There was no tangible value in pursuing the ship. It was a wild-goose chase fueled by the captains arrogance and pride...

There was no tangible value in pursuing the ship. It was a wild-goose chase fueled by the captains arrogance and pride, which cost many lives, an arm and almost a doctor, who were valuable at the time.

Defend his motives

He did it for England, for Home and for THE PRIZE

Are you a woman OP?

>For Home
He kept his crew hostage and denied them their home

Are you by chance, a woman, OP?


Sea captains in a time of war were essentially brigadiers endorsed by the nation state. The spoils of war were a prized commodity and the pursuit thereof was considered a noble, honorary objective. His superseded his orders, carried the war on his back and captured the prize.

The fact that the phantom was caught only because he stopped on a tropical isle to save his best friend the doctor is irrelevant. He returns to harbor with a prized French phantom a hero

>dude, let's not drop the bombs over the nazis, let's drop them over farmland, go home and say we did
this is why women shouldn't be allowed in the military


It's a meme, you dip.

I fucking love this movie.

It's a flick


Forget these hard to understand movies and be my gf op ;)

this movies was made for men not u honey :)

*forced meme


So we're all just going to cover ourselves in layers of memes and irony, in a collective sense of misogyny instead of trying to formulate a defence for the captains actions? Pathetic

>implying anybody here has even watched this movie

Do you feel in charge?

i want to hug you

You know the O. Henry story where two people give gifts that are made worthless because they didn't know what the other was giving up?

This movie is the opposite. Two friends are generous to each other and end up getting everything they wanted.

The Archeron was a stand in for the USS Constitution as having an American ship as the antagonist would have soured the film's reception in the US.

Fine, if you're going to be a Debbie Downer about it

>no tangible value
Except a ship. A ship is a tangible object and one of the most valuable objects a country could get.

>it was a wild-goose chase
Apparently not because he caught the ship and took it as a prize.

>cost many lives
Yes, war is hell. Are you questioning Aubrey's judgment or the assumption that war is sometimes a necessary evil?

They should have gone home, allowed for the crew to be with their family, gather information on this new ship (they had a miniature model thanks to those two guys, one who went overboard because Aubrey couldn't let go) and take advantage of this new data by a) building ships keeping this new technology in mind and b) formulate offensive tactics AGAINST this kind of ship

>Allowing an enemy raider into the undefended, but vital for trade, Pacific Ocean

Fucking idiot, the British made this mistake twice in both world wars and paid for it

One raider can take out dozens of undefended supply ships there

>there was no tangible value in a huge cash reward

You can argue whether it was worth the risk but saying there was nothing to gain is just retarded.

Also they lost a dozen or so men. Maybe. Meanwhile they turn around and go home and the Acheron can freely murder and pillage countless British whaling ships. Aubrey saved lives.

you are retarded

but this user already did

yeah and why not wait for them to kick our ass in the war while we're at it

This new ship technology was valuable information so why risk losing it


Okay so why did they waste time on the Gallopocos island, letting Charles Darwin collect animal samples and what not

well it worked out didn't it