Jordan Peele to direct Akira

looking forward to black tetsuo?

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why would he be black, because the director is? That's silly.

Akira is incredibly beautiful from an artistic standpoint but as a film it's really boring. Same with Jin-Roh. I love the films and the part at the end with the sewers in Jin-Roh pretty much makes the entire film worth it, but they are really fucking slow.

suck my dick homo

You didn't say please. Baka.

literally fucking kill me

people often note the exact opposite, how akiras narrative is incredibly condensed and cite that has a problem. I don't think I've ever heard anyone call it boring before mate.

Time to free myself from anime now, before its gets (more) raped like comic shit.

Will all the crazy liberals complain about him casting black actors instead of Asian ones for the roles, or will that cause some kind of paradox in their minds causing a mental breakdown?

You must not have talked to many people if you haven't heard that. Pretty much every normie I've discussed films with has had that complaint, and I can see why. I still enjoy Akira and think it's good but rewatching it seems to just drag on to me.

asians are less privileged than whites (so GitS wasnt okay) but they're more privileged than blacks so its okay for blacks to take roles from them

Look at Death Note. Rage that Light is white, Silence that L is black.

there's your problem right there, even normie film buff praise it

source: filmmaking lecturer in the UK

>libniggers and americuck westerners jewwywood fags will ruin anime kino forever

Just watch things that hollywood will never dare to adapt like moeshit or anime based in europe or european enviroment because it looks like hollywood are fucking retards that when they can easily adapt those kind of anime with white actors they just fucking decide to go for anime made in japanese enviroment with japanese names and make them based in america so they can include niggers and jews.

fuck them. FUCK.

>4 megs for that shit

I was expecting a knife or gunshot sound effect at least

>tfw Kei gets BLACKED

it's okay in a way, because now normies will only give a shit about the live action "popularized" versions, and will ignore the source which is a good thing in the long run, because you can't fuck up forever

>inevitable black gang member in Akira might actually become a real thing

lol I didn't know L is black in it. I'd still be mad about that, however, most people only know of the white-washing because the trailer mostly highlights the white main character and most people probably stopped watching the trailer before they even show black L.

"in talks" != "to direct"

you = a faggot who has aids

>black Tetsuo
Already done




No. I'm already pissed about a black L for the upcoming Death Note movie.

>Asians are less privileged than whites.
u wot?
Asians are 5% of the population and hold far more income than whites. They score higher on their SATs and are far more likely to go to university and become successful financially. The Vietnamese alone own 70% of the nail salons in the state of California and don't even have to work there themselves, though they often do anyway. They're above and beyond more likely to live in a one-percenter area like San Fransisco and fill out doctor and engineer quotas at a much higher rate than anyone but Jewish people.

Asians are astoundingly more privileged. They're more likely to work in an educated field, not Hollywood.

Ayo hol up


Underrated post. At least Peele is somewhat funny and has talent. No idea why they would get HIM to do Akira though.



This,I won't watch,fuck this nigger.

Can't wait for Tetsuo to unleash his powers and kill his girlfriend's racist dad!

>black tetsuo
>black kaneda
>japanese motorcycle punks replaced with black street gang
>akira and the other psychic kids are black orphans experimented on by the US government MKULTRA style
>military colonel is some shaved head potato american racist white cop stereotype

>le experience racism daily man

the Sup Forums equivalent of tumblrinas

>not Kanye

Kanye would have been perfect.
He wasn't given complete control for this video so its much more grounded than it would have been had they given him free reign. Kanye is a turboweeb.


>BLAKIRA !!!!!!



Yes, just ridiculous.

Spirited Away has the advantage of having an actual plot that makes sense. Akira is just the opening act of a very long manga with the end of that manga taped on to the end without any of the actual story.

Tetsuo doesn't even rape girls until their heads explode in the film

uhh why would a comedian, that isnt funny, direct an action flick that doesnt have a single line of comedy in it?

Another reason to spit on mongrel subhuman Americucks faces and their pathetic entertainlent industry

Yeah, stop disliking things!

Stop being racist

Do you think the guy who directed Get Out can do an action film like Akira?

>People can only do one thing and one thing only and anything else is impossible for them

an action film with crazy visuals

Ever hear of a track record?

>in developmental hell for years
>hm... who should we get to direct this?

> Ridley Scott?
> No.

> Chris Nolan?
> No.

> George Miller?
> No.

> Dennis Villeneuve?
> No.

>what about that one black comedian who recently made an indie horror flick?

but the military colonel was ultimately a good guy? you know he's gonna be played by Sam Jackson

They're both married to white women, it makes me so fucking angry, I just hit my wall

stay mad subhuman cumskin

actual cuck

The real question is will they cast asian actors? They make the excuse for Major being a robot in GitS, but Akira is japanese as fuck and difficult to adapt to the west. I doubt the movie would make sense if they decided to change the setting to Chicago or some shit.

patrician taste

Nolan cant direct even a fist fight to save his life and yet he directed 3 Batman flicks

Nah, he'll be Idris Elba

>they do experiments on orphans brains to give them psychic powers
>one ends up having psychic powers that are so ridiculously strong that they're completely uncontrollable and he destroys the city in an instant, which is taken as a nuclear attack and starts world war 3
>now it's a crappy cyberpunk future, but government people are starting the experiments again because they're fucking stupid
None of that is really specific to japan

The midnight club motorcycle gangs, huge pieces of the plot.
Death note was adapted because the only strictly japanese elements were the name "kira", and misa's popoularity as a rising idol ,which weren't as substantial as the motobikuus in Akira.

yeah in the west motorcyclists are associated with being upstanding citizens amirite

Motorcycles are associated with fat autistic whites who think they're badass bikers, while in japan it's associated with uppity young street punks.
Silly little user.

Peele is married to a jew I'm pretty sure

>Forgetting that niggs are the best weebs
This will be the most faithful jap cartoon adaptation


I agree with him. it's fucking boring. most animated films are

Can't wait for a Kanye West cameo

>S-shaniqua? I'd kin feel hair pain Finns go into me, dawg! Aw naw, mang! NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW

I don't think it could be adapted well but Black Akira could actually work.

Black Americans are in a transition state right now where they are reconciling being true to their roots vs adapting to the "white" world. Tetsuo's rage and anger could easily translate to the situation many young black men find themselves in America today.

The idea of a young black man, consumed by jealousy and anger, gaining the power to do something about but ultimately destroying himself in the end through that same power is poetic as hell and very relevant to our time.

That said I feel like Akira is more suited to anime and it would lose something in the translation to live action.

Who will he be cast as?
He'll get more than just a cameo.


He'll cast an Asian for the role. Especially after the Ghost in the Shell controversy.

Watching moeshit is a fate worse than death.

Miyazaki is Anime kino though.

Wrong. Spirited away is pure magic.

The TETSUO KANEDA are too influential for them to remove them, but they could pass it on with non-asian actors by saying that those are their last names and they're half jap.

Is there a reason why niggers are obsessed with Akira in particular?


Only if you hate fun

This is a good choice.

Black people love anime more than Japs.

Neo Tokyo is like a nice Detroit.

s-she didnt get BLACKED did she?

Why do black people love Dragonball Z?

>there will be an American adaptation of Evangelion in your lifetime

akira is trash

>we're now entering the age of hollywood making live-action versions of every anime they can get their hands on

dark times ahead my friends

Black people love Kung Fu (Wu-Tang Clan) and they tend to get into DBZ and Bleach coz of it.

It all started from the 70s and 80s when cheap Asian films like Enter The Dragon and Wu-Tang and Shaolin started playing in cheap theatres across black neighbourhoods, which led to Blaxploitation films like Black Belt Jones.

>tfw there is an almost 0% chance Hollywood will make a live action version of your waifu

Tru dat y'all


>he honestly thinks he can direct an anime to live action film adaptation with complex action scenarios and themes

Get your head out of your ass.

Peele is half white though

>The idea of a young black man, consumed by jealousy and anger, gaining the power to do something about but ultimately destroying himself in the end through that same power is poetic as hell and very relevant to our time.

Sounds like OJ Simpson

If you really believe this, you are incredibly naive.


a black guy wrote dragonball evolution