Why are Disney shows unwatchable?

Why are Disney shows unwatchable?

Because they are for kids

I watched the fuck out of Girl Meets World.

nuDisney is literally just forced muh diversity sjw brainwashing for kids. Same with Nigcucklodean.

Aimed for small girls.

like my cumshots

Fuck off Dan 'the man' Schneider is /ourguy/



My friend loves this and Fuller House
He is literally retarded though

someone post that new disney show of the blonde chick dating / fucking the nigger quarterback while her best friend a scrawny friend zoned white boi.

Pretty sure to top it all off the football team is called Bulls or something

what is attractive about feet ?

is it physiological submission
you get off on the fact that all you are worth is her feet, stepped on, trampled and dirty

In many cultures feet are considered dirty and it's an insult to put your feet towards and especially on anyone. Yet we have these faggots masturbating to them. I'll never understand footfags and for that i am grateful. Groveling at someone's feet has been a sign of submission in basically all cultures in the world, so you're probably onto something there.

Who is your favorite QT from Disney's current crop? Mine is this spicy chica.

If you don't have it, you won't understand it.

Why do you find tits attractive, or a girls ass? There is nothing intrinsic about it, you feel attracted to them because your instincts tell you to. These things are not a choice, you are compelled to desire them. You are literally forced to desire them. No one with a fetish chooses to have them, your are born with them and sometimes it's better to say you are afflicted with them.

The best way to try and understand it is maybe try to remember when you were like 9 and you didn't understand all the fuss about women and then a few years later you couldn't stop staring at them. Now imagine when all that kicked in you also became obsessed with say, their elbows, or their ears, it wouldn't seem strange to you, it would seem completely natural, to you. That's the way it is, it feels totally normal to you and only seems strange to people who don't have it.

yes but you can show a little introspection and self knowledge to make some deductions as to why or what you find attractive about your specific inclinations

Do you think someone can think their way out of being a necrophile, or say a pedophile? They can think about why they find these things attractive, but usually there is no environmental cause. Usually it's just random roll of the dice when your sexuality developed, or sometimes even earlier, that just had the wiring not going to all the standard connections.

You can't think your way out of it. Can you think your way out of finding women attractive? You could try, but the second you walked out of your house and saw a hot one it would all be back to square one. A gay man could pretend to like women for example, a lot do, get married, get drunk enough before sex and try to imagine its a guy, raise kids have a family, pretend to be normal but they will never stop finding men attractive and will always want to have sex with them. These things are not choices. They are compulsions. You have them as well just the ones you have (presumably) are accepted as normal because they are the same as what most people have. That's the only difference.

yes but they can experience it or think about it and thoughts occur as to what they they find hot

>I like how this body doesn't move
>I like how cold it is
>I like controlling her/his limp corpse, this triggers my control / sexdoll / puppeteer roleplay fetish

you just don't want to admit the reasons why because its literally a poor mans cuck fetish or an extreme cuck as all the triggers for feet is submission, unworthiness and filth

Okay, it's more complex than that for a number of reasons. Actually this misunderstanding is at the root of most of the trouble.

The easiest way to imagine it is this; can a gay man do what you are describing? Can he think through like 'hmm yes I wan't to suck this guys cock because I saw my uncle James naked when I was 6' or 'I want to be dominated so this triggers my submissive control fetish" etc. But it doesn't work like that, because most gay people didn't have a traumatic experience with their uncle, or are submissive or want to be controlled. They can be, they can also be dominant, or neither, or anything, but all of this is independent of their sexuality. They are not gay because they have separate compulsions driving them in that direction, they are gay and then have separate compulsions and fetishes and everything else on top of being gay. You are putting the cart before the horse is the problem.

Anyways it's pointless to discuss all this on a chinese videotape forum. Just try and appreciate its more complex than you think and these things are more innate than you are describing them as being. And the things you are talking about like submission and unworthiness exist independently of it, the same way someone who has different fetishes, or no fetishes at all can feel those drives, or the opposite, or anything.

God she's fucking hot

They're for stupid kids you stupid pedophile

Yeah for the wrong reasons

Sabrina's ass is too big. It's distracting.

I disagree.

I find them unlistenable.

If I mute them and just watch, they are quite tolerable.

how do you follow the plot tho?

its not wrong if it feels right


>Why are Disney shows unwatchable?
because i feel the urge to jerk it when watching their shows?

>what is attractive about feet ?
nothing, they are just meming

>how do you follow the plot tho?
hahahahaha he watches disney shows for the plot


not enough farts

Sorry friend, this is the Tasmanian bush hat forum.

>muh sjw boogieman

Jesus Christ you people are no different than the 'muh alt-right boogie' crowd, always the same bullshit on both sides

who's the girl on the right? does she have lewds?