To all of you actually, unironically, seriously jerking off to her

To all of you actually, unironically, seriously jerking off to her

Wtf is wrong with you?

She looks like she is 12

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That's what I like.

I assume that's the point.

So what is ironic jacking off?

That's it!

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Saying you do but not actually doing it

Hello from Sup Forums. Jerking off is a fantasy, and thought crimes are not a reality (yet).

So basically, if you want some unironical tips, it's best to close your eyes when you do it in a dark, safe, possibly quiet comfortable environment...

you know what, here's a link for you to 'learn' about unironically, seriously jerking off to a girl. Age is only a restriction in reality.

she is 17 in less than 3 months lmfao

'unironically' was obviously separated because it was not related to the "actually seriously jerking off" or how commas work?

Shit, kids don't read anymore I guess.

16 is legal in Canada.

Crazy how she looks like a severely underdeveloped adolescent, but it would be legal for me to stick my cock inside her, lathering her womb in my cum.

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Bro nobody can get hard looking at that tranny.

I'm pretty sure it was separated for emphasis. Why were you, (pause) gleefully, (pause) stabbing him?
Although it could be a list of adverbs.
English is ambiguous.

>Sup Forums

>She looks like she is 12
Just imagine how tight her butthole must be

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Boy you goan get raped

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Good taste mate

Yeah, this guy right here officer.

Looks like she's 11 but legal: Perfect waifu!
I can see why some people would like that.

Ya, it would be like if your open your laptop to a picture of her and when your mom comes into the room you pretend you're jerking it to the 12 year old. Like air jerk it, pants on.

That would be 'ironic' in the loosest sense.

It's more of an iteration on ACTUALLY which means LITERALLY but a lot of people but also it can mean it as in SHOCKINGLY.

Ya, so emphasis because actually is a weird word.

as the truth or facts of a situation; really.
"we must pay attention to what young people are actually doing"
used to emphasize that something someone has said or done is surprising.
"he actually expected me to be pleased about it!"

she is cute. super tight bod too.

But that's not irony.

Right! To me actually does mean literally but then again literally has come to mean figuratively so... We're fucked user.

That's not what your roommate thinks the third time they do it.

One of the definitions of Irony is
>a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result.

>you thought you find son jerking off
>it is trick it's just pretend mama!

Irony would be the an employee of child protective services jerking off to her

As adjectives the difference between literal and actual is that literal is exactly as stated; read or understood without additional interpretation; according to the letter or verbal expression; real; not figurative or metaphorical while actual is existing in act or reality, not just potentially; really acted or acting; occurring in fact.
As nouns the difference between literal and actual is that literal is (programming) a value, as opposed to an identifier, written into the source code of a computer program while actual is an actual, real one; notably:.

What? That's not ironic though. Contrary to what one expects. You don't expect your son to be jerking off to a 12 year old and then it turns out "oh it's just pretend". Irony is difficult to get.

See, that would only be true if it was in a work of art. Irony doesn't actually exist like that in reality.

Another meaning of Irony is:
>a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character's words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character.

The one most people should think Irony ACTUALLY means is:
>the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.

So I don't think it's irony in that sense, but in the meaning of contrary affairs done with intention as a prank. Words can mean more than one thing.

Blame newsprint writers for being so fast and loose with meanings in the 1800s

It's basically a prank. So, about as dumb. Real irony is saying the opposite to someone.

>"“Don't go overboard with the gratitude,” he rejoined with heavy irony"

Hence the phrase "has come to mean". Plus actually and literally are almost identical regardless of how they're used in software definitions.

But that undermines actual irony. Wtf.

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So is she autistic? Autism seems to give them that youthful look

she is less autistic than most of /b, myself included

Most of Sup Forums thinks they're above average intelligence like most of the human race and since they're on Sup Forums they're probably socially isolated or feel that way. It leads to a lot of them thinking they're autistic when in reality they're just introverts trying to be special. Thank me later user.

I am just a retard who made a series of bad decisions in 20s.
I am improving, working on my big goal and see the light in the end of the tunnel but its a long hard road out of hell

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Well, there is your answer...