I'm fucking mad

These fucking MUZZIES animals killed two of my fellow Texans. MY COUNTRY MEN. Who will ride with me to avenge our fallen!

Other urls found in this thread:


Who are you planning on getting revenge on you stupid burger? A muslim was the first person hit by the truck. Terrorism has no religion.



>terrorism has no religion

>A muslim was the first person hit by the truck.
Well, that's a good start.

Pls be a Canada proxyfag.

Ride with you to what? You're not gonna do shit.

This cunt again...

Grade A* shitposting, vegemate.


Jesus, you weak willed, capitulating, emasculated cock sucker.
I don't see any other religion commiting these atrocities, do you?
Fuck them, and fuck apologists like you. If they can't get their own goddamned culture in order, then they should ALL be wiped from the face of the planet.

Brought to you by the #religionofpeace

There is a muslim from aus roaming the threads. I dare say this is said muslim.

Go use your 2nd amendment to kill the Muslim invaders.


also don't forget if you try to stop them, they win.
and finally don't be such an islamophobic
shitlord, or you will be on the wrong side of history.

See, this guys get it.


Seriously I want libcucks to answer how many of these freaking incidents we have to deal with till enough is enough

So Texans don't have superpowers.
I was misled.

Nobody. You're not riding anywhere yourself anyways

Calm yourself down you autistic virgins

You should be celebrating.

>Vacationing in a warzone

I don't give a fuckin shit who was the First victim. Let them kill eachother in ther shit country and let Europe live in peace. Let Saudi Arabia or Qatar or any other oil based islamashit country take their muslim bros (they are full of our money). Integration is fail.

>Terrorism has no religion
>Hearing allahu ackbar (god is great) is synonymous with your impending death


Not when they travel and have to give up their freedoms.


Islam is a threat to humanity
The sooner someone with balls in our political sphere decides the kill Muslims unwilling to convert, the better
Also, alliance with Russia and give Russia the okay to indiscretionatly nuke the fuck out of Turkey, while we return the favor to Iran and Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, and Canada.

The amount of Islamophobes in this thread drives me fucking CRAZY. Don't you stupid fucks REALISE this is exactly what these terrorists want?

You must be crushed, hit the road and keep on trucking.

Sorry for your loss.
But I for one Rejoice today France is getting exactly what it deserves.

lmao top form lad

And this is why Europe will keep enjoying it's glorious and spectacular terrorist attacks.
Keep being mutually exclusive you and tolerant dumb fucks. You reap what you sow.

Go ahead keep pontificating about how not all Muslims are bad, just put earplugs in and yell louder so we can hear you over the bombs going off and the people screaming in the background.

You are doing it wrong. They were killed France, so your reactions should be appropriate.
I suggest you change your profile picture to a french flag and go on with your life

Learn more about ID, don't /thread your own reply. Be a hero and do a flip.


Australia is a perfectly multicultural society and we have no terrorist attacks. Our country has no national identity so we have no racism and all of our Muslims feel equal.

In Europe and America, your people cling onto your archaic monolithic cultures like they actually mean something in the 21st century, further pushing to persecute muslims.

I hope our multicultural paradise isn't corrupted by your gross western perversions.

11 yr old boy and his father.


Shut the hell up you'll just sit there and talk shit about Muslims.

You fucking faggots in Texas don't even protect our border.

Given that you're an Aussie, I can never be sure if this is bait or not.

But if it isn't, die in a fire.

ayyyyy cunt, it's almost like you're a greens shill....almost

>my fellow Americans
Fixed that for you. Stay butthurt, José.

That is absolutely adorable. Look how well you spill out your propaganda and hypocrisy. Who taught you that sweetheart was it your college professor?

Australia is a fucking homogenized Society for the most part you have not had to deal with what Europe and the US has. you're also far from Utopia stop kidding yourself you have plenty of racism.

strayy lmao

dude Australia person, I've seen plenty of racism videos that originate in Australia

>In Europe and America, your people cling onto your archaic monolithic cultures like they actually mean something in the 21st century

have your people erected great monuments on the continent? such as the opera house, which is the only one I can think of. Well Europe is full of our culture, our ancestors built this continent, it has been carefully cultivated for thousands of years, every inch of ground has been carved out of wilderness, domesticated and won by blood and steel, maybe they had selfish reasons (I would), regardless it is here, they built it, for us, for posterity. If we don't honour that, then we are no different than the savages.

Kek speaks the truth

Actually all the racism comes from all the rich white areas. My school was almost a quarter lebanese and it was always the aussies that started fights, but the lebs won every time.

If you look at the statistics, domestic abuse and drug use is more common in white australians that first generation immigrants. They are literally bringing positivity to our society while the bogans continue to fuck it up.

We have an Egyptian muslim that is head of our best evening news program. If that doesn't show how much harder immigrants work I don't know what does.


never stop fighting the shitposting fight brother

>mfw Americans were hurt


>Terrorism has no religion.
Thats true.
It is a race problem. We should kill all shitskins.

Dear Burger, just kill brown people.
Cant do anything wrong with that tactic :^)

ISIS loves their lolis :)

What the fuck are terrorists gonna blow up in your shit country? A kangaroo?

>this-ing & /thread-ing yourself

fuck white people nothing of value was lost

>A muslim was the first person hit by the truck.
Martyr. They don't care if they die, that's the thing.

france did nothing wrong. american deserves to be crushed by truck. bullying france is not the right thing to do.

Countrymen is one word, you stupid asshole. If you're going to claim that us and ours are worth protecting, at least don't be a stupid asshole.

calm down, faggot

>implying texans are human

>hurr durr we must done protect the white race and white children and we're so much better than those durn damn muzzies *spits tobaccer juice onto lawn and hits his illiterate kid*

Fucking educate yourself or you're no better than the Muslims.

Nothing of value lost.

I wish all 84 would have been amerikeks


good job australia, show them !

I prefer white people. Educated or not

Trucks have no religion.
Dont blame islam.


Let me guess. You're only pretending to be retarded.

He already dead u stupid runt. Why dont you bomb Iraq again.


>be american
>get trucked

You must be trolling for shock effect and it's worked, obviously. Aussies are racist as fuck, unless you're a faggot numale.

>50 lgbt die in Orlando (including the lgbt shooter)
>burgerfuck only cares when when americans die in the land of the french fry

fuck you for ignoring my reply to you

wow I hate aussies now

wtf i hate aussies now too

Who cares about a bunch of faggots?

Fuck off Walleed Aly

Is this invasion or....

Fuck I can't even tell what's real and trolling


Reminder WWI was started over a single death.

Reminder all the good yuuros were killed in the wars and only the cowards, gimps, and pussy academics dodged the drafts, which accounts for the state yuurope is in today.

I want Texas to secede and declare war on Islam, on all islamics, all muzzies everywhere, and they shall each be taken as our personal enemy. And with a Texas Foreign Legion so the rest of us can play too. If we seriously tried just a small militia of burgers could eliminate all muzzies. I just want the PC shackles to come off and to declare open season on mudshits.

You fucking frogs killed our men with your pussification and lack of cages for your criminal trash. Those were OUR citizens. Even fucking commie china cares enough about their citizens to take global un-PC action, like the chink cops working with italy's cops to keep the tourist traps safe for chinks.

>faggots dying

Am I supposed to be upset about that? Omar did us a favor disposing of our trash. If mudshits started targeting lgbtsbbqs and liberals first, I would let them stay a while.

texican american reporting in ready for race war against the shitskins

Siesta's over Paco, get back to work on The Wall.

Living up to the reputation, I see.

Goddamn I hate texas. You guys are such fucking losers, pretty much the absolute worst of the US. I can't wait until the mexicans rape you out of existence.

>including the lgbt shooter

Just because you're a faggot, doesn't mean everyone else is.


Everyone hates lebs, btw.

don't you know we can tell you're a samefag retard?



>Who will ride with me to avenge our fallen!

Why do you need someone for the ride to Washington DC?

What was it like when you "came out" and told your family you were a gay brony footfag on that cold Thanksgiving holiday afternoon?

Are the other family members injured?

>Be American
>Go to France
>Get crushed

Did you even read that article? It says multiple times that eye witnesses were reported as recognising him from gay dating apps.

>mfw I know who these people are

Can we deus vult already?

Ur the most popluar in this thread
see all the butthurt you caused bcuz of one halfassed-probably-baked-out-of-ur-mind post ?
A bait if i ever saw one...

stop assault Trucks

I feel for the poor innocent muslims who lost their lives to assault trucks

2nd D-Day to liberate France, when?