Ask an algerian immigrant politically incorrect questions
Enough edition
Ask an algerian immigrant politically incorrect questions
Enough edition
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When are you leaving?
not in the mood to troll on that today
When are you leaving?
Why haven't you left?
You should leave.
You need to go back.
When are you leaving?
have you watched the news recently ?
Just get the fuck out of Europe already. We dont want your kind here.
When are you coming back?
still not in the mood for that today, just waith a couple of days, i'm sad right now
When are you leaving?
France is New Algiers!!
Stay and fortify, African!
Its funny since the only reason he's there is because the french just had to go and attempt to colonise algeria
You have nothing to be sad for. You have to go back.
When are you leaving?
What's your mode of transport for your departure?
Leave or kill yourself so we can use you for biofuel at least. There was too many kids in this attack, they deserved to live.
I do, 84 deads !
When are you going to leave France and go home?
I want algerian immigrants to leave~
Well we colonized Indonesia. Biggest muslim country in the world. And we have plenty living here. But do they do this kind of shit? No! Only those fucking sandniggers do it.
You know what would make you feel better? Packing your bags and going on a permanent vacation to Algeria.
>There was too many kids in this attack, they deserved to live.
I wish you were as concerned when palestinians kids died last year when Israel was bombing gaza
Go back or you are gonna be beheaded.
nope, I still won't troll back, sorry, maybe next time
Can you come to Canada and fuck my wife?
What are you doing to reduce the retardation in "your" community?
nobody gives a shit about subhuman sandniggers scum children
they breed like cockroaches anyways
Who cares about savages kids? In the future, they would have killed ours.
We aren't trolling
So does this mean that you don't want to come back? I promise we won't behead you harki
Would you kill your own kind?
Fuck you. I'm French, and not Sandnigger if someone ask.
A few years ago one would have talked about an insane person, a fool, a crazy man.
Now, it must be a "muslim extremist", as if being radicalized muslim was mandatory to commit such an act.
The Germanwing pilot was not radicalized, but pressured in his job and terrified by the idea he could loose it.
In the Nice case, it is also possible that the guy was not a djihadist or something, but just a guy pressured in his work that freaked out.
So stop the bullshit: no one knows if the religious explanation is the correct one, and I suspect it isn't.
as soons as you will in yours here
You have to go back, Ahmed.
retourne dans ton pays sale bougnoule
this nig wasn't even algerian, he was tunisian.
Let's say European governments started to enact a policy whereby non-European immigrants that committed violent crimes were sent back to their country of origin, and blacklisted from EU member states. This would shrink prison populations, increase public safety, and reduce the pool of Muslims who are most likely to radicalise and become terrorists.
Do you think that would be a fair policy? How would immigrants respond, especially Muslim immigrants?
Serious question:
How does it feel when .... Ah fuck it... When are you going to leave?
Go home Abdul
Learn english first viado!
You are a disgrace to your country.
They would probably send you back to Congo if they enacted that
Have your countrymen earned the respect of the rest of the world?
this is what they already do in swizzerland, and nobody gave a shite
Signing your own death warrant Frenchie. Good luck with that thought process.
>bunch of retards shouting allahu akbar while they kill people
>nothing to do with religion
When are you leaving?
No, the only answer is going full genocide on them.
NO Trump is going to get elected and him and Putin are going to declare war on ISLAM say bye bye it's too late.
>Fuck you. I'm French, and not Sandnigger if someone ask.
Yeah... no kill yourself muhmed
>palestinian kids
they will grow up and be raised as terrorists as their fathers. There is no more empathy for your kind.
Vai chupar a rola do Carlão sua bicha preta.
your opinion in yesterday's incident and why are you happy about it
Get out.
after the algerian war of independance, yes, it decrased after, we were too arrogant
You and your kind had multiple chances to assimilate in a country as nice and as welcoming as France but all you did was bring chaos in the suburbs and medieval traditions here. Please go back to Algeria and never come again.
Muslims are literally more hated than black people now.
All the same to me!
If you don't, we will.
It's all very well moping around saying that you're the real victims here, but I don't think you realise just how much of a knife edge you are all on.
In any other country than a western one you would have all been at the very least expelled. In the real shitholes you would be slaughtered to the last.
You don't want to find out what happens when the number of people who have had enough of your shit reaches critical mass.
You still have some time to fix your shit.
If you don't...
Not a bunch of retards but ONE retard, with real handgun and a lot of FAKE GUNS AND AMMO.
the guy was neither practicising religion, nor doing Ramadan, and btw did not shouted something like Allah akbar.
So fuck you to portos, this is highly probable islam is NOT the cause of this.
I'm shocked and sad, I have enough of terrorism, I knew 10 years ,of terrorism in algeria, now i'm living this again here
I dont want that
Don't stop by Switzerland on your way back, we're full.
You have to go back, Abdullah.
You are not welcome here newfag, try reddit
France, revolutionary values and human rights, or Islam?
It's funny how the ONE retard is always a sandnigger whenever shit like this happens
You have to go back, Mohammed.
go home sand worm
You have to go back, to Sup Forums, Cleiton Pereira da Silva.
Algerians are too lazy to pull off terrorists attacks, they're mostly neets that leech of welfare.
Do you have a truck?
Make France White Again
When are you going to leave
I just want you and your family and your friends to die.
When are you leaving?
Did you rejoice after the attack? After all its a strike into the heart of the infidels.
Do you have family figthing for isis?
Fuck Palestine, and fuck Palestinian subhumans.
A Patria amada repudia-te
>evolutionary values and human rights
fuck islam, i'm tired of that shite, things must change, and they must change now!
When are you going to fuck off back to niggertopia?
Make Brazil Habitable For Once
You're probably okay if you hate blacks.
How do your terrorists feel about blacks?
He clearly shouted aloha snackbar in the original video. It was so obvious that media edited it out shortly after.
The only chance of that happening is if they hoist their battleflag
Qui a dit ça ? BFM TV ? lol ....
Les rumeurs ça va vite, c'est tout le temps l course au premier journaliste qui prétendra entendre un "allah akbar"
Fuck off where you came from.
We don't want your kind in Europa.
For that you need the cooperation of the countries of origin. And they sure as hell will want some sort of compensation for that. Not to mention that those violent immigrants also need correct identification papers.
Alleged countries of origin could just say "nope, that guy isn't from here, must be from another country".
It's almost like terrorism follows Muslims around...
Mata-te, meu amigo.
Ta gueule sale bougnoule
I am talking about other incidents too, you twat. And he did shout snackbar according to eyewitnesses.
Also, he used a typical modus operandi of terrorist attacks in the middle east.
When are you leaving?
in respect for the french, I wont troll you back today
poste la vidéo, ou le lien
J'ai la peau la plus blanche du monde, connard
they are ugly