys think of my choices?

Spiritual fag here: I feel like a spirit that often transmigrates back and forth from canine to man periodically. I seem to have a very latent set of canine insticts and fetishes. Very vivid dreams at a young age. During a schizophrenic crisis I kept hearing voices in my head referring to me as dogs very frequently. 1994 Year of dog birth year.
>TFW I kinda hate dogs :(

RIP in peace loyal doggen

Get a street dog fucking pussy.

Only right choice is Rhodesian ridgeback bred to remove lion and pavement ape

Dogs are man's best invention

Fuck off Otherkin faggot

>Sneaky snakes.


I dont like dogs. My life experience is riddled with bad encounters (bites and chasing) of both strays and owned dogs. I do own dogs but I dont view them as a part of the family but a great security tool.

god fucking damn it, 80 faggots died in faggotland but my eyes water for a dead dog

This. A man who doesn't like dogs is a snake.

Honestly I type that shit with a straight face
I do not need to get angry to call you a faggot

Working line German Sheps are great dogs, healthier than show lines which are prone to really tragic hip and back problems. They're fiercely loyal and protective. They're part of your family, but generally don't do well with other people, especially not other dogs, so its not something you'd bring to the dog park.

Doberman is a great breed, but I know less about them.

Huskys are really nice, dopey, hyper dogs usually. If you live in an area with warmer summers make sure you keep them cool after exercise.

English Mastiff

>hat the Lion is to the Cat the Mastiff is to the Dog, the noblest of the family; he stands alone, and all others sink before him. His courage does not exceed his temper and generosity, and in attachment he equals the kindest of his race. His docility is perfect; the teazing of the smaller kinds will hardly provoke him to resent, and I have seen him down with his paw the Terrier or cur that has bit him, without offering further injury. In a family he will permit the children to play with him, and suffer all their little pranks without offence. The blind ferocity of the Bull Dog will often wound the hand of the master who assists him to combat, but the Mastiff distinguishes perfectly, enters the field with temper, and engages in the attack as if confident of success: if he overpowers, or is beaten, his master may take him immediately in his arms and fear nothing. This ancient and faithful domestic, the pride of our island, uniting the useful, the brave and the docile, though sought by foreign nations and perpetuated on the continent, is nearly extinct where he probably was an aborigine, or is bastardized by numberless crosses, everyone of which degenerate from the invaluable character of the parent, who was deemed worthy to enter the Roman amphitheatre, and, in the presence of the masters of the worlds, encounter the pard, and assail even the lord of the savage tribes, whose courage was sublimed by torrid suns, and found none gallant enough to oppose him on the deserts of Zaara or the plains of Numidia.


Fuck off Bulgar muslim

Cats actually did a better job helping early man when we were moving towards an agrarian society.

It was a symbiotic relationship. The cats got food in the form of rodents and the people got free pest control.

Not to diminish how great dogs are. But we would not have advanced so fast were it not for felines.


Brave lil pupper



A Dobermann isn't for the beginner, get a Labrador instead

>He doesn't know about boerbulls

I think you're getting the hypersexual thing from bonobos
chimps are great man, they're like abos but without the petrol huffing

Kys, faggot.

Just get a puppy/young dog, whatever you do.

If you know what you're doing(sounds like you don't) then get a pit bull. If you dont know what you're doing, a doberman or shephard will suffice. Husky is a terrible dog, more 'aggressive' than other dogs because they're closer to their wild counterpart.

Does it make you mad that I will cull few le puppers in the coming days?

Our good relations with our canine companions throughout history just proves that Islam is the religion of the devil. They hate dogs. They kill them.

Ask any person if they like dogs. If they reply no, mark them down as a Muslim and put their name on the kill list for the day of the rope.

holy motherfucking kek

delicious food too

flag checks out

You won't because I already tracked your IP and I'm coming to kill you now.

>Day of the rope
When will your 16th birthday be?

m8 my family has had siamese cats since before i was born, growing up i reckon i've seen those cats kill more than 30 or 40 brown snakes and redbellies, which is more than what i can say for my dobermans

>get emotional over dogs

>say nothing about the oxen which allowed early man to plow the fields

>nothing of the horse which allowed him to conquer hostile lands and traverse great distances

if you people can eat beef without any guilt, asians can eat dogs without guilt as well.

either all animals are equal or none of them are sacred

None of those, Czechoslovakian Vlcak (wolfdog); a military experiment conducted by the Soviet state for a working dog. They used a base of 4 wolves each pairing with German Shephard, then breeding 76 more GS into the line. Ultimately deemed a failure because the dogs were fiercly loyal to their first handler, disobeying or ignoring the commands of other handlers, which isn't good for the military as they change handlers every 2-4 years, but is fantastic for a private owner. They're easy to train and are the jack of all trades of working dogs. From the different aspects of hunting dogs, to guard dogs, search and rescue, herding, and sledding, they can do pretty much everything you could want a dog to do.

Does it make you mad that our airforce will smoke a few more of your allahu ackbar brethren in the coming days?

Cats suck at killing rats. Dogs are the champs of the rat hunt.

>Humans could've easily calmed walked away from the cobras
>Or shot them
>Or crushed them

>Dog runs in 1v5 and feeds for no reason

>dogs are filthy
>dogs are aggressive
>dogs are compensations for masculinity
>dogs are islamaphobic
>go out and by a cat
>all the best memes are about them
>so what if they will never respect you?

In 2072.

>he doesnt want to purge the randstad building by building, shutting muzzies inside their mosques and going all Ouradour sur Glane on them
Pussy. And its not impossible. Give it another economic crisis and continuing immigration problems, and Wilders is going to be replaced by Anton Mussert 2.0.

You honestly believe the average person will support another fascist dictator.
You do not come outside very often don't you

i cry more when my dogs die than when my relatives do.

We humans are such shitty animals, we taint everything, and in the end we deserve death.

But animals are pure
They abide by nature's laws.
It's so sad when they are taken unneededly.

No one will call themselves that. Hitler didnt come out on the party platform off 'I'm going to be a totalitarian dictator that will take your right to free speech away'. He just ran on right wing conservative values and socialist economic policy.

Who knows what a Le Penn or a Wilders might do given enough popular support.

And yes, I do believe that day by day, there are people becoming more and more islamophobic, to the point that they will start to think deportations arent a bad option. I've seen it happen with friends. It happened to me.

Give it some more terror attacks and a proper economic crisis, and we're there. And by the by, Deutsche bank is failling. And Deutsche is propping up every failling bank in Europe.

Economic disaster soon, fellow windmill inhabitant!

Fuckin shoulda waited for his team to back him up

So what if you don't know how to greentext?

World is factual not spiritual you schizophrenic fuckhead.

Poor dogger, sleep tight you magnificent hound.

Can never read this without my eyes watering.
Humanity does not deserve the love and trust of the dog.

Do you believe these things (Muslims, Economic crises) are not planned by the powers that be.

Civil war will be a great way for globalists to grab the power for it is what they want.

Wilders and Le Pen are just puppets that try to lead us in their trap as they always say: Lead your enemy

I'm sorry you're mad because your shit relgion denies you the loving companionship of the best creature on earth.

Here's to a noble beast.

Snakes had guns

You cant plan economics. You cant.
If you believe that, you might as well just embrce communism.

Human action is irrational on the grand scale (tragedy of the commons and so on) and you cannot ever account for that. We would have no economic crises if we could plan an economy.

Please dont tell me you are that one dutch Sup Forumsack who is such an autist he see the Jews as a greater danger than the muslims.

I am entirely convinced that people who prefer cats to dogs are either women or beta faggots.

Dogs are the animal of the working man. The true familiar of mankind.

spend a few hours on sydney trains

kys degenerate cunt.


100% legit

Not plan but you can Predict them and that is enough to work with it. And how the elites will try to cease the power is planned according to that.

I'm not that one Sup Forumsack I simply believe the elites are not stupid. They can not believe that it will not end in civil war.

Thus I expect they have found a way to profit from it. And I do not believe in the sincerity of Wilders. As the Globalists spoke of Leading their enemy so that everything goes according to plan


Face it pol ?
Nobody hates dogs dude u talk about this like every second thread is about burning k9s...

This image always upsets me because the dog looks so happy.

Only cucks like dogs. Enjoy watching you're wife fuck a dog instead of you every day.

Wilders is hardly a globalist, what with opposing the EU and wanting to return to the Gulden. Stronger national democracy, with binding referenda and elected maiors too.

He may not be sincere, but if given power, he'd be hard pressed to not at least make true on some of those promises. Especially since Brexit, he can hardly go back on leaving the EU.

>i expect they have found a way to profit from it
I think you overstimate them. No one saw the 2008 crisis coming, globalist elites were confident their mortgage scheme would go on forever, and it failed. They made no contingency plans. Same with Brexit, you should have seen the financial markets on the following days. There is a reason Deutsche and many Italian banks are verging on failling, and its due to globalists overplaying their hand every time. Same with the EU.

The elites are boundlessly arrogant.

Best Dog I ever had was a Rhodesian Ridgeback I had when I was kid.

He was a ridgeless runt of the litter that had presumably been dumped on the side of the road by a breeder who could not sell him. My family took him in and he was literally trained without effort, he could understand tone of voice and even sentences, and to this day is the most "ripped" dog I've seen.

One time, a neighbors pitt/lab mutt broke into our land and ran up and bit him on the ass in some type of territory or alpha display... Buddy barked to alert my dad, then charged down and took the mutt by the neck and fucking swung him into the ground and pinned him there without biting down, waiting. My dad ran there and said "Don't kill him Buddy"; he immediately stopped pinning the mutt and let it run off; we never saw it again. Buddy didn't even give a fuck about the 6 inches of torn flesh and skin on his rear, we actually had to coax him into the house for treatment because he wanted to go back to patrolling the perimeter of the fence so bad.

If the "worst" and most undesirable Rhodesian can be based as fuck, then a pure breed must be god-tier.

Summer can't end fast enough.


Also this, so much. I've never met a decent man who didn't like dogs.

we love dogs, only sandniggers would disagree.


why can't poo in loos defend themselves against a few snakes? Just get a fucking shovel or something

The UK isn't Canada you self projecting nu-male looking autist.

>any resistance of your enemy is actually in their favor

Trudeau-tier retardation. It's very simple: Kill everyone you can't trust and they won't be able to plot, con or attack you.

Also the deposit has been made to your account.

Holy shit. He fucking took the cobras with him? That's one badass pupper.

If you don't like dogs you're a cocksucking, shit eating faggot