/wowg/ - World of Warcraft general

>General Resources:

>WoW Token Price:

>Blood of Sargeras to gold:
US: rodent.io/blood-money
EU: rodent.io/blood-money-eu/

well at least now we know where you're from.

wait a minute...

God sports are fucking dumb; oh boy lets all cheer at nothing for an hour or two, granted nothings worse then Nascar
Lets all make a left turn for 3000 laps while I sit next to Billy Bob Jones and his Sister/Wife and their 12 kids

fuck this normie board

Is wow officially a sport?

Oh wow, how embarrassing,

>watching esports is that much different

>/wowg/ with flags
please god let this be real
It's an Esport, close enough :^)

Do people still play wow?

just got my trinket lads, now i can get invited to mythics

H-hello fellow sport posters, how goes the National Kickfoot League

>Implying I watch them, Canadian Bacon

Have sex ya dweeb. Ding-Dong Diddly Cringeola.
Even /asp/ would reject this

This is a good way to figure out where all of the shitposters are from

we need flags. i want to see where the guy who wants to live in a draenis tummy is from, so we can purge that place

DLC sport.

Thinking of ghosting my guild. Where should I go?
I'm horde and want a good pve server. I'm on Illidan btw

>All the shitposters on /wowg/ are from Chile and Brazil
Why am I not surprised? Pure shit.

shut the fuck up you mick



What sport is this?

>pandaposters are burgers

fucking god dammit you disgraceful shitbags

what changes is he talking about

whoa...those are some big bandas

I don't play this shit game but this image is unironically really hot!

If you don't watch yourself, you may be next.

>Moon Guard
>surprised when they're from the most predominantly English speaking country in the Western Hemisphere

You mean americans.

whatever fatso, stop jerking it to furry butts

i always knew wow was a sport

I'm not the pandaposter, cunt. Manpandas are disgusting.

if they defeat sargeras isnt the game over?

haha esports


no cause in a convenient xpack leading plot turn he stabbed the planet and gave it aids or some shit


Are eSports sports?

no, we need this thread to root out which shitposters are from where

I killed Illidan, why hasn't the game finished? I want to know my score, they better fix this or I'm unsubbing

>most of /wowg/ is american
>shittiest general I've been in

You must have missed the memo, now he dindu nuffin, he a good boy, and nearly got raped by a chandelier made out of the Light.

it's only shit because no one cared about your incessant blogposting you dumb frog

Get lost frenchie

Don't you have a terrorist attack you need to go die in baguette?

General's split right now, half the thread probably doesn't want to show their flags here because they're a bunch've fags.

All boards should have flags 2bh

Get this shite off my board you fucking virgins

posting in this EPIC thread

This is already off-topic but in my downtimes for WoW I've started reading Light Novels and Web Novels from Japan and Korea.
Do you guys have any well translated reincarnated stories (no bad end bs)

Agreed, then we could shame the shitposters off forever.
Although we know pissrag's in Poland and that doesn't stop his avatarfag shit from posting.

[citation needed]
I can't get out of my home because 70% of my country is overweight and armed with a gun. Oh wait

Fortune cookie

Who Alliance Silvermoon EU here?
Someone make an Sup Forums guild.

>alpha worgen
If they had just gone along with this, I'd never shit talk femworgen.

I actually don't like fat people


Unironically the best thread on Sup Forums atm desu senpai

Jaina is a dreadlord

it'd only further the derailing

hide and reported


I played WoW for 10 years lads. From launch to 2014. So many hours pissed away. Do NOT play this game it will suck your life-force.

What's this life-force you speak of and how do I get more?

become a necromancer

linroy jerkins haha


But Blizzard hasn't released the necromancer class yet.