Russia thread

I am russian ask your answers

Other urls found in this thread: Sokolov

Nuke codes?

I don't know (this is the secret information)

is life really depressing there as everybody says?
Is it hard to fuck a russian girl? Do russians fuck less/more than others?

Yes there is dirt and garbage everywhere
Very hard if you have not enough money
I don't know(

So russian girls are just moneygrabbing scams?

Yes sure my negro friend

Russian women like brown men like Turkish or Portuguese men, so you're still in luck.

Thoughts on the USSR?

How's life in Russia?

Can I get a qt russian gf with my american passport?

depends on region.

In Moscow it's bad, honestly.

really bad roads, a lot of people (including shocking number of asian non-russians, you literally can notice them in every magazine, in every tram and etc), bad jobs

don't know why people even move here

In last two weeks I was on vacation in southern Russia and it's really better

i wish i was negro, at least i wouldn't have to deal with politically correct bullshit

not even roads are bad, I mean walking roads, they are really bad.

maybe only in central Moscow they are fine

also west-northern Moscow is the best part, picreleated

Did you like S-P-A-C-E?

commies literally made your country.

Is he the best rapper in history?????

Bury Lenin already ffs

For a foreigner student is it better to live and study in Moscow or St. Petersburg?

Looks pretty much like commieblock I lived till 2012

listen to the lyrics

It's was Austro-Hungarian General Staff don't try to cheat me Ramzan

Better not ever come to this country

why does every russian have no hope for russia?

>FACE is posted in Sup Forums
I don't think my country will ever recover

We'll have hope only when we get rid of Putin's gang

>Russian liberal

Now that explains the sadness in the thread.


>ya loochu chem tupac
fucking kek

Пoчёмy ёгo кнoпки пoявляютcя нa pyccкoм языкє, a мoї - нa aнґлiйcкoм?

(Этo пocлaниє пpихoдит кo тeбe oт бpитaнcкoгo изґнaнникa.)


Nothing can be worse than Putin supporter, especially if he's never lived in this retarded shithole under bandits' rule. Fuck you

> is life really depressing there as everybody says?
Not as depressing as it seems but still not very comfortable.

>Is it hard to fuck a russian girl? Do russians fuck less/more than others?
No idea, I'm a virgin.

In all honesty I struggle to answer what's better - meat in the shops or being a super power.


I ain't listening to no russian music for free.

Tell us about Magnitogorsk

How many T-I-G-E-R-S do you have?

We was the first then))

like in Brazil but without fireguns and with snow

Fucking big ugly ass factory with commieblocks around, just like every other city in this fucking oblast, never ever come here

It's more likely to dislike a country guided by a leader you don't support.
Did i ever said i support him? It's just stupid to link every bad problems happening on a country to politicians, as many liberals do, and in fact are doing, with trump aswell (as before, i don't support him either, but neither hate to death like everybody does).

nice picture I like it

has cute girls though!

He is the shit-eater



Moscow is a proper megalopolis while St Petersburg is more beautiful.

Because it never got any better. When anything and I mean literally anything happens it's always for the worst. No matter if it's a change in the oil prices or a new law or voting day coming it's only going to end in the worst imaginable scenario.
When the oil prices are going up so are the prices in the shops for the reason of gerfhbopuwrgahpuwrgehpuwerghpuwegrWEpuH. If the oil prices are going down the prices in the shops raise twice as fast. The new law will unavoidably limit the freedom of an individual, add more bureaucracy or backfire in some manner. The voting will only ensure that nothing will going to change no matter whose in charge. I don't think that anybody believes that the future holds anything other than even more despair. That's why we either drink alcohol or suicide. There is no bright future.

theere is a 3 russians here at least
t. OP

I would feed you with my tiger if you know what I mean

They'll be sucking dicks in some shitty club's toilet in Chelyabinsk in 10 years

> in 10 years
That's a stretch. In 5 years more likely.

>Nothing can be worse than Putin supporter, especially if he's never lived in this retarded shithole under bandits' rule.
We desperately need another Tiananmen.

Fuck, I found this video and had a look at the comments

are there japs in your city?

why do you found this video?

I think no
Never seen a jap (there is a lot of chinese and koreans)

No, I don't think I've ever seen a japanese. Only chinese.

I have one Russian friend and he said it would be not a bad idea to put Tzar as a new symbol of Russia if he were still alive.
You want it? like the British royal family.

I think current Czar will not approve it

I'm ok with monarchy.

Do you live in a commieblock OP? Is it comfy inside?

Thoughts on Yeltsin?

>Tы нe paньшe ў Звyки Coкoлoвi Sokolov

What happens in here?

I don't know may be it's comfy for you

He was a real russian man: big, drunk and unpredictable

they make bimmers there

get out of here and take your 2ch memes with you

>Bcѣ вoпpocы нa этoм ѳpэдѣ, мoй ocтaeтcя бeз oтвeтa.

>Eltsin is a 2ch meme

thanks, i hope it gets better for you and your cunt. have you thought about moving abroad?

>ask your answers
>i am russian
No shit

Brazil is white and Western. I'm sure we're way wealthier than Russia.

чe cлышaл what

yes have you thought to take me?

so fuck off then

>Calling Russians poor

>so fuck off then
Haha. Loser

Hahaha, we are like 2 times poorer, even trough we have less alcholism, suicides and a bigger life expectancy


Russia doesn't have roads, infrastructure or buildings, so it's more than enough, but i can continue.

>Brazil is white and Western.
livleak says me opposite)))

>I'm sure we're way wealthier than Russia.
well you are right here

Russia has a better infrastructure than Brazil

No, he is not right




Fucking illiterate Brazilians

Can you recommend me some good russian youtube channels?
Anything goes as long as is entertaining

Pic unrelated

Habla Ruso?

И'м лэapнинг.

>is Russian
>but lives in Germany

Get out of my ancestors's country, you poor Slavshit.

Brazil is inferior to Russia in literally anything

тaк гoвopи пo pyccки ёбaнa



fucking cringe southern rap bbs

Mэ нoт cпэaк кoммиэ


зaeбaл ты

When will you embrace your germanic and Celtic heritage and stop roleplaying as slavs?

Germans are 30% slavic on average. Get out of Brazil, wh*teoid subhuman.

>says the literal mong

Merely a question.