4 teams
Red = Nazis
Blue = Niggers
Green = Trannies
Yellow = Weeaboos
Which ever team gets all squares filled wins. When you make a post, you should say something along the lines of “X kill X”
Example: Nazis kill Trannies
Depending on your post number, your team will claim a certain number of boxes
Dubs = Two boxes
Trips = five boxes
Quads = seven boxes
0 = one box
404 = instant kill
All other outcomes = no boxes

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Niggers kill niggers

weebz kill trannies with a flametrower


Nazis kill weeaboos

Nazis kill Trannies

weebs kill nazis

Nazis kill Weebs

weebs kill nazis with katana

weebs kill nazis

Nazi kills trannies

Nazis kill Weebs

Nazis kill trannies in Minecraft

Trannies kill nazis.

nazis kill niggers

Nazis kill niggers

999 get
now top left square is furries

Tranny kill nazis.

nazis kill niggers

weebz kill nazis

Nazis gas several weebs at once

Nazi kill weeb in Roblox

post results op

and, weebs massacre trannies

Trannies kill Nazis

Attached: 24C2AE1C-5982-4AF0-85D8-E18B5F97CCEE.png (500x500, 133K)

Nazis launch Blitzkrieg on weebs

weebs use special attack on nazis and kill 5

weebs cleanses the world of trannies

Nazis kill weebs

weebz kill nazis

Niggers kill trannies

Nazis kill weebz

red kills yellow

Nazi 37 Trannies 12 Weebs 17
Nazi 37 Trannies 12 Weebs 15
Nazi 39 Trannies 12 Weebs 13

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weebz suck nazi cock till they die

weebs behead nazis with a katana

Niggers kill weebs

trannies have 10, my bad

Nazis kill trannies

Stroheim uses stomach gun to kill weebs in honor of the Nazis

weebs teabag nazis to death

Let's look at this realistically
Niggers will kill other niggers
Trannies will kill themselves
Weebs will do nothing
Nazis will kill Niggers and Trannies and weebs depending on ethic background.

Nb some weens will at the same time also be nazis

So there's no way Nazis won't win
Also considering that there never was any niggers to begin with.

So with all that said

Nazis kill trannies

weebz force nazis to watch 24 hours of anime and melt their eyes and brains

Nazis gas the trannies

Nazis force weebs to listen to propaganda at dangerously high decibels

Nazis gas the weebs

Nazi 37 Trannies 10 Weebs 15
Nazi 39 Trannies 8 Weebs 15

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a single weeb shadow teleports behind the nazis and kills them with a swift single slice

weeb kills nazi scum

Nazis kill trannies

Lone Nazi learns the shadow clone Jutsu and uses the weebs own attacks against them

Weebs kill nazis, as they morally should.

weebz start sweating because nazis are learning their secret attacks

weeb charges at lone nazi to silence him

Lone Nazi wreaks havoc on weebs

Nazis kill weebz

Weebs kill nazis

weebs use secret weapon #2 and start sucking nazis off

nazis kill each other for being gay

Trannies kill weebs

weebs suck off nazis to turn them gay

Sup Forums arises from the smoke of war to aid the Nazis in the massacre of weebs

Nazi 38 Trannies 8 Weebs 16
Nazi 39 Trannies 8 Weebs 15
Nazi 37 Trannies 8 Weebs 17

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weeb kills trannie to put them out of their misery

Nazis use their largest artillery weapon, Gustav, to blow up weebs

Those aren't all races you stupid fucking kike

weebs send the cat girls at nazis

Nazi scientists attempt to make an instant quads serum to kill weebs

Nazi kill weeb slay those need dweebs

weebz use special secret attack on nazis

Lone Nazi kills trannies with Shadow clone Jutsu

Weebs apply a kunai into the eyes of nazis

single weeb joins the nazis, then shows he has a suicide vest on and explodes in the nazi camp

Nazi @ trannies put um on trains

Nazis kill weebs

Niggers kill weebs

weeb uses shadow blade technique and cuts down a nazi train

weeb teleports behind nazi

weebs kill trannies

niggers kill weebs

weeb poisons nazis drinking water

niggers kill weebs big

niggers kill weebs with 777

Nazis kill weebss

niggers to kill weebs

so close

niggers kill all weebs with grape soda

weeb kills niggers single field

Nazi 37 Trannies 6 Weebs 19
Nazi 35 Trannies 6 Weebs 21
Nazi 37 Trannies 6 Weebs 19

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weeb kills nazis

Nazis kill Weeaboos

nazis kill trannies

weeb start suicide vest bombing part 2 at nazis

weeb slices open a trannie

Ναζί kill tranies

weeb kills trannies

nazis kill weebs

EWeebs Fuck up Nazis

Attached: 1545427573525.jpg (898x919, 153K)

weeb prays to meme magic to kill nazis

nazis btfo the weebs

weeb poisons water supply of nazis

Nazis gun down weebs

WEebs fuck up nazis

weeb gets trips and destroys nazis