Actors whose presence immediately lets you know the movie is trash

actors whose presence immediately lets you know the movie is trash

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little faggot ruined star wars and so i only watch the sequels

>OPs with terrible taste

Never once finished any movie with her.

op is that a joke
he's fucking great


The first non retard or bait answer.


Can I get a quick rundown?

everyone except the still not dead danny kaye;

Would bang

>could've gotten a 80s bombshell with big breasts
>instead got some generic modern model because michael bay could not not insert his waifu into the movie

Not at all.
Name any movie with her and i confirm that it's shit



not same user
but honestly, this is the only movie I liked her in

ok, i give up.

Boogie Nights? Fargo ?

absolute dogshit


Cameron Diaz.

french actors



Star Wars prequels

inclined to agree if not for Tinker Tailor



Busson is a dirty dirty creep

>he's never watched shameless

>tinker tailor borey bore

>I can't follow it therefore it's boring

It's the most tense spy thriller of recent cinema. I've seen enough shootouts to be completely desensitized to them. This was much more subtle


I liked the one where he's a boxer

I liked the movie where she played a flirtatious blonde

>le irredeemable no character growth drunkard

Wow, really proved OP wrong.

>Implying her middrift didn't single belliedly save the prequels

I liked Thankyou for Smoking

There's Something About Mary is a kino.


how did they get away with this cunnykino?

Vince vaughn

Air Force one
Checkmate faggot


The mask
Something about Mary

hey, jurassic park was good.

He looks like a 70's serial killer.

I genuinely thought this was Mark Hamill.

>Her nipples


valhalla rising was kino, but other than that I agree.

>Jurassic park 3
>boogie nights
Please use a wood chipper as a slip and slide

did you have to play yourself right from the start?

the depahted is great tho. /comfy/ as fuck

Any movie he's in would be ten times better replaced with Michael cera. Zombieland could have been an easy 9/10 if not for Jesse whatever. Lex Luthor could have been hilarious and funny.

>they didn't enjoy this is the end

not quite enough masturbation jokes for my liking

>Boogie Nights
>Thank You for Smoking
>Wag the Dog
>best part of Shameless
Macy is a great actor m8

tropic thunder


I fucking hate this little faggot but unfortunately he's in pretty good movies.

The Hunt

Who could even play this April on the big screen?

Demoness Alex?

Orange Is The New Black was alright tho



Bruce Almighty is the only film in which I could tolerate her.
Though that's more due to Jimmy Carey

>thank you for smoking
Not talked about nearly enough on here desu

Is she pretty or not?
I really can't decide.

His voice is also awful though. I love HTTYD but recasting Hiccup would have been an improvement.

Monica was hotter.

the exception to the rule

Big Fan is a great movie


That's not Sahara


She legit made me feel sick in that film where she rubs her pussy against the car

>75% of all movies are shit

that's a pretty bold statement

Did you?


It's accurate if you think about it

And a (You) for you, newfriend.

The Mask
Something about Mary
Head Above Water. Everything else she ruins.

The Counselor
Pain & Gain

Your adorable

not attractive

pic related.

I can't stand his annoying voice

The BBC version is better in pretty much every way, movie is like a joke in comparison.


american shameless is fucking awful

Ratatouille is rat kino.


Prove me wrong you nigglets

Pain & Gain

fuck off

>Michael Bay

Holy moley!

It's good though.

Your father is obviously a hand model hence the reason you're a faggot with no brains. Kys

What movie?