The got audience

the got audience

She's kinda cute


Sup Forumskino

Remarkably able to fetch her camera and take some quick selfies during the attack
Very brave girl

I'd rape her if you know what I mean

I'm so sad silly bois *takes selfie*

die slut die

Wonder what her outtakes were like.


I totally understood this reference!

>date aggressive violent chad
>get raped
>see rape everywhere
>blame beta males for the perceived threat
Why are women like this? Is the decline of judeo-christian values to blame?

i make her feel better with pusy lickings
and i feel better to

you stole my fucking gimmick and act like it's your own, i hate you and all your what you are

whats your gimmick?


seems like your gimmick is pretending to be me you fucking hack

You know what you've done, I hope it eats away at your subconscious.

>Is the decline of judeo-christian values to blame?

Yes. But they're Christian values, there's nothing judeo about them.

My dad's a pastor and I don't even know wtf a "judeo" Christian value is. I bet 99% of people who say that phrase don't know.

Always amazes me how these people supposedly dig out their phone to take pictures of themselves when they're suffering a panic attack.

Yeah I've had a panic attack, that ain't happening

what did the rape culture created by TV mean by this

this is hxr now

She's qt

>non-binary AFAB transperson

I don't know what that means but this needs to stop.

>See hair color

Christianty is part of kikism, you are literally worshipping a kike

Non-binary means they're not exclusively male or female

AFAB means assigned female at birth

How do I know this?
I had to look it up just now

Oh Jesus. I knew she was doing that transgender bit but the wheelchair is news to me.

At least her mental illness claim is legit I think we can all agree

narcissism at its finest


Non-binaries are almost exclusively Anglos who want to join in oppression olympics to remove white guilt


>tfw you ruined her life
>tfw you have seen her vagina

Feels weird man.

She looks like she's fucking 12.

"Oh I'm having a panic attack. A real panic attack. Time to take pictures on my phone of this real panic attack to show the world"

Get raped.


I am by no means condoning the namby-pambyness of the OP's image but actual victims of such assault can be left with PTSD after the event. The thing is, most people who have had this happen to them try to live normal lives and don't broadcast the most horrific experience in their life to the public.

>implying she's at risk

Have we? I don't remember that part.

Judaism is just Christianity without the Christ part. A certain subset of jews gain a smug sense of superiority by pretending their """savior""" came first just to be slaughtered by the mean jews who didn't believe in him and they went and started their own religion and the savior those other jews killed is TOTALLY COMING BACK YOU GUYS, NOT LIKE THE FAKE JEWISH MESSIAH WHO'S NEVER REALLY GOING TO COME, DUMB OF THEM TO KILL THE ACTUAL MESSIAH HUH?!?!

She is if I ever find out where she is.

>being this new

Why do you think she dun goofed in the first place?

Man, what's with all the rape shit lately? A popular livestreamer was caught yesterday with a false rape claim and it blew up on certain parts of the internet.

Who? Doesn't matter, it was on that stupid eWhore and pan-handling site Twitch

Wait, that's her? Holy shit... times have been really rough for her I guess. She did come from a pretty shitty family.

I thought this was some random Tumblr user.

*takes picture of self crying*

both of you faggots need to stop pretending
i am the original pusyposter

>got trolled so hard she ended up in a wheelchair

Kek, but for real why is she in a wheelchair?

literally shit taste



She's trans-ableist.

Seeing her Good Morning America the day after posting in some troll thread about her on Sup Forums was the craziest shit. It was also hilarious to see the father on screen acting completely calm and normal after he went into Berserk Mode in front of the entire internet.

I'm trying to get answers from Sup Forums but no luck yet. I'm always amused by the Jessi Slaughter saga, yeah I'm not proud of this

>currently trying to get a proper diagnosis

When doctors won't buy your shit

not that long ago there was a vid of her straddling a tranny draining him of his precious gaylord cum so i am pretty sure its a scam

>daughter shows her slit on the internet
>flip out on her and embarrass her in front of the whole internet she was trying to impress
>literally scar her for life
>I know what I'll do, I'll take her on national television so I can embarrass her in front of a national audience

Father of the year really.

>The test results are back, according to this you're just a dumb cunt

at the end of the day, it's not a real event, it's the realm of film

>Judaism is just Christianity without the Christ part.
user, just read this sentence once

Yeah same here I do feel a bad for her though, it was a different time I guess.
What for real?!

>same holy books
>same origin
>only delineates when the christ thing happens
>jews are waiting for the glorious arrival of their messiah to judge the living and the dead and shepherd true believers to heaven
>christians are waiting for the glorious return of their messiah to judge the living and the dead and shepherd true believers to heaven while banishing non-believers to hell
>muslims are waiting for the glorious return of their messiah to judge the living and the dead and shepher true believers to heave while banishing non-believers to hell

Abrahamic religions are exactly the same except they can't agree on who the fucking savior is and they've all arbitrarily picked holy days to argue about. Fight me.

my fuggin dihk

>Abrahamic religions are exactly the same
It's like saying that Dharmic religions are the same, but no, they aren't. Judaism doesn't have any coherent eschatology, some Jews even belive in reincarnation, some don't believe in any kind of individual existence after death. Even the type of religion is different, Judaism creates detailed sets of laws ruling literally all aspects of life (including ridiculous details like the number of steps one can perform during the sabbath, while Christianity operates with general rules, in this case Islam is somewhere between them). Another aspect - Judaism is not an universal religion, etc. etc.

based pusyposter


she looks like she's giggling?

>having a 'panic attack'

assigned female at birth

The last time I cried out of panic is when I tried to imagine a 4D hypercube.


kek is that really "her". I feel old.

I just want to hold her gently and wipe away her tears

The last time I did I thought my heart was gonna explode because I was too high.

There are people on this site that missed this.

And after that?

Rape her.

If only I could figure out the fourth dimension and how to move in it, I think I can go around closed doors and shit then.

pls explain


ayy lmao

we broke her man

>be attention seeking whore
>claim to have fucked some shitty emo band singer at 11
>tell people to kill themselves on the internet
>claim to be a victim and go on TV to raise awareness or some shit
>return to exactly the same behaviour when it looks like the 15 minutes are coming to an end
>drive elderly father to a heart attack and death

daughter of the year really.


I guess the consequences really were never the same.

Is there even such a thing as free will

did this horrible ogrish thing be asked to be born to a drunkard and develop a brain that would embarrass her and eventually result in her being attacked at a young age? Did she ever really stand a chance? The game is rigged from the beginning dudes. Shit like this really puts things into perspective for me at 6 am

Good and valid questions my friend. Why are we us and not her, who made that call?

this girl is so cute jesus christ

she's probably a kid though so thats a no no

just roll of the dice i suppose

she's legal user


>why do you keep looking at my lips user?

thank god

She's a transformer

Fourth post best post

Who is the brown hair girl? She looks EXACTLY like my ex-gf.

legit feel bad for her

Will she still be cute when she's in court accusing you of rape, the judge and jury eating out of the palm of her hand?

you broke her
happy now?

you must a shitty boyfriend. she became lesbian after you.

stop eye raping her! #literallyshaking rn

She's just asking for it.