ITT: Characters that remind you of yourself

ITT: Characters that remind you of yourself.

Pic related for me.

>Wear black shades and black leather outfits at night
>Quiet and stoic with limited eyelid movement
>Take a sword whenever I walk to the 7/11
>Feel like I could slash a vampire in two at any second

Other urls found in this thread:

carl is literally me
wicked sense of humor

Well, basically I'm the UK version of Blade and you. Maybe in a few years we should hook up and clean the streets of some suckerheads. I feel safer already knowing that I am not alone. B.

Make sure to live stream it, plz.

>UK version of Blade

Blade is a bong in the comics

Really? Wow, that really put a smile on my blacked up face as I sharpen my sword and browse Sup Forums. Today I will walk with extra swagger. Blade boys unite!

> can light up a filament bulb by putting it in my mouth

For me it's dirty Harry Callahan, ___, ___, and _______.

>can't tell if a girl is into me or just fucking with me
>not lonely just alone
>can't let go of somebody who's wronged me.
>I want my goddamn movies back

Be like spidey
> work at Pizza place
> have to deliver hot pies
> mfw pappy pinouchi adds 30 seconds or pizza free guarantee

>>Quiet and stoic with limited eyelid movement

Quality post.

Don't know if any of you guys have seen this movie but I'm basically this guy.
>nice but have a dark past
>willing to do anything for the people I love

Depends on the woman, the weight, the time since bathing, the diet. I think red heads are the best for rimming.

But do you drive?

Are Bladeboys the true heroes of Sup Forums? Feels good to know that you guys are out there. Just ordered a full length leather jacket and some sweet shades on ebay.

>taking the bait

Newfag pls go

I'll start a daily Blade thread for the bladeboys to hang and chill in. Suddenly my life seems far less dark.

I watched Blade two hours ago. Literally the best capeshit movie of all time.

>TFW I got a black leather trenchcoat when I was about 14 because I loved the Crow
>TFW this came out and people used to point and laugh and say I was trying tone blade
>TFW the matrix came out and they switched to calling me neo

Fuck you it's the crow reeeeeeeeeeeee the croooow

The 90s/00s capeshit are best because they were actually written by one or two people not a committee.

Check out Darkman. It's awesome.


How do you even know.....


Every Friday at 4.

liquid man is going to be fucking shit and you are scum

My friends tell me I'm literally like Tyler Durden, heh.
I guess there is an ounce of truth to it.

>see the world for what it is
>hate the dumb masses
>know martial arts

And I, too, like to destroy beautiful things.

Do you evade taxes too?



>with limited eyelid movement
Good show, lad.

>The lead actor, Brandon Lee, was accidentally mortally wounded on the set during filming by a defective blank, only eight days before the film would have completed production. Unfinished scenes that were to feature him were dealt with a re-written format in the script, a stunt double and digital special effects. The film is dedicated to Lee and his fiancée, Eliza.

A friend of mine when he was 5 went to a party where they had a man doing face painting, he demanded to be blade, the man gave in.

Wee guy looked like a gollywog.

Crime is a disease and I'm the cure.

Mad, bad and dangerous to know.

This is literally me. I really need to control my anger sometimes! XD