Brit/pol/ - New Cabinet Edition


>Foreign sec: BORIS JOHNSON
>Brexit minister: DAVID DAVIS
>Int'l trade minister: LIAM FOX
>Defence sec: MICHAEL FALLON
>Home sec: AMBER RUDD
>Justice sec: LIZ TRUSS
>Education sec: JUSTINE GREENING
>Health sec: JEREMY HUNT
>Tory party chairman: PATRICK MCLOUGHLIN
>Leader of the House of Lords: BARONESS EVANS
>Transport sec: CHRIS GREYING
>Work & pensions sec: DAMIAN GREEN
>Environment sec: ANDREA LEADSOM
>Local gov't sec: SAJID JAVID
>Business sec: GREG CLARK
>Int'l dev't sec: PRITI PATEL
>Culture sec: KAREN BRADLEY
>Leader of the House of Commons: DAVID LIDINGTON


>Justice sec: MICHAEL GOVE
>Education sec: NICKY MORGAN
>Chancellor of the duchy of lancaster: OLIVER LETWIN
>Work & pensions sec: STEPHEN CRABB
>Chief whip: MARK HARPER


Other urls found in this thread:

>That cabinet

When did it all go so right lads?



If Torys get us a good deal in Brexit, limit immigration and increase personal tax allowance by a bit, i will definetly vote for them in 2020. SNP can fuck off and Labour are not competent. Only Woolfe winning the UKIP nomination and firing that idiot Nuttal would sway me

A nation's only hope

Are brits this daft?
>not putting this in the OP

Reddit really is fucking shit isn't it, sometimes you forget and think it's just a meme but no it actually is fucking awful

My hearts only hope

I say ban that pinoy subhuman from posting.

Does she sound British to you?

>If Torys get us a good deal in Brexit, limit immigration, i will definetly vote for them in 2020.

I think we all would lad

We are the only country in Europe with a competent and funded intelligence service so it must be our fault for not telling the French

If they actually manage this then of course I'd vote for them, it's a big IF though

And muh tax allowance!

Can't Barrage The Farage!
Britain for the British! No Islam, no Judaism, no coloureds, no Slavs, no Meds, no Spaniards!

>can only respond in ad hom insults or memes


Lad we need a unified right to shift the agenda to the right. Search your heart you know this to be true

Theresa may is more cucked than our prime minister.
Firstly she wants censorship and ban encryption.
Secondly she wants to have sharia law in britain.
Thirdly she will appease to black lives matter.
Fourthly she won't stop immigration at all
Fifthly she has appointed a multi-millionaire chancellor who will impose austerity.
Sixthly she will sacke mark carney.
Seventhly she will hsve anti-hate speech laws.
Last and not least brexit will mean brexit lite due to david davis won't do shit

>Are brits this daft?
She was french m8

Thank God we're more more tolerant than France, that attack would never happen here.

Nth for stopping the flow


>nutall >idiot

Belgium is a non country

>it's a 'europoor is salty that one of his main bennies providers is leaving' episode


Every week you come back with some new pasta you probably found on /r/UnitedKingdom, when every week you're proven wrong. Those idiots don't know anything, that's why they're consistently wrong.

You sound nervous there lad...

>Sixthly she will sacke mark carney.
this is a bad thing?

I saw a Blairite in a grocery store in Islington yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet one in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen centre-left policies in his hands without a mandate.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to put aside the rhetoric first.” At first he kept pretending to be conservative and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the negotiating table.

When she took one of the policies and started scrutinising it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any 'extremist' infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she enforced each policy and put them to Parliament and started to begin the procedure, he kept interrupting her by shouting 'let me be clear' really loudly.

Good to see Leadsome got a post, however minor.

Not sorry at all to see Crabb and Osbourne gone, Gove... Its too bad, but he was likely just taking advantage of the situation anyway and didnt truly back Brexit.

How the fuck do you link Brexit to an attack that happened in France?

Is that pic from a speech of hers praising the uk for brexit? If so, gibe link

i've been hearing a lot about Cameron going down in history as the "failure of leaving the EU"

he's going to go down as a hero, even if he didn't campaign for leave. he didn't have to give us a referendum. without cameron, we would be fucked

Isnt it obvious? brexit caused the muslim ghettos in France where people with an average iq of 80 become radicalized duh!

Fuck off, you slavic cunt. Get your gibsmedats from someone else.

Defra is a pretty good position seeing as she was only a junior minister in the last cabinet.

Prep the bull, Sven. Your woman craves refugee cock.

I'm pretty sure that guy is a Brit living abroad. He posts quite regularly.

I wonder what Nicola and Theresa are talking about.

You are pretty much a subsidy sucking Germany.

probably telling each other how the kids are doing


>didnt have too
He made a promise and kept it.


>go down as a hero
He could of. He could of come back in Jan and said. No sir I don't like it.

I recommend to the British people that they leave the EU. It has proven itself unable to reform. On this basis we should leave.

If only he could of dared to dream. I think he honestly thought whichever way he told people to vote they would of done.

He could of still been PM had he dared to dream.

What kind of Brit would live in the Czech fucking Republic? I'll tell you, m8. A failure. So either he's a slav, in which case he fails at life, or he's a Brit who moved to Slavland, in which case he fails at life even more.

I-Is it bad I see something poking out?

Belgium is a non country

Cant barrage the farage.

How get flag?

How can it possibly be difficult to get a Union Flag in New fucking Zealand?

There's a possibility that Amsterdam may become the next financial capital of Europe,
so keep an eye out for that.
Also, I made my first visit to Germany in May.
I was really impressed by how the country was run.
People, from all walks of life, are proud of the work they do and they are efficient,
whether it's a bus driver or baker.
One can easily understand how the country has become so successful

I know. This is the governement pandering to us for the first time in our lives.

Shit is working out just great!

Specifically us: the kippers who take an interest in politics, and if the Tories do a good enough job of pretending to give a fuck about democracy are likely to switch votes, creating an unstoppable Right Wing.

are we going to end free movement boys?

what on earth does free movement have to do with trading?

He is, I remember him from the threads during the campaign. Even this pasta is out of date

> The UK, currently, has about 30 professional negotiators, because up until this point all our negotiating was outsourced to the EU. This is an an absolutely tiny amount. Even New Zealand has over 200; Canada and Australia have in the realm of 500. These are people with a high level of expertise you can't just acquire overnight

New Zealand already offered to lend us their staff and we've just created a ministry of trade whose entire focus will be on dealing with this issue. You can get people with high levels of expertise over night, it's called hiring.

> Even if we had these people (which we don't), trade negotiations take forever.

Your standard bilateral FTA takes 2 to 4 years to negotiate.

> TTIP (the EU-US trade deal) will have probably seen about a decade of negotiation before completion.

Because TTIP isn't a FTA. A rule of thumb is, if you come out of a trade negotiation with more rules and regulations than you started with, you haven't helped trade. You've just fucked consumers for corporate profits.

> To add to this, we can't even begin negotiating these deals until we've actually Brexited

What are they going to do, kick us out?

Legally we can negotiate new deals, we just can't bind ourselves to them as EU members. We can line up some FTAs with countries most important to our economy and sign them the day we exit.

As I said, /r/unitedkingdom doesn't know anything except the perpetual pain in their anuses.

what a lovely lovely story, and believable to boot!

where's the 4 billion black hole going to come from?

its all going to collapse on itself it's going to be great, won't have to bail italy out either.

>what on earth does free movement have to do with trading?

It's the free movement of goods, services, labour and capital

The market is intended to be conducive to increased competition, increased specialisation, larger economies of scale, allowing goods and factors of production to move to the area where they are most valued, thus improving the efficiency of the allocation of resources

That's the theory anyway

>when someone tells you a Blairite shouldn't be hanged

Unfortunately our exclusion from bailouts which Cameron 'renegotiated' is now null and void so if Italy shits the bed in the next two years we'll have to help clean up.

I recon we'll keep it, and then extend pic related to it.

The best of all possible worlds: allow the professionals to move freely, and exclude the entry level/dolescum. Like it should have been set up to do in the first place.

2bh I don't think the EU is going to exist in five years anyway, so it'll be moot. I guess we'll have to bail out some of our neighbours, too, for a few hundred owed favours in the future, mind.

I saw a Peter Hitchens in an Anglican church in London yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet one in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “blairite? blairite? blairite?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my prayer, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to speak with the female vicar up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen incorrect political predictions in his hands without a prior record of correct predictions.
The female vicar was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to admit you're not a credible source of predictions.” At first he kept pretending to be relevant and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and compared the major parties to two corpses locked in rigor mortis

When she took one of the predictions and started scrutinising it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to cannabis was to blaim as it “prevented any cognitive infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she refuted each policy, made a blogpost calling Hitchens fans knuckle-draggers and started to remove his fanatical sycophants, he kept interrupting her by shouting 'blairite scum' really loudly.

why would we?
why couldn't we literally refuse to bail out.

I don't reddit m8 haha. And proven wrong? There is never a proper educated response from Sup Forumstards to what I post besides insults about where I reside atm. (I'm british) See:

Not a single argument against what I posted. Been browsing since Brexit and not one single argument as to why Brexit is good besides muh sovereignty (except the UK IS a sovereign nation in or out of the UK)


Free movement worked fine when the European project was only countries of similar wealth and they hadn't introduced the concept of a "European citizen"

If it had remained unchanged since 1975 we would have voted overhwlemingly to remain again

Why is she so perfect?

RT UK is a pretty funny stream for things like the Nice happening. Just now they had a guy going on about 'towelheads'.

Socialists don't like Britain because they don't feel comfortable in it, the more intelligent of them, don't like it because it makes nonsense of every radical left and socialist political theory ever invented.
It is a monarchy yet it is free

It has potent class system - but all may rise to the top of it

It has no written constitution yet functions far better than many countries that do.

It is capitalist yet astonishingly and relatively uncorrupt and blessed with a social conscience

It was an empire, now a global power and not hated by the majority of its former subjects

In a socialist world - it simply oughtn't to exist - yet in a perfectly British way, it defies all socialist world views by the mere act of existing.

What's to stop us leaving the single market then negotiating with individual countries in the EU?

just go right over the single un-elected bureaucrats of the EU and talk directly to leaders of countries?

i don't really know how any of it works with the single market.


Was he a Blairite?

>What's to stop us leaving the single market then negotiating with individual countries in the EU?

If you're in the eu you can't negotiate free trade deals yourself it has to be done through the eu

This is part of the reason we left

That or trademe

They even have sexy royal flags

I thought Grey was meant to be smart, what is this?

>Not a single argument against what I posted

You didn't post any arguments that I could respond to.


Lefty bollocks, that's what.

Make sure to click Dislike.

>I recon we'll keep it, and then extend pic related to it.

That doesn't stop unskilled migrants entering the country. Once they are in the country, getting them out again is incredibly difficult and even if we do find a way to do it, there's nothing to stop their brothers, cousins and neighbours coming in after them resulting in no net reduction whatsoever.

A true points based system that excludes anyone with a criminal record, no substantial skills or education and no work history is a much better idea than booting out people if they don't reach a salary threshold because plenty of small business entrepreneurs and young professionals don't reach £35k in five years. We also need to make foreign nationals provide their own health insurance and require them to secure a job and a place to live before arriving in the country.

When did everything go so right, lads?

>remainians still going on about brexit
>everything is the fault of those damn leave voters
>goverments can only do 1 thing at a time

You can't be a sovereign nation within the EU by the definition.

There will have to be a budget readjustment which will probably take many years for them to actually sort out due to each other threatening to veto it.

Pretty sure we could stall for long enough to bail out before we are forced to. We also manged to not pay for the Greek bailout.
>Setting out the new deal, a Treasury spokesman said EU law would be changed so a cash fund, held by the European Central Bank, would cover any liabilities that would have fallen to the UK or other non-eurozone countries like Denmark and the Czech Republi

Aye. That all changed in 1985 when the former socialist countries realized this grand monument to capitalism was going to be the final nail in their ideological coffin. So they seized the apparatus and went pedal to the metal forward with Unified Europa.

Anyone could have told them it was silly and doomed, but they didn't ask in that very typical socialist way of theirs.

It was an interesting idea that laid bare the failings of socialism for all to see yet again: there simply does not exist a morally pure beaureaucrat class to administer such vast wealth without helping themselves. Those who seek centralized power always do so for their own enrichment, then turn a blind eye to the suffering of the faceless masses.

Bring back Parish Rule, I say. We all did well out of that. Let Westminster handle tarrifs, infrastructure, contract enforcement and the defence of the realm and nothing more.

When will you anglos get yourselves a new PM? Isn't there a single bong who's man enough to step up and take responsibility in these trying times?

How about you post an actual argument and I'll go our of my way to refute it point by point

Protip: infographics, copypasted bulletpoints from reddit and leftypol and studies funded by the European Union do not constitute actual arguments

You really respect this idiot? He's LITERALLY plebbit: the person

uhm, 3 days ago?

Look at this cunt.

Hating on the British on a British sub and getting upvotes.

There is so much in this video that's just factually incorrect that I'm staggered.

British PM: "If, as we fear, this was a terrorist attack then we must redouble our efforts to defeat these brutal murderers who want to destroy our way of life,"

French PM: "Just get used to it, guys"

>When will you anglos get yourselves a new PM? Isn't there a single bong who's man enough to step up and take responsibility in these trying times?

I appear to have a bit of dust in my eye, excuse me for a moment.

Interviewee on RT refereed to Isis as towel heads



>The city of Denmark

I've literally just finished reading Abolition of Britain

Loved that quote

> Stay up all night following the Nice attacks
> Go to the funeral of a friend in the morning.
> He was expat french and his parents are from Nice. Talk about the attacks praying for their souls after the Lord's Prayer.
> Finish funeral, people chatting about the Nice attack at the wake.
> Pop out of the wake to get cigs from the corner shop
> Store owner talking about Nice to the assistant.
> Get home and turn on my phone
> Spammed with facebook messages and hashtags about #Nice


Sucks about your friend user. All the best

>tfw you spent too much time following the attacks last night
>woke up too late to go to the gym without it being full of normies
>you will never achieve crusading physique