Based Israel Thread

Post your stories, images and webms of the most based country on the face of this muslim infested earth

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mbeki taboluki machette yourself

How are we based? The future is grim

look at these Israeli women, who would you rather a paleshit, or a nationalist, right-wing aryan jewess

This was probably you but just saw it

Israeli Jews act like sandniggers they are.



This goy can't resist the BIG JEWISH TITTIES. I literally can't help myself when I see those objectively superior racks.

>ultra religious nuts are fuckwits

of coursh

Are the frog that posted pic related in another thread?
Wanted to ask you what your solution to Israel-Palestine situation would be?
Not 2-state?
Or would you prefer Jordan absorbing them?
What would work?

kill yourself paleostain, and take your family with you

thread theme:

oh look, it's the same yid from NZ who posts ever week

>jews remove the kebab
>jewish girls are good looking
>why arn't you dating a yew

muslims and jews are both scum, get the fuck out

All the Jews in this thread get out and shill somewhere else

oh look its the same triggered auscuck who follows me. Lighten up kid.


^ This




End yourslef you edgy diaspora fag.

Yes, it’s me!

Hm, tbqh, if the world really wants a ((Palestinian)) state it might be Gaza+Arabs parts of Judea-Samaria. This is the most accurate and realistic solution, even if it’s stupid to divide a territory like this and conflicts will still happen frequently.

My personal opinion: Israel should control all the Judea-Samaria and nuke Gaza with Egypt, or let it exists as a little backward islamic entity. But it probably will never be possible.

>Palestine scum will soon be removed

dude I don't know if you are just spoofing a NZ IP to get around isreal being banned because of the sheer number of shills they produce, or if you are a bona-fide christ killer; but you arn't welcome here

find somewhere else to spread your lies

I also hate the fact that it's split (part north, part south), really fucked up situation.
I must read more into Liberman and the Liberman Lines (think that's what it's called).

I don’t know if you can find this in the english website of Tsahal, I didn’t managed to:

spotted the paleo stain

Is memes are edgy (thus bad) but lies? He's shilling but he ain't spreading lies.


kill your family, then yourself abdooolah


Part of the ongoing Operation Protective Edge




Fuck off kike shill. At this point in time we hate muzzies more but Jews are still an eternal enemy.

This /nz/ poster is a muslim.

Will translate it when I get home as I will your image in - can't really make out what's going on.
Are you preparing to leave France at any point? Heard that Jews have already left certain areas/neighbourhoods due to mudslimes.



oh shit you got me, now I will attempt to deflect by using taquiya to blaspheme

you guys are so smart...

trump should really scour these boards looking for meme warriors to defend the homeland

the brains in here have to be seen to be believed

walk away nigga, walk away!

Protip: you can't

you muzzies LOVE being triggered


gives you a reason to kill yourself

hes hurting from them gas prices. Russians are white muzzies

russians are arab tier trash. Sit around expecting everyone to buy oil from them forever

literal mongs

The image shows:
1973: Israel applies the UN resolution, cease the conflict
1975: Israel gives back Sinai partially
1979: Israel gives back the full Egyptian’s territory
1995: Israel recognizes a Palestinians sovereignty in Gaza and a few parts of Judea-Samaria
2000: Israel gives back South-Lebanon
2005: Israel leaves Gaza

Also, France is the first country in the world for Aliyah. A lot of Jews are fleeing. But I am not Jewish from my part (I feel insecure though, I planned to leave as well).

Stop using our IP addresses kike scum.

Hows your genocide going south Africa? Hope you know the Jews did that to you.
Nice one shlomo. Right after the muslims are dealt with you're next. Fucking Israel needs to be nuked.

>I will buttblast my angry opinions on Sup Forums and stormfront in regards to kikes and Israel and tell myself I'm a winner.
>I'm an alpha male.
Take some responsibility - you're acting like a dindu.

not what Pootie boy said ;)

stop using that white families computer while they sleep Whare


80 IQ

islam is merely naziism for arabs.

Look how happy and at home he looks in pic related.
Also, isn't it funny that his closest associates and businesses are Jews?
Isn't it funny that he made Syria return a tank back to Israel?
Isn't it funny that he's asked any Jew that feels insecure in Europe to come to Russia?
Isn't. It. Funny.


>based Israel
>40 years ahead of Europe

Thanks for arming my brothers and helping them conquer Europe.

>Donkeys, horses, goats, cattle
Good, you know what the Palestinians do with animals over there?

Fuck them.

Why do so many jewfus have so big jewbs?

working Oz Zion. Muds in a pack of 20 start throwing rocks. Im a big dude and played 4 years of baseball. From about 10 yards i hit one with a rock about the size of a baseball. He actually fell like a tree! His buddies ran and left him. I brought a little water and a cloth and revived him. He had a hell of a gnash in his forehead.

He thanked me and i said "anytime". i meant the awesome rock delivery to the front of his head. The muds fear rocks thrown by Americans now!

Religion is irrelevant. Genetically inferior non-whites are the problem. Most of the "Jews" in Israel are low-IQ shit-skinned Mizrahi Arabs, genetically indistinguishable from Muslim Arabs. Israel is just another shitty cuck country whose main purpose is to dilute its superior white genes in a sea of subhuman brown shit.

Those are shiksa Polish pop-singers. Ashkenazim are only partially European, they still look like swarthy hook-nosed kebabs, only with higher intelligence.

The kikes don't want you to see this article.

Anyone who supports the Jews or Israel is a race traitor of the highest order.


Where did all the kikelovers go?

dumping a jewess

I don't see any of you kikelovers defending stuff like this

Dumping a Jewess.

I rammed a Jew in Isreal, up the ass. She looked kind of like what the girl in your pic does. The same tits, the same smile... too bad I can't see the ass, although I left her rectum in such a vanquished state her ass has probably dropped off by now

really makes me thnk wow

huh rly made me tink...

cherry picking schizophrenics?
i can also pull out a few kooky christians that say stupid shit, fagela.

>muh memes
Sup Forums has been severely lacking in redpilling regarding the Jews of late. That gives the JIDF free reign.

My least favorite Jewish parable is the Holocaust because it wasn't real.
I have never been more disappointed in my life.

>cherry picking schizophrenics?
Oh of course, the Jews who are destroying the White race are "cherry picked schizophrenics"

>i can also pull out a few kooky christians that say stupid shit, fagela.
But of course, Jews are a race. And they're the ones in control of the media and the government, kikelover.

girls at my uni

you seem very suicidal aussie :) You will never make Muslims mad. ^_^

And a jewish professor at a uni.

The reason Jews (and Christians) don't implement the fucked up shit from the Bible unlike the Muslims who do.
Globalists Jews/Neocons aren't carrying out orders from the Torah - it's not an ideology - it's greed-based at most.
Come on, cuck.
Is this your first summer on this board?
JIDF has been here from day one with mootiepie,

You sound like a dindu who blames all his failures on the white man.
Take some responsibility - for every Jew in power there's a Christian beside him with no gun to his head.
The reason we don't have a lower class (and are mostly made up of privileged, educated people) is your fault, goy.
You cornered us into high-intellect jobs throughout our history with you - what did you expect was going to happen?
For that, I thank you.



>The reason Jews (and Christians) don't implement the fucked up shit from the Bible unlike the Muslims who do.
Are you kidding?

You're really going to claim the Jews are the good guys?

>Globalists Jews/Neocons aren't carrying out orders from the Torah - it's not an ideology - it's greed-based at most.

>Is this your first summer on this board?
I could ask you the same thing, kikelover.

>You sound like a dindu who blames all his failures on the white man.
The difference being, it really is the Jews, stupid.

>Take some responsibility - for every Jew in power there's a Christian beside him with no gun to his head.
Without the Jews, there would be no anti-Whites in White society.

>The reason we don't have a lower class (and are mostly made up of privileged, educated people) is your fault, goy.
>You cornered us into high-intellect jobs throughout our history with you - what did you expect was going to happen?
>For that, I thank you.
You are a kiked out race traitor. Who doesn't have anything other than dismissals of the facts and unconditional love of his kike masters.

Ah yes, genetically we are prone to being anti-white, unlike true white Christians.
I forget that our voodoo convinces the white (weak-minded) Christians into doing as we say.
Stop making it out as if white Christians can't think for themselves and that they're braindead zombies.
You can continue pulling out images of schizophrenic Jews all you want, fagela.
There's a reason that, on average, we have higher IQs.
Again, I thank you and your ancestors for that.

Where do you think you are, kike?

We're onto your propaganda.

Israel Targets U.S. Lad Mag Market

that's not a jew. that's a european whose ancestors converted.

>a democratic country

>Havent started the current war, its a response to rockets fired on israel

> tried to achieve a seize fire early on

>Give warning to citizens to evacuate before bombing, giving them 15 minutes to leave the building they are going to bomb

>in addition, they fire a warning shot just to make sure there arent any citizens too close to the building

>cancelled alot of bombings where citizens were spotted too close to buildings.

>Agreed to 5 diffrent humanitarian seize fire to allow the people of gaza re-organize and take injuried people to hospitals

>the IDF Opened a field-medical area to treat wounded palestinian citizens

>Still give electricity, food and medicines to gaza on daily basis

>the army hired lawyers, which have to confirm every action of the military before doing it to make sure its not violating ANY international law

The hamas:
>A terror organization

>fire rockets indiscriminately on israeli citizens, in purpose to kill them

>would murder any jew in israel if they could

>use their own citizens as a human shield by placing rocket launchers and arsenals in highly populated areas, making it impossible to fight them without killing citizens, causing israel political damage

>most leaders hide underground, with innoscent families with them to make sure the israeli forces wont attack them to not harm those citizens

>the UN found 3 times during this war rockets of the hamas in UNRWA schools.

>Their leader said in an interview that even if gaza will become a legitimate country they wont stop attacking israel

>one of their mottos is "we love death more than the jews love life"

>Dont give a fuck about international rules and human rights, and violating them on daily basis.

>Use the money and resources donated to help the poor citizens of gaza to get weaponary and make themselves rich. the leader of the hamas, has 2 billion dollars, personally - money that should have been used to help the citizens of gaza

oops didn't mean to post this sry

>Ah yes, genetically we are prone to being anti-white, unlike true white Christians.
So now you're on the "It's not the Jews, it's the Christians!" divide and conquer tactic, eh?

"Oh you gotta hate Christians but you should really love the Jews!"

>There's a reason that, on average, we have higher IQs.
Oh, I see. You're a Jew.

On top of that, a Jewish Supremacist.

As well as an IQ Supremacist.

Scientists Discover Gene That Predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to Schizophrenia

Mental Illness and the Jews

Mental Illnesses among American Jews

Oh yeah, you're so superior.